I hereby give notice that an Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on:



Tuesday, 27 August 2019




Narrabri Shire Council Chambers

46-48 Maitland Street




Ordinary Council Meeting

27 August 2019


Stewart Todd

General Manager



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

PUBLIC FORUM (held outside formal Council Meeting)


The Council may hold a public forum prior to each Ordinary Meeting of the Council for the purpose of hearing oral submissions from members of the public on items of business to be considered at the meeting (listed on the Agenda).


Public forums may also be held prior to Extraordinary Council Meetings and meetings of committees of the Council.


Public forums are to be chaired by the mayor or their nominee.


Request to Speak in the Public Forum


To speak at a public forum, a person must first make an application to the Council in the approved form. Applications to speak at the public forum must be received by 5pm on the working day before the date on which the public forum is to be held and must identify the item of business on the agenda of the Council meeting the person wishes to speak on, and whether they wish to speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ the item.


Approved speakers at the public forum are to register with the Council any written, visual or audio material to be presented in support of their address to the Council, and to identify any equipment needs at 5pm on the working day before the Public Forum.


The General Manager or their delegate may refuse to allow such material to be presented.


A person may apply to speak on no more than 2 items of business on the agenda of the Council Meeting.


Legal representatives acting on behalf of others are not to be permitted to speak at a public forum unless they identify their status as a legal representative when applying to speak at the public forum.


The General Manager or their delegate may refuse an application to speak at a public forum.


No more than three (3) speakers are to be permitted to speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ each item of business on the agenda for the Council Meeting.


If more than the permitted number of speakers apply to speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ any item of business, the general manager or their delegate may, in consultation with the mayor or the mayor’s nominated chairperson, increase the number of speakers permitted to speak on an item of business, where they are satisfied that it is necessary to do so to allow the council to hear a fuller range of views on the relevant item of business.


Each speaker will be allowed three (3) minutes to address the Council. This time is to be strictly enforced by the Chairperson.


The Chairperson of the meeting can grant one extension of up to a maximum of two (2) minutes, should further information, be considered to be important to the Council. This is solely at the discretion of the Chair.


Speakers at public forums must not digress from their nominated item on the agenda. If a speaker digresses to irrelevant matters, the Chairperson is to direct the speaker not to do so. If a speaker fails to observe a direction from the chairperson, the speaker will not be further heard.


A councillor (including the chairperson) may, through the chairperson, ask questions of a speaker following their address at a Public Forum. Questions put to a speaker must be direct, succinct and without argument. Debate will not be permitted by the speaker, Councillors or staff.


Speakers are under no obligation to answer a question. Answers by the speaker, to each question are to be limited to three (3) minutes.


Speakers at public forums cannot ask questions of the Council, Councillors or Council staff.


The general manager or their nominee may, with the concurrence of the chairperson, address the council for up 5 minutes in response to an address to the council at a public forum after the address and any subsequent questions and answers have been finalised.


Where an address made at a public forum raises matters that require further consideration by council staff, the general manager may recommend that the council defer consideration of the matter pending the preparation of a further report on the matters.


The “Request to Speak in Public Forum”, at an Ordinary Council Meeting, can be obtained, from Council’s Administration Office, or by downloading it from Council’s website at:






           No camera allowed


Use of mobile phones and unauthorised recording of meetings


Councillors, council staff and members of the public must ensure that mobile phones are turned to silent during meetings of the council and committees of the council.

(Clause 15.20 Code of Meeting Practice)

A person must not live stream or use an audio recorder, video camera, mobile phone or any other device to make a recording of the proceedings of a meeting of the council or a committee of the council without the prior authorisation of the Council.

(Clause 15.21 Code of Meeting Practice)




Cr Cathy Redding

Deputy Mayor

Cr Robert Kneale

Cr Maxine Booby

Cr Ron Campbell

Cr Ron Campey

Cr Lloyd Finlay

Cr Ann Loder

Cr Annie McMahon

Cr Cameron Staines

General Manager

Mr Stewart Todd


Infrastructure Delivery

Mr Darren Raeck


Corporate Services

Mr Lindsay Mason


Development &

Economic Growth

Mr Daniel Boyce





Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019


1         Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal 9

2         Acknowledgement of Country. 9

3         Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences. 9

4         Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests. 9

5         Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting. 9

6         Confirmation of Minutes. 10

7         Mayoral Minute. 24

7.1           Mayoral Minute - Narrabri Gas Project. 24

7.2           Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for July/August 2019. 25

8         Our Society. 28

8.1           Report of the Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Advisory Committee and the draft Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Plan 2019-2023. 29

8.2           Public Safety Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera Policy. 86

8.3           Delegates Report - Wee Waa Local Health Service Advisory Committee Meeting - 22 July 2019. 90

9         Our Environment. 98

9.1           Leards Forest Precinct Environmental Trust Funding Applications - November 2018. 99

10       Our Economy. 102

10.1         Federation Farm Share Farming Agreement. 103

11       Our Civic Leadership. 120

11.1         Review of Community Grant Policy. 121

11.2         Re-naming of Lagoon Bridge, Wee Waa. 128

11.3         Report of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee. 131

11.4         Annual Service Plan Report - June 2019. 139

11.5         Delivery Program 6 Monthly Progress Report - June 2019. 142

11.6         Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Program.. 144

11.7         Australia Day Citizen Awards. 152

11.8         Investment Report - July 2019. 156

11.9         Delegates Report - Country Mayors Association Meeting - 2 August 2019. 159

11.10      LG Professionals NSW - Col Mills Memorial Award. 166

12       Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting. 168

12.1         Corporate Air - Fees and Charges. 168

12.2         Mayoral Minute - General Manager Annual Performance Review - period ending June 2019. 168

13       Meeting Closed. 168


1            Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal

Members and officers are asked to be upstanding for the opening prayer.

2            Acknowledgement of Country

I’d like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet today, the Kamilaroi people, and pay my respects to Elders past and present.

3            Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences


4            Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests

Councillors are reminded of their obligation to declare their interest in any matters listed before them.

In considering your interest, you are reminded to include pecuniary, non-pecuniary and conflicts of interest as well as any other interest you perceive or may be perceived of you.

Councillors may declare an interest at the commencement of the meeting, or alternatively at any time during the meeting should any issue progress or arise that would warrant a declaration.

Councillors must state their reasons in declaring any type of interest.

5            Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting

Extract from Council’s Code of Meeting Practice:


Grounds on which meetings can be closed to the public

14.1      The council or a committee of the council may close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises the discussion or the receipt of any of the following types of matters:

(a)      personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors),

(b)      the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer,

(c)       information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business,

(d)      commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed:

(i)     prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or

(ii)   confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council, or

(iii)  reveal a trade secret,

(e)      information that would, if disclosed, prejudice the maintenance of law,

(f)       matters affecting the security of the council, councillors, council staff or council property,

(g)      advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege,

(h)      information concerning the nature and location of a place or an item of Aboriginal significance on community land,

(i)       alleged contraventions of the council’s code of conduct.

           Note: Clause 14.1 reflects section 10A(1) and (2) of the Act.

14.2      The council or a committee of the council may also close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises a motion to close another part of the meeting to the public.

                       Note: Clause 14.2 reflects section 10A(3) of the Act.

The following matters will be considered in the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting:

12.1         Corporate Air - Fees and Charges

12.2         Mayoral Minute - General Manager Annual Performance Review - period ending June 2019


6            Confirmation of Minutes


That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 23 July 2019 comprising Minute Nos 140/2019 to 170/2019 as circularised be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Mayor.


MINUTES OF narrabri SHIRE council
Ordinary Council Meeting
Narrabri Shire Council Chambers, 46-48 Maitland Street, Narrabri
Tuesday, 23 July 2019 AT 1.08pm


PRESENT:                    Cr Catherine Redding (Mayor), Cr Robert Kneale (Deputy Mayor), Cr Maxine Booby, Cr Ron Campey, Cr Lloyd Finlay, Cr Ann Loder, Cr Annie McMahon, Cr Cameron Staines

IN ATTENDANCE:      Stewart Todd (General Manager), Daniel Boyce (Director Development and Economic Growth), Lindsay Mason (Director Corporate Services), Darren Raeck (Director Infrastructure Delivery) Delece Hartnett (Administration)


Proceedings of the meeting commenced at 1.08pm, after the conclusion of the Public Forum which commenced at 1.00pm.

1               Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal

Members and officers were upstanding for the opening prayer by Major Kelvin & Brenda Stace of the Salvation Army Narrabri, in association with the Narrabri Ministers Fraternal.


2               Acknowledgement of Country

The Mayor acknowledged the Traditional Owners of the land on which the Council met, the Kamilaroi people, and paid her respects to Elders past and present.


3               Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences

Minute  140/2019  

Moved:       Cr Lloyd Finlay                   Seconded:        Cr Ron Campey

That the apology received from Cr Campbell be accepted and leave of absence granted.


In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0

4               Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests


5               Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting

Minute  141/2019  

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale            Seconded:  Cr Annie McMahon

The following matters will be considered in the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting:

12.1         Narrabri Industrial and Logistics Hub


In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


6               Confirmation of Minutes

Minute  142/2019  

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby              Seconded:        Cr Ann Loder

That the minutes of Ordinary Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 25 June 2019 comprising Minute Nos 111/2019 to 139/2019 as circularised be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Mayor.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


7               Mayoral Minute

7.1           Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for June/July 2019

Minute  143/2019  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding

That Council note the Mayoral Appointments for the period June/July 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


8               Our Society

8.1           Report on the NSWPLA North East Zone Annual General and Ordinary Meetings held in Armidale May 2019.

Minute  144/2019  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding      Seconded:        Cr Ann Loder

That Council notes the report on the NSWPLA North East Zone Annual General and Ordinary meetings held in Armidale in May 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


8.2           Subsidised water meter resizing assoicated with indexing

Minute  145/2019  

Moved:       Cr Ron Campey                  Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

1.  That Council provide a $20,000 budget for 2019/2020 to allow the downsizing of 32, 40 and 50mm meters affected; this amendment to be incorporated in the September 2019 Quarterly Budget Review Statement.

2.  That a review of the supply requirements of each request for downsizing be conducted by the Water Services Manager or Director Infrastructure Delivery in consultation with the Property Owner.

3.  Any subsequent request to increase the meter size at a property will be at the cost of the Property Owner.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


8.3           Grant Activity Report - January to June 2018 and 2018-2019 Financial Year

Minute  146/2019  

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines         Seconded:        Cr Ron Campey

That Council note the grant activity report for 2018/2019 financial year.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


9               Our Environment

9.1           Delegates Report - Namoi Region Air Quality Advisory Committee

Minute  147/2019  

Moved:       Cr Ann Loder                      Seconded:        Cr Lloyd Finlay

That Council note the Delegates Report from Council staff representative - Marcela Lopez, for the Namoi Regional Air Quality Advisory Committee Meeting held in Gunnedah on Tuesday 28 May 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


9.2           Proposed Amendment of Contributions Plan (Previously Section 94 Plan)

Minute  148/2019  

Moved:       Cr Ann Loder                      Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

1.    That Council endorse the amended Narrabri Shire Contributions Plan, as attached, for the purpose of public exhibition.

2.    That Council place on exhibition the amended Narrabri Shire Contributions Plan for a minimum period of 28 days.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0







9.3           Proposed Amendment of Fixed development consent levies Contributions Plan (Previous Section 94A Plan)

Minute  149/2019  

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale               Seconded:        Cr Annie McMahon

1.    That Council endorse the amended Narrabri Shire Fixed Development Consent Levies Contributions Plan, as attached, for the purpose of public exhibition.

2.    That Council place on exhibition the amended Narrabri Shire Fixed Development Consent Levies Contributions Plan for a minimum period of 28 days.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


10            Our Economy

10.1         Wee Waa Levee Annual Inspection 2019

Minute  150/2019  

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby              Seconded:        Cr Robert Kneale

That Council note the Wee Waa Levee Annual Inspection Report 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


10.2         Development Application 85/2019 - Proposed Wholesale tree nursery at 21 Wee Waa Road, Narrabri

Minute  151/2019  

Moved:       Cr Ron Campey                  Seconded:        Cr Lloyd Finlay

That Council determine the Development Application 85/2019 for a plant nursery and associated works on Lot 37 Section 15 DP 978, 21 Wee Waa Road, Narrabri by granting consent to the application subject to conditions in Attachment 2.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


10.3         Community Strategic Plan Amendment

Minute  152/2019  

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines         Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

1.    That Council adopt the following amended strategies as part of the Community Strategic Plan 2017-2021:

Strategic Direction 3: Progressive and Diverse Economy

To achieve our community outcomes, we will work together to achieve the following strategic objectives:

Objective 3.2

        We will become a manufacturing and logistics hub for the northern inland region.


3.2.1     Promote Narrabri Shire as a national and state significant Manufacturing and Logistics Hub.

3.2.2     Develop at least one flood free manufacturing and intermodal logistics site that has access to quality infrastructure and the proposed inland rail network.

3.2.3     Explore opportunities for increasing efficiency of freight movements.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


10.4         Development Application 98/2019 - Proposed Carport at 20 Gibbons Street, Narrabri

Minute  153/2019  

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale               Seconded:        Cr Cameron Staines

That Council determine the Development Application 98/2019 for an attached carport on Lot 1 DP199763, 20 Gibbons Street, Narrabri by granting consent to the application subject to conditions in Attachment 2.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


11            Our Civic Leadership

11.1         Request for Leave of Absence - Councillor Campey

Minute  154/2019  

Moved:       Cr Ron Campey                  Seconded:        Cr Cameron Staines

That Council grant leave of absence for Councillor Campey for the period 20 August 2019 to 30 September 2019 inclusive, the period includes two (2) Ordinary Meetings of Council.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


11.2         Delegates Report - New England Joint Organisation Meeting - June 2019

Minute  155/2019  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding      Seconded:        Cr Robert Kneale

That Council note Mayor Redding’s Delegates Report on the New England Joint Organisation (NEJO) Meeting held on Monday 27 May 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


11.3         Delegates Report - Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee - 14 May 2019

Minute  156/2019  

Moved:       Cr Ann Loder                      Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

That Council note Cr Campbell’s Delegates Report from the Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 14 May 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


11.4         Delegates Report - Narromine to Narrabri (N2N) Inland Rail Community Consultative Committee - 22 May 2019

Minute  157/2019  

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines         Seconded:        Cr Ron Campey

That Council note Cr Campbell’s Delegate Report from the Narromine to Narrabri (N2N) Inland Rail Community Consultative Committee held on 22 May 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


11.5         Investment Report - June 2019

Minute  158/2019  

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby              Seconded:        Cr Ann Loder

That Council note the Investment Report for June 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


11.6         Acceptance of Tenders under Delegation – June 2019

Minute  159/2019  

Moved:       Cr Annie McMahon          Seconded:        Cr Robert Kneale

That Council note the determination of tenders under delegation for the period to June 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0




11.7         Changes to requirement for Tendering under Section 55 Local Government Act 1993

Minute  160/2019  

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby              Seconded:        Cr Robert Kneale

That Council approve the necessary changes to its Procurement Policy and Framework in ensure alignment with the amendment to Section 55 of the Local Government Act 1993.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


11.8         Gibbons Street, Narrabri - Parking Issues

Minute  161/2019  

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale               Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

1.    That Council note the results of the investigation into parking issues along Gibbons Street and; recommend the request for line marking and sign posting be refused, and take no further action.

2.    That Council note the unanimous recommendation from the Local Traffic Facilities Committee: “That the Local Traffic Facilities Committee note the results of the investigation into parking issues along Gibbons Street, and recommend to Council that the request for line marking and sign posting be refused, and take no further action.”

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


11.9         Council's Surplus Land Disposal Program

Minute  162/2019  

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby              Seconded:        Cr Lloyd Finlay

1.    That Council approve the disposal of:

a.    52-64 Belar Street, Bellata by public tender in the first instance, and then by public auction should the sale by tender be unsuccessful.

b.   35-37 Dalton Street, Boggabri by public auction.

c.    103 Caloola Road, Boggabri by public auction.

d.   39 Williams Drive, Narrabri West by public auction

e.    11-13 Dangar Street, Pilliga by public auction

f.    31-33 Vivian Street, Pilliga by public auction.

g.    77 Vera Leap Road, Wee Waa by public auction.

2.    That the General Manager, following receipt of input/advice from a qualified property valuer, be authorised to approve the selling prices and/or set the reserve prices for the selling of the properties listed in Item 1 above.

3.    That the Council’s Common Seal be affixed to all relevant documents to effect the sale of the properties listed in Item 1 above.

4.    That Council properties at 108 and 110 Chelmsford Street, Boggabri be included in the next review of Council’s Local Environmental Plan for rezoning to enable appropriate land uses prior to being included in Council’s Property Disposal Program. These properties will not be sold as part of this round of property disposal.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


11.10      2019/2020 Community Grants Fund

Minute  163/2019  

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby              Seconded:        Cr Robert Kneale

1.    That Council allocate the following funding from the 2019/2020 Community Grants Fund:

a.    $1,500.00 to Narrabri Public School P&C for the Narrabri Public School Fete.

b.   $1,500.00 to Narrabri Polocrosse for the 2020 Australia versus New Zealand Junior Challenge.

c.    $1,500.00 to Cotton Capital Music Muster for the 2019 Cotton Capital Music Muster event.

d.   $1,695.00 to Maules Creek Recreation Reserve Trust for War Memorial signage.

e.    $1,500.00 to Boggabri Public School P&C for their Trivia Night.

f.    $3,600.00 to Narrabri Clay Target Club for Accessibility and Safety upgrade works.

g.    $2,949.00 Tracks Youth Group in partnership with Wee Waa Sports Incorporated for fire safety bars on exit doors at the Wee Waa Sporting Complex.

h.   $5,000.00 to Narrabri High School Canteen committee for canteen refurbishments.

i.     $2,100.00 to Wee Waa High School P&C for drink container recycling bins.

j.     $3,000.00 to Namoi Aero Club for new clubhouse flooring.

k.    $5,000.00 to Wee Waa Community Band Inc. for instruments, chairs and sound system equipment, subject to confirmation of other grant funding in the amount of $15,478.00.

l.     $5,000.00 to Kogil Street Pre-School for an outdoor bathroom for children, subject to confirmation of other grant funding in the amount of $24,874.70.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


11.11      Gas Community Benefits Fund - Position Paper

Minute  164/2019  

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines         Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

1.    That Council adopt the Position Paper – Gas Community Benefits Fund, as attached.

2.    That the Position Paper include additional relevant references from ‘NSW Gas Plan’ 2014.

3.   That Council believes that with the presence of mining and extractive industries, the Narrabri Shire Community should accumulate benefits over and above other Communities that do not have a mining and extractive industry presence.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


11.12      Vickery Coal Mine - Voluntary Planning Agreement

Minute  165/2019  

Moved:       Cr Ann Loder                      Seconded:        Cr Robert Kneale

1.    That Council engage with the Boggabri Community in order to gain their input into the drafting of a Voluntary Planning Agreement for the Vickery Coal Mine, Vickery Extension Project that Council considers to be in the public interest.

2.    That Council consider road maintenance costs associated with the Vickery Coal Mine, Vickery Extension Project as separate to any Voluntary Planning Agreement and requiring a Road Maintenance Agreement between Council and Whitehaven Coal.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


12            Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting

Minute  166/2019  

Moved:       Cr Ann Loder                      Seconded:        Cr Robert Kneale

That at 2.48pm Council move into Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting of Council and that the press and members of the public be asked to leave the room whilst Council considers the following items:

12.1         Narrabri Industrial and Logistics Hub

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (d)(ii) and (d)(iii) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council and information that would, if disclosed, reveal a trade secret.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


Minute  167/2019  

Moved:       Cr Ann Loder                      Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

That Council move into Committee of the Whole at 2.49pm.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


At 2:53 pm, Cr Cameron Staines left the meeting.

At 2:58 pm, Cr Cameron Staines returned to the meeting.

Minute  168/2019  

Moved:       Cr Lloyd Finlay                   Seconded:        Cr Ann Loder

That Council move out of Committee of the Whole at 3.11pm

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0

12.1         Narrabri Industrial and Logistics Hub

Minute  169/2019  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding      Seconded:        Cr Cameron Staines

COUNICL HAS TEMPORARILY WITHHELD THIS RESOLUTION under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, for the following reasons:

                       (d)      (ii) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a                                     competitor of the council

                       (d)      (iii) information that would, if disclosed, reveal a trade secret


In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


Minute  170/2019  

Moved:       Cr Lloyd Finlay                   Seconded:        Cr Ann Loder

That at 3.15pm Council move out of Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting.



13            Meeting Closed

The Meeting closed at 3.16pm.


The minutes of this meeting are scheduled to be confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 27 August 2019.





Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

7            Mayoral Minute

7.1           Mayoral Minute - Narrabri Gas Project

Responsible Officer:     Catherine Redding, Mayor

Author:                              Catherine Redding, Mayor

Attachments:                  Nil



1.    That the General Manager provide an update report to Council on the Narrabri Gas Project, Council’s Submission(s) to the Narrabri Gas Project and the Proponent’s Response to Submissions.


mayoral minute

As Mayor, I believe it is important for Council to receive regular updates on the status of the Narrabri Gas Project (“NGP”) as it progresses through the NSW Planning System.

Council has made a number of submissions on the NGP, which have been very well received by the Narrabri Shire community, namely a:

·    Submission in response to the NGP Environmental Impact Statement in May 2017;

·    Response to the Santos response to submissions (“RTS”) in May 2018;

·    Response to the Santos supplementary RTS in May 2019.

At this point in time it is appropriate that Council receive an update report.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

7.2           Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for July/August 2019

Responsible Officer:     Catherine Redding, Mayor

Author:                              Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:                  Nil



That Council note the Mayoral Appointments for the period July/August 2019.



For the information of Councillors, I provide details of my Mayoral appointments and attendances between the dates (onwards from last Council Meeting) as follows:

Friday 12 July 2019

·    Attended the Baan Baa Park & Playground opening with Councillors and staff also in attendance.

Thursday 18 July 2019

·    Hosted a meeting with two representatives – Garth Taylor and Phillip Smith, from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development, regarding the Inland Rail Project and the Logistics & Industrial Hub, and Council’s progress through both projects.

Tuesday 23 July 2019

·    Attended July 2019 Council Meeting with Councillors and senior staff.

Wednesday 24 July 2019

·    Hosted LGNSW Regional NSW Small Business Summit at The Crossing Theatre, with LGNSW President – Cr Linda Scott in attendance, as well at the Minister for Finance & Small Business – the Hon Damien Tudehope, and the NSW Small Business Commissioner – Mrs Robyn Hobbs OAM, also in attendance for the duration of the Summit. Also assisted them during their visit to Wee Waa businesses and Auscott as well as Federation Farm during the afternoon.

·    Hosted early evening community ‘Meet and Greet’ for Small Business owners in the Shire, at The Crossing Theatre, with Councillors and senior staff in attendance (and the LGNSW President, Minister for Finance and NSW Small Business Commissioner also in attendance).

Thursday 25 July 2019

·    Attended ROSCCO Meeting as host town Mayor, with Council delegate (Director Infrastructure Delivery), as a subcommittee to Namoi-Peel Customer Advisory Group.

·    Attended discussions with Santos representatives regarding the Community Benefits Fund establishment.

·    Attended Narrabri TAFE for the graduation ceremony for the Diploma of Aboriginal Studies (Professional & Community Practice).

Monday 29 July 2019

·    Attended ‘day 1’ of Local Government Week planned activities – on-site at Narrabri Library.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

·    Attended ‘day 2’ of Local Government Week planned activities – on-site at Boggabri Library.

Wednesday 31 July 2019

·    Attended ‘day 3’ of Local Government Week planned activities – on-site at Wee Waa Library.

Friday 2 August 2019

·    Meeting with Santos representatives and Perdaman representatives to discuss investment opportunity within the Narrabri Shire, including a site tour of the proposed Logistics & Industrial Hub.

Monday 5 August 2019

·    Meeting with New England Joint Organisation Executive Officer as an overview for strategic planning for the JO, and how Council can assist with these ideas.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

·    Attended August Councillor Briefing/Workshop day with Councillors and senior staff.

Wednesday 7 August 2019

·    Attended the General Manager’s Performance Review panel meeting.

Thursday 8 August 2019

·    Attended breakfast with the Black Dog Institute ‘Bike Riders’ that were being hosted at the Narrabri Motel & Caravan Park overnight in Narrabri.

·    Attended day session of the Inland Rail Economic Benefits Consultation Session hosted by the ARTC at The Crossing Theatre, and also evening meet and greet session in the Riverside Room.

Friday 9 August 2019

·    Breakfast meeting with Northern NSW Executive & CEO Regional NSW of Arts North West to discuss promotions and funding opportunities within the Narrabri Shire, with Tourism Manager, Venue Manager and Community Relations Manager also in attendance.

·    Attended meeting with Mr Garry White – NSW Chief Planner with Department of Planning & Environment, with Councillors and senior staff to discuss the current projects in the Narrabri Shire.

Monday 12 August 2019

·    Attended meeting with Council staff to discuss projects going forward with Arts North West, and commit them to communicate with Community Groups in the coming twelve months.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

·    Invited to and attended the NSW Volunteer of the year Awards Ceremony (New England/Northern Inland) at the Tamworth Golf Club, presented awards to recipients with the Tamworth and Gunnedah Mayors.

Thursday 15 August 2019

·    Attended meeting with Inland Rail Executives, Councillors and senior staff to ‘touch base’ on the project to date, and progress of the project with the Narrabri Shire, and continued with dinner with the executives in the early evening.

Sunday 18 August 2019

·    Attended the Victory in the Pacific/Veterans Day Ceremony at the Narrabri RSL Club.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

·    Attended meeting with ‘Infrastructure Collaborative’ as consultants to John Holland Rail for a bid they are currently drafting with senior staff also in attendance.

·    Travel to Toowoomba to attend the Inland Rail Conference being held in Toowoomba 21/22 August 2019.

Wednesday 21 – Thursday 22 August 2019

·       Attended the Inland Rail Conference being held in Toowoomba, where the General Manager participated in a panel session “An Economic Enabler: What Inland Rail means for Communities”, with the Councillors and senior Council staff also in attendance.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

8            Our Society



By 2027, we will provide a safe, supportive community where everyone feels welcomes, valued and connected.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several social priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Community development

§  Community health and safety

§  Community arts, events and entertainment

§  Community care services and transport

§  Parks, open spaces and sporting facilities

§  Children, youth and aged care services

§  Disability access services

§  Library services


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following social strategic outcomes:

§  Increased community arts, events and entertainment

§  Reduction in anti-social behaviour and public offences

§  Improved community accessibility and inclusiveness

§  Improved sport and recreational services and facilities

§  Improved educational services and learning pathways

§  Improved community health and support services



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

8.1           Report of the Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Advisory Committee and the draft Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Plan 2019-2023

Responsible Officer:     Penny Jobling, Tourism Manager

Author:                              Roz Solomon, Community Development Officer

Attachments:                  1.        Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Advisory Committee minutes 25 June 2019

2.        Community Safety and Crime Prevention Strategy & Action Plan 2019-2023  


Delivery Program Alignment


1. Society


1.1 Community health, safety and support services will adequately meet changing community needs


1.1.2 Maximise community safety through the implementation of crime prevention and risk management actions



Executive Summary

A meeting of the Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Advisory Committee (the Committee) was held on Tuesday, 25 June 2019.  In this meeting, the Committee endorsed the Narrabri Shire Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2019 – 2023 for public exhibition.

The minutes of the Committee meeting and the draft Narrabri Shire Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2019- 2023 are attachments to this report.



1.    That Council adopt the minutes of the Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Advisory Committee meeting held on Tuesday, 25 June 2019.

2.    That Council endorse the change of name from the Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Plan 2019 – 2023 to the Narrabri Shire Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2019 -2023.

3.    That Council endorse the draft Narrabri Shire Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2019 – 2023 for public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days.

4.    That Council place on exhibition the draft document for a period of at least 28 days, during the exhibition period call for and accept submissions from the public on the draft document.



Action in the Narrabri Shire Council 2018/2019 Operational Plan is “Develop a new Crime Prevention Strategy for the Narrabri Shire”.  The draft Narrabri Shire Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2019 – 2023 was created in consultation with representatives from the Oxley Police District, the Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Advisory Committee, various service providers and agencies, and the Narrabri Shire community.

Current Situation

The draft Narrabri Shire Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2019 – 2023 sets out a clear path for the methods that Council, in partnership with NSW Police, Federal and State Governments, local service providers, and community organisations will use to address concerns about crime within Narrabri Shire Local Government Area.

Financial Implications

This draft plan outlines projects and programs to be completed within the 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, and 2022/23 financial years.

Once the draft Narrabri Shire Community Safety and Crime Prevention Plan 2019 – 2023 has been adopted by Council and subsequently approved as a Safer Community Compact under Part 4 of the Children (Protection and Parent Responsibility) Act 1997, projects and programs identified within the plan will be eligible for funding through the NSW Crime Prevention Grants program.

Statutory and Policy Implications



External Consultation

External consultation is recommended to commence with the draft document being placed on public exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days.  Council will call for and accept submissions from the public on the draft document for further consideration at a future Ordinary Council Meeting. Other external organisations consulted on the draft document include:

·    Narrabri Shire Crime Prevention Advisory Committee.

·    NSW Police (Oxley Police District).

·    Narrabri Shire Interagency Group.

·    Narrabri & District Community Aid Service Inc.

Internal Consultation

·    Economic Development Manager.

·    Community Relations Manager.

·    Community Facilities Manager.

·    Information Services Manager.

·    Design Services Manager.

·    Library Manager.



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

8.2           Public Safety Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera Policy

Responsible Officer:     Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Author:                              Sudintha Perera, Information Services Manager

Attachments:                  1.        Draft Public Safety Closed-Circuit Television Camera Policy  


Delivery Program Alignment


1. Society


1.1 Community health, safety and support services will adequately meet changing community needs


1.1.2 Maximise community safety through the implementation of crime prevention and risk management actions



Executive Summary

Policy required to established and implement Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance in public areas.



1.    That Council endorse the draft Public Safety Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera Policy for public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days, during the exhibition period call for and accept submissions from the public on the draft Policy.



To provide Narrabri Shire community with effective and safe CCTV public security cameras, to assist in the elimination and prevention the crime, anti-social behaviour and vandalism occurring in the community. The Policy is prepared in conjunction with the relevant legislation and guidelines.

This Policy relates to CCTV cameras on public roads, parks, ovals, Council owned buildings, reserves or any public place a passer-by can see CCTV cameras, excluding land or private property not owned by council.

Current Situation

After consulting the Crime Prevention Committee and NSW Police, Council has implemented the framework to install CCTV cameras in Narrabri CBD according to their recommendations.

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

Street Safety Cameras will be managed in accordance with relevant external legislation, guidelines and other Council policies. This includes:

·    NSW Government Policy Statement and Guidelines for the Establishment and Implementation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in Public Places.

·    Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW).

·    Workplace and Surveillance Act 2005 (NSW).

·    Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).


External Consultation

·    Crime Prevention Committee

·    NSW Police

Internal Consultation

·    Community Relations Manager.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

8.3           Delegates Report - Wee Waa Local Health Service Advisory Committee Meeting - 22 July 2019

Responsible Officer:     Maxine Booby, Councillor

Author:                              Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:                  1.        Wee Waa Local Area Health Service Meeting Minutes - 22 July 2019  


Delivery Program Alignment


1. Society


1.1 Community health, safety and support services will adequately meet changing community needs


1.1.1 Support and encourage health and wellbeing programs and services to improve resident lifestyles





That Council note the Delegates Report from Cr Booby from the Wee Waa Local Area Health Service Advisory Committee Meeting held on Monday 22 July 2019.


Delegates REPORT

The Wee Waa Local Area Health Service Advisory Committee Meeting was held on Monday 22 July 2019.

The Minutes from the meeting are attached.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

9            Our Environment



By 2027, we will maintain a healthy balance between our natural and built environments.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several environmental priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Waste management and recycling

§  Environmental planning

§  Planning and development

§  Parks and open spaces

§  Noxious weeds control

§  Floodplain management

§  Water and sewer management

§  Stormwater management


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following environmental strategic outcomes:

§  Improved air, water and soil quality

§  Reduction in domestic and industry waste

§  Management of potential impacts from extractive industries

§  Improved emergency service provision and resources

§  Maintenance of heritage sites for future generation



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

9.1           Leards Forest Precinct Environmental Trust Funding Applications - November 2018

Responsible Officer:     Penny Jobling, Tourism Manager

Author:                              Jane Linehan, Community Development Officer

Attachments:                  1.        May 2019 Leards Forest Precinct Environmental Trust Inc  


Delivery Program Alignment


2. Environment


2.4 The impacts of extractive industries on the environment will be minimised


2.4.4 Potential environmental and community impacts are minimised through thorough assessment and independent monitoring



Executive Summary

The Leards Forest Precinct Environmental Trust Inc. met on 16 May 2019 to discuss applications to the Environmental Grant Program. The Trust has recommended the allocation of $26,720.63 to two different organisations.  $22,500.63 has been allocated to Fairfax Public School to assist with the installation of an irrigation system and $4,220 allocated to Boggabri and Districts Historical Society / Men’s Shed to assist with the application of a painted solar roof insulation (Keeping it Cool).



That Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993, grant financial assistance from the Environmental Grant Program to Fairfax Public School for the amount of $22,500.63 and to Boggabri and Districts Historical Society / Men’s Shed the amount of  $4,220.



The Environmental Grant Program is funded from contributions made by Boggabri Coal, Maules Creek Coal, and Tarrawonga Coal Mines under Voluntary Planning Agreements.

The Leards Forest Precinct Trust Inc. administers the Environmental Grant Program. The Trust consists of representatives from the abovementioned mines, community members, and Gunnedah and Narrabri Shire Council’s.

The aim of the Environmental Grant Program is to facilitate projects that enhance the environment, protect the environment, or provide a sustainable environmental solution. The projects are to be based within a 25-kilometre radius of the Leards Forest Precinct.

Due to some previous rounds of funding receiving no applications, the Environmental Grant Program is now to remain open to applications all year round. The Leards Forest Precinct Environmental Trust Inc. meets in May and November of each year to review applications and provide funding recommendations to Council.



Current Situation

The Leards Forest Precinct Environmental Trust Inc. met on 16 May 2019 to discuss applications to the Environmental Grant Program. Applications were received from the following organisations:

·    Fairfax Public School.

·    Boggabri and District Historical Society / Boggabri Men’s Shed.

The Leards Forest Precinct Environmental Trust Inc. has recommended the allocation of $22,500.63 to Fairfax Public School to assist with the installation of an irrigation system and the amount of $4,220 to Boggabri and District Historical Society / Men’s Shed to assist with the application of a painted solar roof insulation (Keeping it Cool).

Financial Implications

A number of mining Voluntary Planning Agreements made with Council provide the funding for the Environmental Grant Program.

The allocation of $26,720.63 to cover the payments to Fairfax Public School and the Boggabri and District Historical Society / Men’s Shed will be deducted from the balance of the restricted asset held by Council for this purpose.

Statutory and Policy Implications

·    Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993.

·    Funds to be held in trust for Environmental Projects to be administered by Council with expenditure recommended by the Community Consultative Committee in consultation with similar funds set up by mines within the Leard Forest Mining Industry Cluster.


External Consultation

·    Leards Forest Precinct Environmental Trust Inc.

Internal Consultation

·    Director Corporate Services.

·    Economic Development Manager.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

10          Our Economy



By 2027, we will have developed a strong, diverse economy that attracts, retains and inspires business, industry and tourism growth.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several economic priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Economic development

§  Planning and development

§  Entertainment and conferences

§  Local and regional tourism and events

§  Saleyards

§  Airport


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following economic strategic outcomes:

§  Increased community events, conferences and entertainment

§  Increased employment through industry innovation, investment and value adding

§  Established freight hub for the Norther Inland Region

§  Increased housing availability and affordability

§  Broadened economic base



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

10.1         Federation Farm Share Farming Agreement

Responsible Officer:     Darren Raeck, Director Infrastructure Delivery

Author:                              Bilal Akhtar, Water Services Manager

Attachments:                  1.        Draft Federation Farm Share Farming Agreement  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.2 Decision making will ensure Council remains financially sustainable


4.2.1 Maintain and improve Council's financial sustainability with a focus on core business



Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to endorse the formal renewal of the Federation Farm Share Farming Agreement.



1.    That Council authorise the Mayor and General Manager to sign, under the common seal of Council, all necessary documentation pertaining to the Federation Farm Share Farming Agreement for the period from 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2024.



Council has been a signatory to a Share Farming Agreement with the Narrabri Community Education Fund Ltd for the property commonly known as Federation Farm. The Agreement is due to expire on 31 December 2019.

The Agreement can generally be described as a standard share farming agreement whereby Council, as owners of the land, allow Narrabri Community Education Trust to farm the land and receives 18% of the gross crop proceeds in return. The Narrabri Community Education Trust is made up of representatives from schools within Narrabri and proceeds from this venture are distributed to those schools.

The Agreement allows the Federation Farm to receive treated wastewater from the Narrabri Sewage Treatment Plant. The recycling of treated wastewater is not only a positive outcome from an environmental sustainability perspective, but it also reduces demand for our fresh water resources. The farm has been highly acclaimed, receiving a Commendation Award in the National Awards for Innovation in Local Government, and contributed towards the Council winning the Waste Minimisation Award from the NSW Tidy Towns Committee in the past.





Current Situation

To continue the ongoing successful arrangements between Narrabri Shire Council and the Narrabri Community Education Fund Ltd a revised agreement has been prepared to allow extension of the existing agreement. The term of the agreement will be for a period of five (5) years commencing from 1 January 2020.

Financial Implications

Council to receive a proportion of the gross proceeds of all crops as stipulated within the agreement.

Statutory and Policy Implications

The agreement is subject to Environment Protection Licence (EPL 200) issued by the NSW Environment Protection Authority.


External Consultation

Consultations have been undertaken with the Narrabri Community Education Fund who have expressed an interest in renewal of the agreement.

Internal Consultation


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019



BETWEEN the COUNCIL of the one part AND the SHAREFARMER of the other part.


A.  The Council is the occupier of those parcels of land so described in the Schedule hereto.

B.  The Council has made arrangements for the carriage by pipeline of treated effluent from the town of Narrabri to the land described in the schedule and has levelled, prepared and otherwise developed the said land including the construction of reservoirs for the holding of such effluent so as to enable the irrigation of crops on the said land there with.

C.  The Council has agreed to give possession of the land to the Sharefarmer for the purpose of share farming the land and the Sharefarmer has agreed to so share farm the land, to further prepare the land and plant crops of the type so described in the schedule here to on the land which has been inspected and identified by the parties hereto for the term so described in schedule hereto and to so water, manage and harvest the said crops as planted by the Sharefarmer upon the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing.




1.   In this Agreement unless the context shall otherwise require; “the Council” means Narrabri Shire Council as described in the schedule hereto; “the Sharefarmer” means the persons so described in the schedule hereto; “the land” means the land so described in the schedule hereto;  “the crop” means the type of crop so described in the schedule hereto; “the term”: means the term or period of this agreement so described in the schedule hereto; “the proportions” means the proportions so described in the schedule hereto.


The masculine gender includes the feminine and vice versa.

The singular includes the plural and vice versa.

Reference to an individual includes reference to a corporation.

Any covenant, undertaking or agreement by two or more persons shall be deemed to have been given or entered into by them jointly and by each of them severally so as to bind them jointly and each of them severally and they and each of their legal personal representatives, successors and assigns.  Reference to the document titled “Narrabri Shire Council Farm Operations Manual” (the Farm Operations Manual or FOM hereafter) shall be considered as reference to this document and/or its supporting documents, the Operational Environmental Management Plan (OEMP) (together with the changes of the monitoring requirements reflecting the comments of Hassall and Associates Pty Limited and the Department of Environment and Conservation with reference to the documents titled “Review of Environmental Operation of Federation Farm”), Landscape and Revegetation Plan (LRP), or the Bio solids Management Plan (BMP).  The FOM, OEMP, LRP and BMP shall be considered as “living” documents and their content may change over the term of this Agreement.


Possession and Warranties

2. The parties hereto hereby agree for possession of the land to be given to the

Sharefarmer for the purpose of the Sharefarmer farming the land pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Agreement and no other.  The Council in the performance of this Agreement warrants as follows:-



2.1  that it is the sole owner and occupier of the land;

2.2       the Agreement is subject to the Environmental Protection Licence (EPL 200 issued by the NSW Environment Protection Authority).

2.3       that the land is not subject to any existing lease, sharefarming agreement, licence or right of occupancy in favour of any other person either existing as at the date hereof or to come into operation at any time during the terms of this Agreement;

2.4       that it is not precluded or prohibited by any mortgage, charge or any other encumbrance, person or corporation having an interest in the land by any statutory enactment from entering into this Agreement.

Sharefarmer’s Obligations and Responsibilities

3.       Under the terms of this Agreement the Sharefarmer shall be responsible for the


3.1       the farming of the land and all operations incidental thereto including the supply and where applicable, the application of all seed, fertilizer, chemicals, machinery, fuel, equipment, agronomy services, labour and expertise required to prepare the land, plant, water, manage and harvest gin and market the crop;

3.2       the carrying out of all operations in accordance with the requirements of and purpose expressed in the document entitled the Farm Operation Manual annexed hereto.  The provisions thereof shall be construed as integral to this Agreement and form an essential part thereof.  In addition thereto the Sharefarmer shall:-

            3.2.1      maintain the property free of feral animals;

            3.2.2      maintain all roads, channels, de-silting of channels and drains;


            3.2.3      keep all channels and drains free of weeds;

3.2.4      keep all other areas free of weeds and burrs;

            3.2.5      maintain and service all, pumps, motors, irrigation and structures, shed, and amenities block (but shall not be required to bear the cost of major        repairs or replacement to infrastructure including pumps, motors,

                Irrigation and structures, shed, and amenities block);

3.2.6      maintain all fences in stock proof condition equivalent of least to their

condition at the commencement of the Agreement.

3.3       in the event that the parties agree that “in field” maintenance works are required then the Council shall contribute 18% of the cost of those “in field” works and in the event that the parties agree that land form works are required to be carried out and the Council shall bear 100% of the costs.  The cost to be met by the Council shall be taken out of its share of the gross proceeds referred to in Clause 5.1.

3.4       strict compliance with all requirements of the Farm Operation Manual, Council and the Environment Protection Authority as to storage water quality;

3.5       To comply with any reasonable directions of the Council and any other statutory body in the management of stormwater;

3.6       To ensure that all chemicals are applied in all respects strictly to label directions and instructions are at all relevant times given to applicators and contractors in the application of chemicals to the land to prevent drift of


chemicals onto adjoining lands and that proper steps are taken as to the disposal of all chemical drums and containers;

3.7       to effect all insurances necessary in respect of workmen employed by the Sharefarmer, to effect any public risk insurance that may be required and to pay all premiums in respect thereto and at the request of the Council to produce copies of such policies of insurance and certificates of currency thereto;

3.8       to ensure that at all times the Sharefarmer, his workmen, agents, servants and contractors in carrying out the Sharefarmer’s obligations under this Agreement take all necessary precautions to prevent loss, injury or damage to any other person or persons or their property, especially in the application of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides and other chemicals utilised by the Sharefarmer;

3.9       the marketing, insurance (minimum cost coverage for the entire crop, including insurance of the cotton crop against hail damage) and cartage of the whole of the crop and the costs of ginning of the Sharefarmer’s share of any cotton crop.  Nothing shall prevent the Council from providing additional insurance in respect of its share of the crop if it considers that the Sharefarmer has taken out insufficient insurance over the whole of the crop, the cost of which additional insurance shall be borne by the Council.

Council’s Obligations and Responsibilities

4.         Under the terms of this Agreement the Council shall be responsible for the following:-

4.1       the initial development of the land for irrigation farming by the Sharefarmer in accordance with the guidelines set out in clause 3.0 of the Farm Operation Manual;


4.2       to thereafter supply to the land such treated effluent without warranty as to quality  or quantity as may from time to time be available from the town of Narrabri and to deliver same by pipeline free of charge to the Sharefarmer to the reservoir on the land;

4.3       to give to the Sharefarmer full, free and unfettered access to the land and to allow the Sharefarmer to occupy the land pursuant to this Agreement free of hindrance or interruption for the purpose of carrying out the activity required of the Sharefarmer pursuant to this Agreement;

4.4       the cost of the pipeline and any associated easements required to supply water to the land;

4.5       the cost of major repairs to/or the replacement of irrigations pumps and motors provided that such cost or replacement was not occasioned by the negligent use or misuse of such equipment by the Sharefarmer;

4.6       the cost of any Environmental Impact Statement or similar survey such as may be required by the department or any other relevant authority in relation to the development of the land or the carrying out of irrigation farming thereon:

4.7       the cost of ginning of the Council’s share of any crop;

4.8       to forthwith appoint on behalf of the Council and to nominate as its Attorney for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Agreement a person who shall be responsible on behalf of the Council for the day to day management of the provisions of the Agreement and to be responsible for all dealings generally between the Sharefarmer and the Council.  This person shall be Council’s General Manager or his nominated delegate.


Proceeds of Crops

5.1       The gross proceeds of all crops grown by the Sharefarmer under this Agreement shall be shared between the Council and the Sharefarmer in the proportions referred to in the schedule.  In the case of a cotton crop such gross proceeds shall be calculated after deducting only the ginning costs also to be shared by the parties in the said proportions.  The net proceeds of any cotton seed or trash to which the parties hereto in the said proportions.

5.2       The Sharefarmer shall provide annually to the owner a copy of its annual financial audit along with the annual dividend payment together with a Statement setting out the calculation of the Council’s share of the gross proceeds of the crop.

                   Referred to in Clause 5.1.

5.3       In the event of any dispute between the parties the Sharefarmer shall not be entitled in any circumstances to demand or make any deduction from the Council’s share or proceeds to which the Council is entitled under this Agreement.  Any proceedings instituted against the Council by the Sharefarmer whether by way of arbitration under this Agreement or otherwise shall not affect the entitlement of the Council to payment of the Council’s share of the proceeds under this Agreement.  Any remedies to which the Sharefarmer may thereafter be entitled shall be limited to such other remedies as are available to the Sharefarmer under the general law.





6.         The Sharefarmer shall not be entitled to erect any residence or other permanent and substantial structure on the land without first obtaining permission in writing from the Council.

Manner of Farming

7.         All work done by the Sharefarmer shall be performed by the Sharefarmer in a proper manner and according to the approved methods employed in the industry in the Namoi Valley.  The Sharefarmer shall, however, have total control over the field preparation, application or fertiliser and chemicals, the planting, watering, management and harvesting of the crop and the Council hereby agrees to accept the expertise of the Sharefarmer in respect of such matters only shall be accepted by the

Council as final.  The provisions of this Agreement otherwise applying as to arbitration shall not apply to any such matters only.


Sharefarmer not to Assign

8.         The Sharefarmer shall not without the consent in writing of the Council, such consent shall not be reasonably withheld, assign or sublet this Agreement or its interest herein or in the crop or delegate to any other person the execution of any of the work provided to be carried out by this Agreement.  This clause shall not be construed so as to relieve the Sharefarmer from making proper provision for the expeditious and




efficient carrying out of the work required to be performed under this Agreement nor shall it prevent the Sharefarmer from employing or engaging such persons or contractors as are normally engaged in connection with the growing or a particular type of crop under this Agreement.


Harvest or Picking of Crops

9.         As soon as the crop is ready for harvesting or picking the Sharefarmer shall commence as soon as possible thereafter and continue without interruption except while reasonably prevented by inclement weather to harvest or pick the same.  The Sharefarmer shall decide when the crop is ready for harvesting or picking.


Notice to Council

10.1     Prior to the planting of each crop the Sharefarmer will notify the owner of the type of crop to be planted, the hectares to be planted and the anticipated payment that Council is to receive referred to in clause 5.1.

10.2     Before picking or harvesting any crop the Sharefarmer shall notify the Council of its intention to do so in order to give the Council the opportunity of protecting and dealing with its interest in respect thereof.

10.3     The Sharefarmer acknowledges that if the Council takes out additional insurance covering its interest of 18%, this cover will be based on the information provided to Council by the Sharefarmer under clauses 10.1 and 10.2


Failure of Sharefarmer to Perform Obligations

11.       If the Sharefarmer shall fail with all due expedition to perform his obligations under this Agreement the Council may perform or complete any such obligations as it thinks fit and the share of the Sharefarmer in such crop shall then stand charged with payment to the Council of the expenses of the performing of carrying out of that obligation of the Sharefarmer in such crop or so much thereof as in the opinion of the Council shall be sufficient to recoup the expenses of performing and completing such obligation as aforesaid with full power to sell and dispose of the same at such time and in such manner as the Council shall think fit and out of the proceeds of sale thereof to pay the expenses of an incidental to such sale and to retain therefrom the expenses of performing and completing the said obligation as aforesaid with the balance remaining and completing the said obligation as aforesaid with the balance remaining then to be paid to the Sharefarmer.


Workers Compensation Insurance

12.       All labour employed by the Sharefarmer in carrying out his obligations under this agreement shall be insured by the Sharefarmer under the provisions of the Workers Compensation Act of the State of New South Wales.  At the request of the Council the Sharefarmer shall produce copies of such policies of insurance and certificates of currency.





No Partnership Created

13.       Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to create a partnership between the parties hereto.

No Warranty as to Supply of Effluent

14.       The Sharefarmer in entering into this Agreement acknowledges that he has been informed by the Council that supply of treated effluent to the land will be at the rate of approximately 1.795 mega litres per day exclusive of excess as a result in rainfall but the Council in entering into this Agreement gives no warranty whatsoever as to the quantity, quality or reliability of such treated effluent of the land.


Crop Liens

15.       The Sharefarmer shall not without the consent in writing of the Council (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) give any crop lien to any person or corporation over the whole or part of any of the crops grown pursuant to this Agreement.


16.       The Sharefarmer and the Council hereby indemnify each other and shall keep each other indemnified against all actions, claims, suits and demands which may be made by one upon the other in respect of any injury to property, death or bodily injury to any person caused by reason of any act, omission or default by either of the Council of the Sharefarmer occurring while that party is carrying out its obligations and requirements under the terms of this Agreement.



Determination of Agreement

17.       The Council may for any of the following causes determine this Agreement forthwith by giving notice in writing to the Sharefarmer if the Sharefarmer:-

17.1     was not at the date of the notice cultivating the land according to the rules of good husbandry and strictly in accordance with the operational provisions of the Farm Operation Manual.

17.2     had as at the date of the notice failed to comply within a reasonable time with notice in writing previously given by the Council and served on the Sharefarmer requiring the Sharefarmer to remedy any breach being a breach which is capable of being remedied; or

17.3     had at the date of the notice materially prejudiced the interests of the Council by committing a breach which was not capable of being remedied including any matter adversely affecting the liability of the Council under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 or of any term or condition of this Agreement not consistent with good husbandry; or

17.4     had at the date of the notice committed an act of bankruptcy or compounded with his creditors or being a corporation had been liquidated, taken into receivership or entered into any scheme of arrangement with creditors.

17.5     In entering into this Agreement the Sharefarmer acknowledges that he is specifically aware of the responsibilities of the Council under the Environmental Planning And Assessment Act 1979 and Regulations thereunder in relation to the delivery of water to the land and of the effect to the Council of any failure by the Sharefarmer to properly utilise or store the


water on a daily basis or to farm the land strictly in accordance with the provisions of the Farm Operation Manual and to the highest standards of farming and husbandry generally and that any remedies or rights of termination available to the Council hereunder may be exercised by the Council forthwith upon the happening of any event so entitling the Council to so act.


18.       If during the continuance of the Agreement or at any time thereafter any dispute or difference or question shall arise between the parties hereto or either of their representatives hereunder or otherwise in relation to the carrying out of this Agreement or the interpretation of the conditions thereof other than any interpretation or the provisions of the Farm Operation Manual which shall be interpreted strictly and without resort to arbitration or other remedies then ever such dispute of difference or question shall be referred to two arbitrators one to be appointed by each party or their umpire pursuant to the Arbitration Act 1902 till 1957 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being enforced.  This clause shall not apply to any of the matters referred to in clause 7 hereof.


19.       Service of any notice under this Agreement may be affected in the manner provided by Section 170 of the Conveyancing Act 1919 (as needed).


20.       Each party hereto shall pay its own costs of and incidental to this Agreement.






                                      46-48 Maitland Street

                                      NARRABRI                 NSW          2390





THE LAND:                         Lot 21 DP850010 Parish Galathera County of Nandewar


THE CROP:                         Cotton and such other rotational crops as may be agreed

                                      between the parties having regard to the provisions of the Farm

                                      Operational Manual.

THE TERM:                         Five (5) years commencing 1 January 2020 and ending

                                      31 December 2024.

THE PROPORTIONS:       Council 18%      Sharefarmer 82%

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals at Narrabri on the date first hereinbefore mentioned.


OF THE SHIRE OF NARRABRI was hereunto               …………………………………..

Affixed pursuant to a resolution of the Council          MAYOR

In the presence of:                                                        …………………………………..

                                                                            GENERAL MANAGER




by the SHAREFARMER in the presence

of:                                                                       ………………………………….





Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

11          Our Civic Leadership



By 2027, we will proactively together to achieve our shared vision with strong strategic direction.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several civic leadership priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Integrated strategic planning and reporting

§  Community engagement and consultation

§  Representation and governance

§  Human resource management

§  Customer services

§  Information services

§  Financial services

§  Risk management

§  Compliance and regulation


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following civic leadership strategic outcomes:

§  Improved community engagement and decision-making processes

§  Well established community, industry, government and non-government partnerships

§  Well maintained core infrastructure and service provision that delivers public value

§  Transparent and accountable planning and reporting

§  Financial efficiency and sustainability



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

11.1         Review of Community Grant Policy

Responsible Officer:     Stewart Todd, General Manager

Author:                              Amanda Wales, Grants Officer

Attachments:                  1.        Draft Community Grants Fund Policy  


Delivery Program Alignment

4. Leadership


4.1 We will proactively engage and partner with the community and government to achieve our strategic goals


4.1.4 Grow volunteer capacity to achieve community outcomes

Executive Summary

The purpose of this report is to review a draft of Council’s Community Grants fund Policy. Updates have been made to the Policy with the view of bringing Council’s Community Grants Fund in line with current community expectations whilst also ensuring responsible fiscal processes.



1.    That Council endorse the draft/revised Community Grants Policy for public exhibition for a minimum of 28 days, during the exhibition period call for and accept submissions from the public on the draft Policy.



Council administers a yearly Community Grants fund which operates under Section 356 (1) of the Local Government Act, 1993 and states that “A council may, in accordance with a resolution of the council, contribute money or otherwise grant financial assistance to persons for the purpose of exercising its functions”.


Council encourages applications from community groups, sporting clubs, and not-for-profit organisations who can seek funding for events, programs or projects that take place within the Narrabri Shire Local Government Area.


The Community Grants Fund is administered by Council’s Grants Officer who oversees the application, acceptance and acquittal process.

Current Situation

The current policy was adopted on 5 April 2016 and reviewed on 15 August 2017. As community needs change, so do grant requests. As such, the Community Grants fund policy needs to be updated in order to keep in line with community need and to ensure transparent management of Council funds.

Financial Implications

The funding allocated is subject to Council discretion. The financial implications may vary from year to year depending on the budget allocated.

Statutory and Policy Implications

·    Section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993.

·    Community Grants Fund Policy.


External Consultation

Review of Community Grants Fund Policies from other councils along with review of section 356 of the Local Government Act and policies for other grant funding opportunities.

Internal Consultation

Consultation with Council Managers and Directorates has taken place. MANEX have viewed the draft policy however some small changes have been made since this review.


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11.2         Re-naming of Lagoon Bridge, Wee Waa

Responsible Officer:     Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Author:                              Tan Vo, Manager Property Services

Attachments:                  1.        Public Submission  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.1 We will proactively engage and partner with the community and government to achieve our strategic goals


4.1.2 Ensure the community is informed and involved in Council activities through implementing quality consultation



Executive Summary

In recognising the deceased Councillor Richard Norman Sweetman’s association and ongoing contribution to Wee Waa area, Council proposed to rename the ‘Lagoon Bridge’ to ‘Sweetman Bridge’ Wee Waa.  The re-naming proposal was advertised.  One formal submission was received together with numerous comments on Council Facebook. After considering the merit of the submission and comments, this report recommends the current naming of the bridge, the Lagoon Bridge Wee Waa, stays unchanged.



1.    That Council having regard to public submission and comments, Council rescind its renaming proposal and leave the name of the Lagoon Bridge Wee Waa unchanged. 



Council at its meeting of 28 May 2019 considered a report on this matter and resolved (Minute 100/2019) that Council

a)            advertise the proposal to rename ‘Lagoon Bridge’ to ‘Sweetman Bridge’ Wee Waa; as per Council Policy and allow a period of 28 days for public submission.

b)            make arrangements for obtaining RMS’s approval should there be no objections against this renaming proposal.

Current Situation

The proposal to rename “Lagoon Bridge’ to ‘Sweetman Bridge’ Wee Waa was advertised in The Courier on 25 June 2019 allowing 28 days for public submission.  The proposal also appeared in Council Website and Facebook for the period between 25 June and 23 July 2019.

Council has received one formal submission (Attachment 1) objecting against the renaming proposal on the ground that it could be an insult to the person that was killed during the building of the wooden bridge.

Council has also received numerous comments on its Facebook objecting against the renaming proposal.  To support their objections, some of the reasons have been stated as follows:

·    Many other members of the community who voluntarily contributed to the Wee Waa Community and have now deceased, why not name the bridge after one of them;

·    A name change would make no difference as people would still call it Lagoon Bridge;

·    Why not name the new open space in the Main Street as Sweetman’s Park, not the Lagoon Bridge; and

·    There are more important issues that have higher priority than renaming this bridge.

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

Council is only obliged to consider the only one formal submission.  However, Council also has some moral obligations to consider comments on its Facebook page, as it is a means of communication.

There appears little merit and minimum support from the community for the proposed name change of the bridge. 


External Consultation

Council placed the proposal on public notice.

Internal Consultation



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

11.3         Report of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee

Responsible Officer:     Nicholas Ross, Executive Manager Human Resources

Author:                              Maree Bales, Business Process Officer

Attachments:                  1.        Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Minutes - 17 July 2019  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice



Executive Summary

A meeting of the audit, risk and improvement committee was held on Wednesday 17 July 2019.



That Council note the Minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee meeting held on 17 July 2019.



The objective of the Narrabri Shire audit, risk and improvement committee (“Committee”) is to provide independent assurance and assistance the Council on risk management, control, governance and external accountability responsibilities.

Current Situation

The minutes of the Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 17 July 2019 are an attachment to this report.

The minutes contain no recommendations requiring Council consideration. The minutes are provided for information.

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications



External Consultation

·    Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.

Internal Consultation



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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

11.4         Annual Service Plan Report - June 2019

Responsible Officer:     Stewart Todd, General Manager

Author:                              Maree Bales, Business Process Officer

Attachments:                  1.        Service Plan Annual Report - June 2019 (under separate cover)  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.3 Report in a clear, concise manner that is easily understood



Executive Summary

Council’s annual service plan report provides the community with Council’s progress in meeting its agreed actions, capital works program and key performance measures from July 2018 to June 2019 consistent with Council’s previously adopted 2018/19 operational plan.



That Council adopt the annual service plan report, as attached, detailing Council’s progress in meeting its actions, capital works program and key performance measures for the 2018/19 financial year.



In 2009, the NSW Government introduced the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework. This framework allows NSW councils to draw their various plans together, understand how they interact and get the maximum leverage from their efforts by planning holistically and sustainably for the future.

The new suite of IP&R strategic documents representing the new Council term were adopted in June 2017. In August 2017, Council adopted its reviewed service plans to complement Council’s operational plan and service-based budget. The service plans provide an in-depth strategic focus for all services of Council, defining exactly what each service is, what it provides, at what cost and where works are occurring.


The community can analyse any of the individual Service Plans and ascertain what is being provided to the local community. These Service Plans provide the community with key performance measures and a capital works program for each service area, that are measured in this report in terms of progress.

Figure 1 – Summary of Planning and Reporting under Council’s IP&R Framework

Current Situation

The attached annual service plan report provides the community with Council’s progress in meeting its agreed actions, capital works program and key performance measures from July 2018 to June 2019 consistent with Council’s previously adopted 2018 – 2019 operational plan.

As at the end of the 2018/2019 financial year, Council successfully achieved over 84% of its agreed actions, as outlined in Figure 2.

Figure 2 - Council’s End of Year Result by Theme and Action

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications



External Consultation


Internal Consultation

·    Executive Management.

·    Senior Management.


11.5         Delivery Program 6 Monthly Progress Report - June 2019

Responsible Officer:     Nicholas Ross, Executive Manager Human Resources

Author:                              Maree Bales, Business Process Officer

Attachments:                  1.        Delivery Program Progress Report - June 2019 (under separate cover)  


Delivery Program Alignment

4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.3 Report in a clear, concise manner that is easily understood

Executive Summary

Council’s Delivery Program 6 Monthly Progress Report provides Councillors and the community with an update on the organisation’s progress in achieving its objectives and strategies identified in the Community Strategic Plan. This is the fourth time such a report has been provided to Council and the Community. There are 106 Measures in total that demonstrate how Council is progressing.

The Community Satisfaction Survey, undertaken in September 2017, has provided a basis for measurement of community satisfaction and participation in key activities. It should be noted that where the data source is the Community Survey, the reported results will not change until the next scheduled Community Satisfaction Survey.

The attached report shows most measures are well underway towards reaching the estimated target or have achieved the target already, and the desired result is to maintain Council’s position.



1.    That Council adopt the Delivery Program 6 Monthly Progress Report, as attached, detailing Council’s progress in meeting its objectives, strategies and measures up to the June 2019 period.



In 2009, the NSW Government introduced the new Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework. The IP&R framework recognises that most communities share similar aspirations: a safe, healthy and pleasant place to live, a sustainable environment, opportunities for social interaction, opportunities for education and employment, and reliable infrastructure. This framework allows NSW councils to draw their various plans together, understand how they interact and get the maximum leverage from their efforts by planning holistically and sustainably for the future.

Current Situation

This report is the Council’s fourth progress report against is four-year 2017-2021 Delivery Program, covering progress from 1 July 2016 – 30 June 2019. Progress will be reported on a six-monthly basis, eight times over the duration of the Delivery Program up to 30 June 2021.


In the attached report, progress has been graphed for each measure, showing movement from the first July – December 2017 time period, the second January – June 2018 time period, the third July – December 2018 time period and the fourth January 2019 – June 2019 time period. This trend data is mapped against the estimated target, to show progress towards reaching the target progressively.

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

This report satisfies the requirements of section 404 of the Local Government Act 1993 (“the LG Act”).

Section 404(5) of the LG Act outlines that the general manager must ensure that regular progress reports are provided to the council reporting as to its progress with respect to the principal activities detailed in its delivery program. Progress reports must be provided at least every 6 months.

As outlined within the report this is the fourth 6 monthly update report on the progress of the Council’s 2017-2021 Delivery Program.


External Consultation

Data utilised in measuring progress on achieving strategies is sourced from numerous external agencies including but not limited to:

·    The Australian Bureau of Statistics (“ABS”).

·    The Office of Local Government.

·    Roads and Maritime Services.

·    The Environmental Protection Agency.

·    National Parks and Wildlife Service.

·    Australian Early Development Census.

·    Tourism Research Australia.

Internal Consultation

·    Executive Management.

·    Senior Management.

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

11.6         Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Program

Responsible Officer:     Daniel Boyce, Director Development and Economic Growth

Author:                              Daniel Boyce, Director Development and Economic Growth

Attachments:                  1.        Draft Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Program  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.1 We will proactively engage and partner with the community and government to achieve our strategic goals


4.1.2 Ensure the community is informed and involved in Council activities through implementing quality consultation



Executive Summary

Council adopted a Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Program in February 2014 in accordance with the Swimming Pools Act 1992. The program was refined to align with the resources available and a Draft Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Program (“Draft Program”) (Attachment 1) was adopted for public exhibition at the Ordinary Council Meeting in February 2019 (MINUTE 026/2019).

The Draft Program was publicly exhibited for a period of twenty-eight (28) days concluding 6 May 2019. During this time, no submissions were received.

Council may now adopt the Draft Program in the form in which it was publicly exhibited as its new Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Program.



1.    That Council adopt the Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Program.



Under the Swimming Pools Act 1992 (“the Act”) councils are required to develop an affordable and effective pool barrier program in consultation with the community.

Council adopted a Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Program in February 2014 in accordance with the Act. The Draft Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Program (“Draft Program”) (Attachment 1) refined the original Program to better align with the resources available. At the Ordinary Council Meeting in February 2019 Council adopted, for the purposes of public exhibition, the Draft Program (MINUTE 026/2019).

The Draft Program applies to all swimming pools regulated under the Act with a significant portion of the Draft Program based around the inspection of premises with pools to ensure the pool barrier complies with relevant standard.

The Draft Program was publicly exhibited for a period of twenty-eight (28) days concluding 6 May 2019. During this time, no submissions were received.

Current Situation

Council may now adopt the Draft Program in the form in which it was publicly exhibited as its new Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Program.

Financial Implications

The Draft Program can be delivered with current staff resources.

Statutory and Policy Implications

Under the Swimming Pools Act 1992 councils are required to develop an affordable and effective pool barrier program in consultation with the community.


The Draft Swimming Pool Barrier Inspection Program was publicly exhibited for a period of twenty-eight (28) days concluding 6 May 2019.

External Consultation

No public submissions were received. 

Internal Consultation



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

11.7         Australia Day Citizen Awards

Responsible Officer:     Bill Birch, Economic Development Manager

Author:                              Amanda Wales, Grants Officer

Attachments:                  1.        Draft Australia Day Awards Guidelines and Criteria  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.1 We will proactively engage and partner with the community and government to achieve our strategic goals


4.1.1 Provide customer service excellence that is responsive to community needs

Executive Summary

This report details recommendations to change the age classifications relating to Councils Australia Day Awards, being Young Citizen of the Year and Citizen of the Year, in order to offer a more inclusive awards system.

Recommended changes are:

Young Citizen of the Year

Current – 16 years or younger on 26 January of the relevant year

Recommended – 25 Years or Younger on 26 January of the relevant year

Citizen of the Year

Current – 16 years or older on 26 January of the relevant year

Recommended – 26 years or over on 26 January of the relevant year



That Council adopt the proposed amendments to the current application guidelines for the Young Citizen of the Year being 25 years or younger on 26 January of the relevant year and Citizen of the Year being 26 years or over on 26 January of the relevant year.



Narrabri Shire Council facilitates yearly Australia Day celebrations across the Shire.

In the lead up to Australia Day, Council provides opportunity for community members to be nominated as Young Citizen of the Year or Citizen of the Year.

Current award guidelines and criteria place the age bracket for Young Citizen of the Year at 16 years of age or younger as at 26 January of the relevant year, with the Citizen of the Year being classified as 16 years of age or older on 26 January of the relevant year.

Council also presents a Community Event of the Year Award however no changes are recommended for this award.

Current Situation

Action of Councils 2019-2020 Operational Plan is - Successfully organise and run Australia Day Event. A review of the Australia Day Awards in January 2019 highlights the need for changes to award guidelines and criteria in order to present a more inclusive award system.

Current guidelines and criteria present a small age bracket for the Young Citizen of the Year (16 years of age or younger) and a large age bracket for the Citizen of the Year (16 years of age or older).

Review of guidelines and criteria from a selection of Councils, as well as information provided by the Australia Day Council of NSW supports the proposed changes.

In order to present inclusive and modern awards which are more in line with the Australia Day Council of NSW, the following changes are recommended:

Young Citizen of the Year

Current – 16 years or younger on 26 January of the relevant year

Recommended – 25 Years or Younger on 26 January of the relevant year

Citizen of the Year

Current – 16 years or older on 26 January of the relevant year

Recommended – 26 years or over on 26 January of the relevant year

It is important to note that the recommended changes will bring Council more in to line with the Young Australian of the Year Award which is a National Award recognising young Australians up to the age of 30.

In addition, information from the Australia Day Council of NSW suggests that Council could choose to present multiple awards in either category, or utilise the more generic “Australia Day Award”, should future award nominations be considered “a tie” and a clear winner cannot be chosen.

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

·    Australia Day Award Guidelines and Criteria.


External Consultation

Review of award nominations and guidelines from surrounding councils as well as information provided by the Australia Day Council of NSW.

Internal Consultation

·    Economic Development Manager.

·    Community Development Officer.

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

11.8         Investment Report - July 2019

File Number:                   446808

Responsible Officer:     Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Author:                              Samantha Ratley, Senior Finance Officer

Attachments:                  Nil


Delivery Program Alignment

4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.3 Report in a clear, concise manner that is easily understood

Executive Summary

Council is required to consider a report on its investments in accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

During the month:

·    Two (2) investments matured, totalling $3 million.

·    Two (2) new investments were placed, totalling $3 million.

Council’s Responsible Accounting Officer has certified that Council’s investments are in accordance with requirements.



1.    That Council note the Investment Report for July 2019.



Council is required to consider a report on its investments in accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

Current Situation

The following is a summary of investment movements for July 2019:

Investments maturing during the month:

·    03/07/2019          Beyond Bank                             $2,000,000 121 days @ 2.65%

·    24/07/2019          Me Bank                                     $1,000,000 153 days @ 2.73%


New investments secured during the month:


·    24/07/2019          NAB                                              $2,000,000 238 days @ 1.88%

·    25/07/2019          BOQ                                              $1,000,000 182 days @ 1.93%









Investment Rate Summary for July 2019

Average Interest Rate on Investments:                                                                                                                                  2.53%                                                                                                                                             

Weighted Average Interest Rate on Investments                                                                                                                                  2.59%

Council’s Benchmarks

Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSW) 90 day index (31/07/2019)[1]                                                                                                                                  1.00%

Average 11am Cash Rate                                                                                                                                  1.00%

Financial Implications

The interest income for the month:

General Fund                                 $54,611

Externally Restricted Funds       $25,000

Water Fund                                    $22,335

Sewer Fund                                    $10,199

Total Interest Income              $112,145

Statutory and Policy Implications

Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 requires Council’s Responsible Accounting Officer to provide a monthly report setting out the details of all money that the Council has invested under section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993.

It is certified that Council’s investments have been made in accordance with:

·    Local Government Act 1993.

·    Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

·    Ministerial Investment Order dated 12 January 2011.

·    Council’s Investment Policy dated 15 August 2017.


External Consultation


Internal Consultation

·    Responsible Accounting Officer.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

11.9         Delegates Report - Country Mayors Association Meeting - 2 August 2019

Responsible Officer:     Catherine Redding, Mayor

Author:                              Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:                  1.        Minutes - Country Mayors Association Meeting - 2 August 2019  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice



That Council note Mayor Reddings’ Delegate Report from the Country Mayors Association Ordinary Meeting held in Sydney on Friday 2 August 2019.


Delegates REPORT

The Minutes from the Country Mayors Association Ordinary Meeting held in Sydney on Friday 2 August 2019, are attached.

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                             27 August 2019

11.10      LG Professionals NSW - Col Mills Memorial Award

Responsible Officer:     Stewart Todd, General Manager

Author:                              Stewart Todd, General Manager

Attachments:                  Nil


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.1 We will proactively engage and partner with the community and government to achieve our strategic goals


4.1.3 Develop and build strong, productive partnerships with State and Federal Governments



Executive Summary

Miss Samantha Ratley was nominated and awarded the prestigious 2019 Col Mills Memorial Award.

As the recipient of this Award, Miss Ratley was a finalist in the National Emerging Leader of The Year Award.



1.    That Council congratulate Miss Samantha Ratley in being:

a.    Awarded the LG Professionals NSW 2019 Col Mills Memorial Award; and

b.   Awarded the LG Professionals Australia 2019 Raymond West Scholarship.

c.    A Finalist in the LG Professionals Australia's National Emerging Leader of the Year Award.



Local Government Professionals Australia, NSW formerly known as Local Government Managers Australia NSW (LGMA NSW) is the leading association representing the professionals in NSW local government. The Association is committed to maintaining high professional and ethical standards throughout the sector and ensuring that their members are at the forefront of change and innovation.

Council’s General Manager is the current President of LG Professionals Australia, NSW.

The Col Mills Award and associated Scholarship was formed in 1999, in memory of active LG Professionals NSW member Col Mills, a strong advocate of creating opportunities for members to advance their professional careers.

The Col Mills Award is made available specifically to young LG Professionals, NSW members in an effort to support them as they develop and grow in their career in local government.

Current Situation

At the recent LG Awards Dinner hosted by LG Professionals, NSW, Council was proud to receive notice that the 2019 Col Mills Memorial Award recipient was Council’s own Samantha Ratley.


As the recipient of the Award Miss Ratley received:

·    The Col Mills Memorial Award; presented at LG Awards.

·    Registration to attend LGC20 and the LG Awards dinner.

Also, as a recipient Miss Ratley was entered into the National Award for The Emerging Leader of The Year Award; which is judged as part of the National Awards announced at the LG Professionals, Australia National Congress and Business Expo.

Miss Ratley was also fortunate enough to receive the Raymond West Scholarship, through LG Professionals Australia, which provided with Miss Ratley with registration to the National Congress and Business Expo.

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications



External Consultation

·    LG Professionals Australia, NSW.

·    LG Professionals Australia.

Internal Consultation

·    Director Corporate Services.

·    Senior Finance Officer.


Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                    23 July 2019

12          Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting  


That Council move into Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting of Council and that the press and members of the public be asked to leave the room whilst Council considers the following items:

12.1         Corporate Air - Fees and Charges

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (d)(i) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.

12.2         Mayoral Minute - General Manager Annual Performance Review - period ending June 2019

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (a) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors).




That Council move out of Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting and that the resolutions from the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting be read out aloud.



13          Meeting Closed

[1] Source: www.asx.com.au