I hereby give notice that an Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on:


Tuesday, 28 May 2019




Narrabri Shire Council Chambers

46-48 Maitland Street





Ordinary Council Meeting

28 May 2019


Stewart Todd

General Manager



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019




Request to Speak/Addressing Council on an Agenda Item:


If the matter is listed within the Council Business Paper, you can request to address Council by:


·                Completing the “Request to Speak in Public Forum”, at an Ordinary Council Meeting, which can be obtained, from Council’s Administration Office, or by downloading it from Council’s website.

On-line at http://www.narrabri.nsw.gov.au/speaking-at-public-forum-1232.html

·                The completed form can then be submitted via the following methods:

Fax: 02 6799 6888; or email to council@narrabri.nsw.gov.au



Your request to address Council must be received by Council no later than 5.00pm on the day prior to the Council Meeting.


Council's Code of Meeting Practice sets out the following guidelines for addressing Council:


·       Addresses in the Public Forum will commence at 1.00pm.

·       Addresses will be limited to 3 minutes in duration.

·       Council accepts no responsibility for any defamatory statements made by speakers.

·       Audio-visual presentations must be received by 1.30pm on the day prior to the meeting.

·       When your name is called, please proceed to the Council lectern (usually located to the right hand side of the Chamber).

·       Members of the public may quietly enter and leave the Meeting at any time.



All mobile phones are to be turned off at commencement and for the duration of the meeting.

This request also applies to all audio and visual recording devices, unless prior approval has been sought from the General Manager.




Cr Cathy Redding

Deputy Mayor

Cr Robert Kneale

Cr Maxine Booby

Cr Ron Campbell

Cr Ron Campey

Cr Lloyd Finlay

Cr Ann Loder

Cr Annie McMahon

Cr Cameron Staines

General Manager

Mr Stewart Todd


Infrastructure Delivery

Mr Darren Raeck


Corporate Services

Mr Lindsay Mason


Development &

Economic Growth

Mr Daniel Boyce





Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019


1         Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal 7

2         Acknowledgement of Country. 7

3         Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences. 7

4         Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests. 7

5         Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting. 7

6         Public Forum and Presentations. 8

7         Confirmation of Minutes. 8

8         Mayoral Minute. 20

8.1           Delegates Report on Mayor Redding's attendance at the Central Northern Regional Libraries (CNRL) Ordinary Meeting - Wednesday 1 May 2019. 20

8.2           Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for April/May 2019. 32

9         Our Society. 35

9.1           Request for Mayor Redding to attend the NSW Public Libraries (NSWPLA) Library Conference 19-22 November 2019. 36

10       Our Environment. 38

Nil reports.

11       Our Economy. 40

11.1         Delegates Report - Inland Rail Summit 2019. 41

12       Our Civic Leadership. 43

12.1         Delegates Report - Narrabri Mine Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 6 March 2019. 44

12.2         Re-naming of Lagoon Bridge, Wee Waa - Process. 50

12.3         Setting of Councillor Fees 2019/2020. 52

12.4         Investment Report - April 2019. 75

12.5         ALC/ARA Inland Rail Conference - Toowoomba, August 2019. 79

13       Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting. 81

13.1         Industrial and Logistics Hub - Land Purchase and Funding Strategy. 81

13.2         Contract 2018-19/18 - Construction of a Concrete Shared Pathway along Narrabri Creek. 81

14       Meeting Closed. 81


1            Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal

Councillors, Council staff and people in the gallery are asked to be upstanding for the opening prayer.

2            Acknowledgement of Country

I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet today, the Kamilaroi people, and pay my respects to Kamilaroi Elders both past and present.

3            Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences

Nil (at time of agenda and business paper compilation).

4            Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests

Councillors are reminded of their obligation to declare their interest in any matters listed before them.

In considering your interest, you are reminded to include pecuniary and non-pecuniary conflicts of interest as well as any other interest you perceive or may be perceived of you.

Councillors may declare an interest at the commencement of the meeting, or alternatively at any time during the meeting should any issue progress or arise that would warrant a declaration.

Councillors must state their reasons in declaring any type of interest.

5            Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting

Extract from Council’s Code of Meeting Practice

Part 4 Section 17a.

17a.     Which parts of a meeting can be closed to the public?

(1)      A Council, or a Committee of the Council of which all the members are Councillors, may close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises:

(a)      the discussion of any of the matters listed in Sub-Clause (2) below, or

(b)      the receipt or discussion of any of the information so listed.

(2)      The matters and information are the following:

(a)      personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors),

(b)      the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer,

(c)      information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business,

(d)      commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed:

i.         prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or

ii.        confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council, or

iii.       reveal a trade secret,

(e)      information that would, if disclosed, prejudice the maintenance of law,

(f)       matters affecting the security of the Council, Councillors, Council staff or Council property,

(g)      advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege,

(h)      information concerning the nature and location of a place or an item of Aboriginal significance on community land.

(3)      A Council, or a Committee of the Council of which all the members are Councillors, may also close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises a motion to close another part of the meeting to the public.

(4)      Members of the public may be allowed to make representations to or at a Council or Committee meeting for a period of up to three (3) minutes, immediately after the motion to close the part of the meeting.

(5)      is moved and seconded, as to whether that part of the meeting should be closed at the discretion of the Council

The following matters will be considered in the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting:

13.1         Industrial and Logistics Hub - Land Purchase and Funding Strategy

13.2         Contract 2018-19/18 - Construction of a Concrete Shared Pathway along Narrabri Creek


6            Public Forum and Presentations

Presentation requests received to date nil.


7            Confirmation of Minutes


That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 29 April 2019 comprising Minute Nos 064/2019 to 090/2019 as circularised be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Mayor.


MINUTES OF narrabri SHIRE council
Ordinary Council Meeting
Narrabri Shire Council Chambers, 46-48 Maitland Street, Narrabri
Monday, 29 April 2019 AT 9.32am


PRESENT:                    Cr Catherine Redding (Mayor), Cr Robert Kneale (Deputy Mayor), Cr Maxine Booby, Cr Ron Campbell, Cr Ron Campey, Cr Lloyd Finlay, Cr Ann Loder, Cr Annie McMahon, Cr Cameron Staines.

IN ATTENDANCE:      Stewart Todd (General Manager), Lindsay Mason (Director Corporate Services), Darren Raeck (Director Infrastructure Delivery), Delece Hartnett (Administration).


Proceedings of the meeting commenced at 9.32am.

1               Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal

Members and officers were upstanding for the opening prayer by Rev Paul Cosier of Narrabri Uniting Church, in association with the Narrabri Ministers Fraternal.

At 9:34 am, Cr Ann Loder presented to the meeting.

2               Acknowledgement of Country

The Mayor acknowledged the Traditional Owners of the land on which the Council met, the Kamilaroi people, and paid her respects to Elders past and present.

3               Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences


The Mayor noted the advice of Cr Ron Campbell that he would be arriving late due to returning by air to Narrabri.

4               Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests


5               Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting

Minute  064/2019  

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale               Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

That the following matters will be considered in the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting:

13.1         Industrial and Logistics Hub

13.2         2019 National Volunteer Week

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


6               Public Forum and Presentations

Public Forum requests received to date:

·       Nil.

Presentation requests received to date:

·       Nil.

7               Confirmation of Minutes

Minute  065/2019  

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby              Seconded:        Cr Lloyd Finlay

That the minutes of Ordinary Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 26 March 2019 comprising Minute Nos 42/2019 to 63/2019 as circularised be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Mayor.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


8               Mayoral Minute

8.1           Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for March/April 2019

Minute  066/2019  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding

That Council note the Mayoral Appointments for the period March/April 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


8.2           Mayoral Minute - Request for Donation - The Long Ride

Minute  067/2019  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding

That Council defer the consideration of the request for donation from the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, ‘The Long Ride’ until after 1 July 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


9               Our Society

9.1           Delegates Report - Narrabri District Health Service Advisory Committee Meeting - 8 April 2019

Minute  068/2019  

Moved:       Cr Ann Loder                      Seconded:        Cr Annie McMahon

That Council note Cr Loder’s Delegates Report from the Narrabri District Health Service Advisory Committee Meeting held on Monday 8 April 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0





10            Our Environment

10.1         Section 94A Plan Update to Schedule of Works

Minute  069/2019  

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale               Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

1.    That Council endorse the amended Schedule of Works to the Narrabri Shire Section 94A Development Contributions Plan, as attached, for the purpose of public exhibition.

2.    That Council place on exhibition the amended Schedule of Works to the Narrabri Shire Section 94A Development Contributions Plan for a minimum period of 28 days, during the exhibition period call for and accept submissions from the public on the draft amended plan.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


11            Our Economy

11.1         Report of the Narrabri Airport Advisory Committee

Minute  070/2019  

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines         Seconded:        Cr Annie McMahon

That Council adopt the Minutes of the Narrabri Airport Advisory Committee meeting held on Tuesday 26 March 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0








11.2         Development Application DA71/2019 - Wee Waa Showground Trust - Waiving of Development Application Fees

Minute  071/2019  

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby              Seconded:        Cr Annie McMahon

That Council, having regard to the social contribution of the development to the community of Wee Waa and surrounds; waive the applicable Development Application fees paid for DA71/2019, being $3,659.08.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


12       Our Civic Leadership


12.1         Delegates Report - Maules Creek Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 13 February 2019

Minute  072/2019  

Moved:       Cr Lloyd Finlay                   Seconded:        Cr Ron Campey

That Council note Cr Finlay’s Delegate Report from the Maules Creek Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 13 February 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


12.2         Delegates Report - Boggabri Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 14 February 2019

Minute  073/2019  

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale               Seconded:        Cr Lloyd Finlay

That Council note Cr Kneale’s Delegates Report from the Boggabri Coal Community Consultative Committee held on 14 February 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0

12.3         Delegates Report - Narromine to Narrabri (N2N) Inland Rail Community Consultative Committee - 20 March 2019

Minute  074/2019  

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines         Seconded:        Cr Lloyd Finlay

That Council note Cr Campbell’s Delegate Report from the Narromine to Narrabri (N2N) Inland Rail Community Consultative Committee held on Wednesday 20 March 2019.

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 8/0


12.4         Delegates Report - Namoi-Peel Customer Advisory Group, 14 March 2019

Minute  075/2019  

Moved:         Cr Maxine Booby                   Seconded:        Cr Robert Kneale

That Council note Director Infrastructure Delivery’s Delegates Report from the Namoi-Peel Customer Advisory Group Meeting held on Thursday 14 March 2019.

In Favour:          Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:              Nil

carried 8/0


12.5         Report of the Internal Audit and Risk Committee

Minute  076/2019  

Moved:         Cr Robert Kneale                   Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

That Council note the Minutes of the Internal Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 20 March 2019.

In Favour:          Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:              Cr Ann Loder

carried 7/1





12.6         Investment Report - March 2019

Minute  077/2019  

Moved:         Cr Ron Campey                      Seconded:        Cr Annie McMahon

That Council note the Investment Report for March 2019.

In Favour:          Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:              Nil

carried 8/0


12.7         Acceptance of Tenders under Delegation – March 2019

Minute  078/2019  

Moved:         Cr Cameron Staines              Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

That Council note the determination of tenders under delegation for the period to March 2019.

In Favour:          Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:              Nil

carried 8/0


12.8         Operational and Service Plan Quarterly Report - March 2019

Minute  079/2019  

Moved:         Cr Lloyd Finlay                       Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

That Council adopt the Quarterly Operational and Service Plan Report, as attached, detailing Council’s progress in meeting its actions, capital works and key performance measures for the March 2019 quarter.

In Favour:          Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:              Nil

carried 8/0


12.9         March Quarterly Budget Review

Minute  080/2019  

Moved:         Cr Maxine Booby                   Seconded:        Cr Lloyd Finlay

That Council adopt the Quarterly Budget Review Statement for the period ended 31 March 2019 as the revised Budget estimates for the year ended 30 June 2019 and the Operational Plan and Capital Works Plan be amended accordingly.

In Favour:          Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:              Nil

carried 8/0


12.10       Draft Code of Meeting Practice

Minute  081/2019  

Moved:         Cr Ron Campey                      Seconded:        Cr Lloyd Finlay

1.    That Council endorse the draft Code of Meeting Practice for Narrabri Shire Council.

2.    That Council place on exhibition the draft Code of Meeting Practice for Narrabri Shire Council for a minimum period of 28 days; and also call for and receive submissions from the public for 42 days from the first day of exhibition.

In Favour:          Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:              Nil

carried 8/0


12.11       Draft Code of Conduct

Minute  082/2019  

Moved:         Cr Annie McMahon              Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

1.    That Council endorse the draft Code of Conduct for Narrabri Shire Council.

2.    That Council place on exhibition the draft Code of Conduct for Narrabri Shire Council for a minimum period of 28 days; and also call for and receive submissions from the public for 42 days from the first day of exhibition.

In Favour:          Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:              Nil

carried 8/0

Suspension of Standing Orders

Minute  083/2019  

Moved:         Cr Maxine Booby                   Seconded:        Cr Lloyd Finlay

A motion was moved that Council suspend standing orders, at 10.47am.






At 11:00 am, Cr Ron Campbell presented to the meeting.

Resumption of Standing Orders

Minute  084/2019  

Moved:         Cr Maxine Booby                   Seconded:        Cr Ann Loder

A motion was moved that Council resume standing orders at 11.05am.



12.12       Draft 2019/2020 Operational Plan

Minute  085/2019  

Moved:         Cr Ron Campey                      Seconded:        Cr Lloyd Finlay

1.    That Council endorse the following draft documents for public exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days pursuant to the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993:

a.    Draft 2019/2020 Operational Plan.

b.    Draft 2019/2020 Revenue Policy.

c.    Draft 2019/2020 Fees and Charges.

d.    Draft 2019/2020 Operational Budget.

e.    Draft 2019/2020 Capital Works Program.


2.    That Council place on exhibition the draft documents (a. – e. above) for a period of at least 28 days, during the exhibition period call for and accept submissions from the public on the draft documents.

In Favour:          Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:              Nil

carried 9/0




12.13       Sale of 72-74 Gibbons Street, Narrabri

Minute  086/2019  

Moved:         Cr Ron Campbell                   Seconded:        Cr Ann Loder

That Council authorise the affixing of Council’s common seal to any documents relating the sale of 72-74 Gibbons Street, Narrabri to Nurruby Children’s Services Incorporated for the price of $31,805.80.

Carried 9/0


13            Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting

Minute  087/2019  

Moved:       Cr Ann Loder                      Seconded:        Cr Maxine Booby

That at 11.16am Council move into Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting of Council and that the press and members of the public be asked to leave the room whilst Council considers the following items:

13.1         Industrial and Logistics Hub

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (d)(i) and (d)(ii) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it and information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council.

13.2         2019 National Volunteer Week

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (a) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors).

In Favour:         Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:             Nil

carried 9/0



13.1         Industrial and Logistics Hub

Minute  088/2019  

Moved:         Cr Cameron Staines              Seconded:        Cr Ron Campbell

1.        That Council adopt the Narrabri Shire Industrial and Logistics Hub Strategic Business Case.

2.        That Council endorse the purchase of land as highlighted in this report.

3.        That Council request the General Manager to provide a report outlining funding strategies to purchase the properties under consideration.

In Favour:          Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:              Nil

carried 9/0


13.2         2019 National Volunteer Week

Minute  089/2019  

Moved:         Cr Maxine Booby                   Seconded:        Cr Lloyd Finlay

1.           That Council note the nominations for 2019 National Volunteer Week and vote for the recipient of this award by a show of hands.

2.           That Council keep the outcome confidential until the winner is announced at the 2019 National Volunteer Week luncheon to be held on Friday 24 May 2019 in the Council Chambers

3.           That Council Award the Shire Volunteer of 2019 to Mr Darrell Tiemens.

In Favour:          Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:              Nil

carried 9/0


Minute  090/2019  

Moved:         Cr Ann Loder                          Seconded:        Cr Robert Kneale

That at 11.27am Council move out of Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting and that the resolutions from the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting be read out aloud.

In Favour:          Crs Catherine Redding, Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:              Nil

carried 9/0


14            Meeting Closed

The Meeting closed at 11.29am.


The minutes of this meeting are scheduled to be confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting scheduled to be held on 28 May 2019.







Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

8            Mayoral Minute

8.1           Delegates Report on Mayor Redding's attendance at the Central Northern Regional Libraries (CNRL) Ordinary Meeting - Wednesday 1 May 2019

File Number:                  

Responsible Officer:     Catherine Redding, Mayor

Author:                              Catherine Redding, Mayor

Attachments:                  1.        CNRL Ordinary Meeting Minutes- 14 November 2018

2.        Draft CNRL Ordinary Meeting Minutes - 1 May 2019  



That Council notes the delegates report on Mayor Redding’s attendance at the CNRL Ordinary Meeting held in Tamworth, Wednesday 1 May 2019.


Delegates REPORT

The CNRL Committee held a Meeting on Wednesday 1 May 2019.

An overview of the meeting is provided within this report.

CNRL Draft Budget

The draft 2019-2020 budget was presented to the CNRL Committee in November 2018. The scheduled February CNRL Committee meeting was re-scheduled to May. Details of the state funding model (ie, individual council payments) for 2019-2020 are not yet known. When the amounts are known it may be necessary to revisit the 2019-2020 CNRL budget to make the adjustments. This will be scheduled for discussion at the CNRL Committee in November 2019.

Public Library Funding – Major increase from 2019-2020

A significant new public library funding package was announced by the Liberal Government, on 24 August 2018, totalling $60m over the forward estimates to 2022/23. This is the largest single commitment to increasing public library funding by the NSW Government since the Library Act was introduced in 1939. The State Library will be working with NSW councils to ensure that these funds significantly improve public libraries state-wide.

The new package will include a $24m capital grant program and increases to subsidy adjustment payments for all councils. While the State Library shared some high-level detail on the funding commitment, the finer details, including individual council payments, will be confirmed once additional modelling and stakeholder consultation has been undertaken.

The Public Libraries Consultative Committee (PLCC) considered a range of allocation models on 4 December 2018, noting that a new approach to the subsidy adjustments will be desirable once the increased per capita amounts are implemented, to ensure that small to medium sized councils receive equitable increases. Further modelling was considered by the PLCC in March 2019, and the State Library will update councils once achieved. The PLCC also provided guidance on parameters for a new infrastructure grants program, including a higher ceiling than the previous program which had a maximum grant of $200,000.

The information to date is available at: https://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/public-libraryservices/subsidies-grants/public-library-funding-201920


Service NSW Kiosks

As part of the NSW Government’s $60m public library funding package, $250,000 per annum is available over 4 years to fund the roll-out of Service NSW Kiosks to interested public libraries. Public library managers and council general managers have been contacted by Service NSW to register interest in the kiosks. This is an opt-in program. Manilla Library (part of Tamworth Regional Council) has been selected to be a pilot Service NSW kiosk site. A memorandum of understanding has been signed and the kiosk is expected to be functioning in May 2019.

NB: Due to the size of the kiosks, they are not an option for Narrabri or Boggabri Libraries. Narrabri Library Manager has put forward Wee Waa Library as an option for investigation for Narrabri Shire.

CWA – Country of Study

 The CWA Country of Study for 2019 is Papua New Guinea. CNRL has prepared a website with information pages and links to support the Country of Study.



RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)– Progress Report

Retrospective tagging of resources has taken place. The CNRL Library Services Manager and technology staff visited all CNRL branches to identify the best self-check locations and ensure data and power requirements could be met. The self-check units will be delivered to Narrabri Shire Libraries on 10 May 2019. Installation of hardware will take place between 13 and 14 May 2019.

Narrabri Library Manager put forward that, as cards are necessary to operate the RFID technology, replacement cards should be provided to patrons, who have lost their card, free of charge for a period of six (6) months. This was approved by the committee.

Sydney Writers Festival (SWF)

The Sydney Writer’s Festival (Friday May 3 to Sunday May 5) was live Streamed at four (4) CNRL branches. The full three (3) day program was live streamed at Tamworth Library and Nundle Library. Uralla Library and Narrabri Library opted to stream selected sessions that fell within regular library open times.

The public response at Narrabri Library was very favourable.

New South Wales Public Libraries Association (NSWPLA) SWITCH Conference

This year’s conference will be held at Penrith from 19 -22 November. Conference registrations are open. The conference fees are $700 for an early bird registration (23 April to August 30) and $750 for standard registration. Information about the conference can be found at https://nswpla.org.au/switch2019/ The main conference themes are: Smart, Engaged, Resilient

New Service Model for Barraba

The Barraba Library has undergone extensive renovations and has re-emerged as a main street shared location, with library, RMS and council services available from the one facility.



The quarterly reports for December 2018 (Attachment 2) and March 2019 (Attachment 3) were presented and accepted.



The Library Council of NSW has formulated recommended minimum standards and guidelines for public library services in NSW, to help councils assess the level of service given by their public libraries to their respective communities.

The latest edition, entitled Living Learning Libraries – a population approach: standards and guidelines for NSW public libraries, is an evidence-based guide to the development of library services in NSW Living Learning Libraries provides a framework for service assessment and continuous improvement, as well as a practical basis for comparison among library services. It is intended to encourage best practice in service delivery by highlighting state and peer cohort medians and the services that have been achieved by leading libraries.

The standards and guidelines are intended to assist public libraries and councils to:

·    Evaluate current services

·    Set targets for improvement

·    Develop continuous improvement in service delivery

·    Plan for future needs.

The document also contains strategies from library practitioners for tailoring services to the needs of local communities based on such factors as age, disability, socioeconomic status, cultural diversity and affordability.

A summary of CNRL’s performance against the standards in 2010 and 2017 can be found in the Meeting Agenda – Attachment 1. A more detailed analysis is found in Attachment 4 - Living Learning Libraries: standards and guidelines for NSW public libraries 2017 (CNRL).

From the Living Learning Libraries Assessment there are a number of areas that stand out for branch attention. Among these are:

·    Floor space

·    Open hours

·    Staff training

CNRL will conduct a user survey in the second half of 2019 and the data from this may be useful for any council wishing to review their library open hours. From the Living Learning Libraries exercise, CNRL staff have identified the need to update the Regional Resources Policy and Social Inclusion Policy. Apart from identifying areas for improvement, the Living Learning Libraries exercise indicated that CNRL and CNRL branches have significant strengths in program delivery as well as provision of Internet access and public access computers.


The 2018-19 State allocation for funding Public Libraries totalled $23.528M. This was a reduction from the $28.8M provided in 2017-2018, due to the expiry of the four (4) year Public Library Infrastructure Grants program, and the $1.3M adjustments provided in 2016/17 and 2017-2018 only. The 2018-2019 CNRL budget was prepared prior to the announcement of reduced funding and was based on the previous year’s state funding level. The reduced funding has resulted in a $54,685 shortfall in the current year CNRL budget.

The Committee moved to cover the shortfall in subsidy by releasing funds from reserves.



The next NSWPLA North East Zone meeting will be held in Armidale on 30 May 2019. The committee was encouraged to send staff and Councillors.

Regional Resources Librarian Megan Pitt discussed ways to engage Aboriginal patrons after attending the Indigenous Services and Collections in Libraries Masterclass run by the Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education & Research at the University of Technology Sydney.

Narrabri Library Manager informed the meeting that Narrabri Shire Council departments are about to undergo Dementia Friendly Awareness Training. Details of the training will be shared with other CNRL branches.

The Narrabri Library Manager requested an update on the proposed fines amnesty. Unfortunately the current Spydus software does not have the functionality to perform this task. Branches may manually waive fines.

The next meeting was set for 13 November 2019.

A demonstration of the virtual reality technology now available through CNRL was given after the meeting closed.




Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

8.2           Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for April/May 2019

File Number:                  

Responsible Officer:     Catherine Redding, Mayor

Author:                              Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:                  Nil



That Council note the Mayoral Appointments for the period April/May 2019.



For the information of Councillors, I provide details of my Mayoral appointments and attendances between the dates (onwards from last Council Meeting) as follows:

Thursday 25 April 2019

·    Attended ANZAC Day services at Narrabri West Memorial (dawn Service), Narrabri central ceremony (saluting at Administration Building, then participating in main ceremony), then attending lunch at the Narrabri RSL Club with the Narrabri Sub-Branch Committee members.

Friday 26 April 2019

·    Attended morning meeting with Roy Butler – Member elect for Barwon, and discussed a variety of items within the Shire.

Monday 29 April 2019

·    Chaired the April 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting, in the Administration Building/Council Chambers.

Tuesday 30 April 2019

·    Invited to and attended the ‘Narrabri Dementia Friendly Community’ Committee Meeting at HealthWise in Barwan Street, Narrabri.

Wednesday 1 May 2019

·    Organised and attended meeting with Mr David Quirk – General Manager Mehi Cluster/Hunter New England Health, with Cr Booby and Cr Loder also in attendance, as per routine quarterly update meetings with Council.

·    Attended Central Northern Regional Libraries committee meeting with Narrabri Library Manager, in Tamworth at Ray Walsh House.

·    Invited to and attended Narrabri Showgirl Presentation and Cocktail evening at the Narrabri Showground facility.


Thursday 2 May 2019

·    Attended the cotton harvest (final stages) at Federation Farm with Gary Coulton (Federation Farm Manager), and Council’s Water Services Manager.

·    Invited to and attended Narrabri Real Estate ‘re-opening/re-location’ morning tea and cake cutting.

·    Presided over Narrabri Shire Citizenship Ceremony for four (4) nominees at the Council Chambers at afternoon ceremony.

Saturday 4 May 2019

·    Attended Narrabri Show for the afternoon and evening.

Tuesday 7 May 2019

·    Attended May 2019 Councillor Briefing/Workshop day with fellow Councillors and Senior Managers.

Thursday 9 May 2019

·    Attended brief meeting with Member for Parkes Mark Coulton MP, and then both travelled to Horsearm Creek, Narrabri, for funding announcement by the Member, for Timber Bridges Replacement Program in the Narrabri Shire – these being for Horsearm Creek and also Spring Creek on the Bald Hill Road, Narrabri.

Friday 10 May 2019

·    Attended ‘National Neighbourhood Centre Week’ luncheon being held at the Narrabri District & Community Aid Service Centre in Maitland Street, Narrabri.

Saturday 11 May 2019

·    Invited to and provided ‘Welcome’ to approximately 160 motorbike riders for members of ‘The Long Ride’ who are travelling through NSW to Canberra to raise funds for the National Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, at the Narrabri RSL Club for evening dinner.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

·    Travelled to Sydney in the afternoon to attend the ‘Small Business Friendly Council Conference’ on following days - Thursday 16 and Friday 17 May 2019.

Thursday 16 May 2019

·    Attended ‘Small Business Friendly Council Conference’ in Sydney.

Friday 17 May 2019

·    Attended ‘Small Business Friendly Council Conference’ in Sydney, and travelled back home to Narrabri on same evening.

Tuesday 21 May 2019

·    Attended Vickery Coal Community Consultation Committee Meeting in Gunnedah Whitehaven Coal Office.

Wednesday 22 May 2019

·       Attended and opened the ‘Container Exhibition’ official opening at the Narrabri Visitor Information Centre, Tibbereena Street/parklands, with fellow Councillors and Senior Staff.  

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

9            Our Society



By 2027, we will provide a safe, supportive community where everyone feels welcomes, valued and connected.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several social priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Community development

§  Community health and safety

§  Community arts, events and entertainment

§  Community care services and transport

§  Parks, open spaces and sporting facilities

§  Children, youth and aged care services

§  Disability access services

§  Library services


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following social strategic outcomes:

§  Increased community arts, events and entertainment

§  Reduction in anti-social behaviour and public offences

§  Improved community accessibility and inclusiveness

§  Improved sport and recreational services and facilities

§  Improved educational services and learning pathways

§  Improved community health and support services



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

9.1           Request for Mayor Redding to attend the NSW Public Libraries (NSWPLA) Library Conference 19-22 November 2019

File Number:                  

Responsible Officer:     Catherine Redding, Mayor

Author:                              Jenny Campbell, Library Manager

Attachments:                  Nil


Delivery Program Alignment


1. Society


1.1 Community health, safety and support services will adequately meet changing community needs


1.1.1 Support and encourage health and wellbeing programs and services to improve resident lifestyles



Executive Summary

This report details the benefits of attending the New South Wales Public Libraries Association (NSWPLA) Library Conference to be held in Sydney 19 November 2019 to 22 November 2019, which includes the NSWPLA Annual General Meeting.



That Council endorse Mayor Redding’s attendance to the NSWPLA Library Conference in November 2019.



An NSWPLA Library Conference is held annually, alternating between Metropolitan and Country Library locations. This year the conference is in Sydney at the Penrith Panthers. Councillor Redding is the Deputy Chair of the Central North Regional Library Committee.

Current Situation

There are many benefits derived from attendance at the annual Public Library Conference. These benefits include but are not limited to the following:

·    Developing networks

Attending the NSWPLA Conference will make Narrabri Library’s network stronger as connection are made and information is shared others in the library sector.

·    Increasing the reputation of the library

Attendance at the Conference shows that Narrabri Shire is committed to professional development and improving its services through innovation.




·    Staying informed

Attendance at the conference ensures that Narrabri Libraries will not be left behind when the next wave of innovations for libraries takes place. This is an opportunity to hear about what others are doing both in Australia and abroad to change the way libraries operate.

·    Serving library users better

Attendees come back with inspired ideas and renewed enthusiasm.

·    Opportunities to find out about new vendors and suppliers

Attendance at the conference highlights new products and who the best supplier is.

·    Meeting leaders in the library field

This is an opportunity to meet and speak to leaders in the library industry

This year’s Conference theme is Smart – Engaged – Resilient.

As the funding model for libraries has increased, the conference will be a valuable vehicle to share ideas on how other libraries are utilising this funding.

Further details on the conference can be seen via the NSWPLA website:


Financial Implications

The cost of the two (2) day conference, including:

·    Welcome Reception

·    Exhibitors & Sponsors Dinner

·    Conference Dinner

Early Bird: 23 April – 30 August 2019 • Fee: $700 plus GST
Standard: 31 August – 1 November 2019 • Fee: $750 plus GST

The cost of three (3) nights’ accommodation at Penrith Panthers Conference Location at the conference negotiated rate:

·    Standard Queen: $165

·    Standard Double: $165

·    Superior King: $185

Travel to Sydney by Mayoral car and sundry meals whilst travelling are additional.

Statutory and Policy Implications





10          Our Environment



By 2027, we will maintain a healthy balance between our natural and built environments.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several environmental priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Waste management and recycling

§  Environmental planning

§  Planning and development

§  Parks and open spaces

§  Noxious weeds control

§  Floodplain management

§  Water and sewer management

§  Stormwater management


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following environmental strategic outcomes:

§  Improved air, water and soil quality

§  Reduction in domestic and industry waste

§  Management of potential impacts from extractive industries

§  Improved emergency service provision and resources

§  Maintenance of heritage sites for future generation



Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                 29 April 2019




Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

11          Our Economy



By 2027, we will have developed a strong, diverse economy that attracts, retains and inspires business, industry and tourism growth.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several economic priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Economic development

§  Planning and development

§  Entertainment and conferences

§  Local and regional tourism and events

§  Saleyards

§  Airport


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following economic strategic outcomes:

§  Increased community events, conferences and entertainment

§  Increased employment through industry innovation, investment and value adding

§  Established freight hub for the Norther Inland Region

§  Increased housing availability and affordability

§  Broadened economic base



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

11.1         Delegates Report - Inland Rail Summit 2019

File Number:                  

Responsible Officer:     Cameron Staines, Councillor

Author:                              Cameron Staines, Councillor

Attachments:                  Nil


Delivery Program Alignment


3. Economy


3.2 We will become a logistics hub for the northern inland region


3.2.1 Promote Narrabri Shire as a Regional Logistics Hub





1.    That Council note Cr Staines and Campbell’s Delegate Report from the Inland Rail Summit held on 30 March and 1 May 2019.

2.    That Council considering the advanced stages of planning and development, showcase the Industrial and Logistics Hub at opportunities such as the Inland Rail Summit in 2020 and other like events at which prominent stakeholders and investors will be present.


Delegates REPORT

On 30 March and 1 May, Councillor Ron Campbell, the General Manager Stewart Todd and I (Councillor Cameron Staines) attended the second annual Inland Rail Summit in Sydney.

Both days where informative with speakers from across the board including scientific studies on ballast and how it affects rail line movement as well as how to use used recycled product to secure and stabilise line movement.

This Summit was somewhat focused at large contractors such as Downer and Laing O’Rouke.

Richard Wankmuller, CEO Inland Rail ARTC, provided an update on the Inland Rail project, citing:

·    $16 billion economic benefits.

·    16,000 direct and indirect jobs.

·    5,000 jobs in NSW.

·    $2.6 billion increase in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for NSW.

He also discussed the potential for the discovery of sustainable water supplies during the project which could be transferred to additional lasting benefits for communities post-construction.

The majority of project construction is forecast to occur during 2021 – 2025.

The session presented by SCT Logistics was very interesting, they have depots spread between Melbourne and Brisbane covering the eastern Australian ports were SCT have mini intermodals with customised business models which cater for their contractors.

A session by Chris Baker, Tunnel Systems Discipline Leader Future Freight Joint Venture, was extremely informative. He portal doors for the rain tunnels.

Our networking was once again very successful. Conversations with SCT Logistics, New South Wales Transport and New South Wales Premier and Cabinet were highly informative and resulting in some good decision-making in our future adventures.

Moving forward, I believe for the next Inland Rail Summit in 2020 we should push the envelope, test the market and present our Industrial and Logistics Hub and really showcase what we have to offer – especially considering our recent resolution to purchase the subject land for the Hub.

Moree Shire presented there intermodal proposal and what they can offer to attract business which I thought was a competitive strategy in front of our business model.



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

12          Our Civic Leadership



By 2027, we will proactively together to achieve our shared vision with strong strategic direction.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several civic leadership priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Integrated strategic planning and reporting

§  Community engagement and consultation

§  Representation and governance

§  Human resource management

§  Customer services

§  Information services

§  Financial services

§  Risk management

§  Compliance and regulation


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following civic leadership strategic outcomes:

§  Improved community engagement and decision-making processes

§  Well established community, industry, government and non-government partnerships

§  Well maintained core infrastructure and service provision that delivers public value

§  Transparent and accountable planning and reporting

§  Financial efficiency and sustainability



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

12.1         Delegates Report - Narrabri Mine Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 6 March 2019

File Number:                  

Responsible Officer:     Cameron Staines, Councillor

Author:                              Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:                  1.        Narrabri Mine Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 6 March 2019  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice



That Council note Cr Staines’ Delegates Report from the Narrabri Mine Community Consultative Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 6 March 2019.


Delegates REPORT

The Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee held a Meeting on Wednesday 6 March 2019.

The Minutes from the meeting are attached.

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

12.2         Re-naming of Lagoon Bridge, Wee Waa - Process

File Number:                  

Responsible Officer:     Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Author:                              Tan Vo, Manager Property Services

Attachments:                  Nil


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.1 We will proactively engage and partner with the community and government to achieve our strategic goals


4.1.2 Ensure the community is informed and involved in Council activities through implementing quality consultation



Executive Summary

In November 2018, Council requested a report from the General Manager outlining the requirements for renaming “Wee Waa Lagoon Bridge” to “Sweetman Bridge”.  This report outlined the process and the criteria for naming a public asset in accordance with Council’s Naming Public Assets Policy.



That Council note the information on the proposal to rename ‘Wee Waa Lagoon Bridge’ to ‘Sweetman Bridge’ Wee Waa.



Council at its meeting of 27 November 2018 considered a notice of motion and resolved

(Minute 257/2018) that:

The General Manager prepare a report, in alignment with the requirements of Council’s Naming Public Assets Policy, on the proposal to re-name “Lagoon Bridge”, Wee Waa to “Sweetman Bridge”.

Current Situation

Council’s Naming Public Assets Policy was last reviewed and adopted by Council in August 2017 (Minute 164/2017).

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

Council’s Naming Public Assets Policy supports naming of public assets after personal names provided that:

The person being honoured by the naming should be of proven character, and have either had a direct long-term association with the area, or have made a significant contribution to the area; and:

·    The person has three or more terms of office as an elected member of the Council (however, Councillors or Parliamentarians cannot be considered for naming until they are deceased); or

·    The person has 25 or more years association with a local community group; or

·    The person had carried out action to protect, restore, enhance or maintain an area that produces substantial long-term improvements for the community or area over a period of 25 years.

The Geographical Naming Board (GNB) does not deal with naming of bridges as the naming of bridges and other structures on roads does not have a formal legislative basis.  However, RMS is responsible for the naming of bridges and other structures on freeways.  GNB’s guidelines suggest that it is logical for RMS to approve naming proposals for bridges on local, regional and state roads. RMS will approve a naming proposal for a bridge or structure provided that:

·    The name has wide community support (through public consultation);

·    The name is consistent with GNB place name criteria; and

·    The design of the name signage or plaque accords with RMS requirements.

Should Council support the proposal for renaming of “Wee Waa Lagoon Bridge” to “Sweetman Bridge”, a motion could be put forward as follows:

1.    That Council advertise the proposal to rename ‘Lagoon Bridge’ to ‘Sweetman Bridge’ Wee Waa; as per Council Policy and allow a period of 28 days for public submission.

2.    That Council make arrangements for obtaining RMS’s approval should there be no objections against this renaming proposal.

Council, after the above consultation, would be presented a further report which would include the resultant outcomes of the consultation, should Council resolve to further the proposal.



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

12.3         Setting of Councillor Fees 2019/2020

File Number:                  

Responsible Officer:     Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Author:                              Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Attachments:                  1.        NSW Local Government Remuneration Tribunal Annual Report  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice



Executive Summary

Council needs to set Councillors Fees each year, based on recommendations from the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal.



That Council adopt the maximum fee payable under the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal determination, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.



In accordance with Chapter 9 Part 2 Division 4 of the Local Government Act 1993 (“the Act”) the level of remuneration payable to councillors and mayors is reviewed annually by the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal. Such review sets the maximum and minimum amounts that councillors and mayors are to receive.

Section 248 of the Act outlines that Council may fix the annual fee payable to Councillors.

Current Situation

The Local Government Remuneration Tribunal determination for the 2019/2020 year was published in the Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales on 26 April 2019. The Tribunal determined that the minimum and maximum fees applicable to each category will be increased by 2.5 per cent which is consistent with the government’s policy on wages.

Council is classified in the Category – Rural. The maximum and minimum remunerations as prescribed within the Determination are:


Minimum Annual Fee

Maximum Annual Fee







Total Mayor



Financial Implications

An appropriate budget allocation has been made in the draft 2019/2020 budget.

Statutory and Policy Implications

If Council does not determine the annual fee(s) payable, the minimum annual fee will apply.


External Consultation

·    Local Government Remuneration Tribunal.

Internal Consultation



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

12.4         Investment Report - April 2019

File Number:                   446808

Responsible Officer:     Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Author:                              Luke Meppem, Senior Finance Officer

Attachments:                  Nil


Delivery Program Alignment

4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.3 Report in a clear, concise manner that is easily understood

Executive Summary

Council is required to consider a report on its investments in accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

During the month:

·    Two (2) investments matured, totalling $4 million.

·    One (1) new investment was placed, totalling $2 million.

Council’s Responsible Accounting Officer has certified that Council’s investments are in accordance with requirements.



That Council note the Investment Report for April 2019.



Council is required to consider a report on its investments in accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

Current Situation

The following is a summary of investment movements for April 2019:

Investments maturing during the month:

·    10/04/2019          Auswide Bank                           $3,000,000 183 days @ 2.78%

·    17/04/2019          ME Bank                                     $1,000,000 154 days @ 2.70%


New investments secured during the month:


·    10/04/2019          Auswide Bank                           $2,000,000 273 days @ 2.58%





Investment Rate Summary for April 2019

Average Interest Rate on Investments:                                                                                                                                  2.72%                                                                                                                                             

Weighted Average Interest Rate on Investments                                                                                                                                  2.74%

Council’s Benchmarks

Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSW) 90 day index (01/05/2019)[1]                                                                                                                                  1.57%

Average 11am Cash Rate                                                                                                                                  1.50%

Financial Implications

The interest income for the month:

General Fund                                 $40,888

Externally Restricted Funds       $25,000

Water Fund                                    $30,135

Sewer Fund                                    $20,798

Total Interest Income              $116,821

Statutory and Policy Implications

Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 requires Council’s Responsible Accounting Officer to provide a monthly report setting out the details of all money that the Council has invested under section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993.

It is certified that Council’s investments have been made in accordance with:

·    Local Government Act 1993.

·    Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

·    Ministerial Investment Order dated 12 January 2011.

·    Council’s Investment Policy dated 15 August 2017.


External Consultation


Internal Consultation

·    Responsible Accounting Officer.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                     28 May 2019

12.5         ALC/ARA Inland Rail Conference - Toowoomba, August 2019

File Number:                  

Responsible Officer:     Stewart Todd, General Manager

Author:                              Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:                  Nil


Delivery Program Alignment


3. Economy


3.2 We will become a logistics hub for the northern inland region


3.2.1 Promote Narrabri Shire as a Regional Logistics Hub



Executive Summary

The Australian Logistics Council (“ALC”) and Australian Railway Association (“ARA”) are jointly hosting an Inland Rail Conference in Toowoomba QLD between 21-22 August 2019. Due to the influence and impact of the Inland Rail, Councillor representation should be seriously considered for this Conference. Both Federal and State Governments will be represented with many other key stakeholders such as Australian Rail Track Corporation (“ARTC”) also being represented.



That Council determine Councillor attendance at the Toowoomba 2019 Inland Rail Summit to be held in Toowoomba on 21-22 August 2019.



Over the past 12 months, Council representatives have travelled to Brisbane in May 2018, Parkes in July 2018, Sydney in April 2019 for various national Inland Rail Summits, which have proven to be very productive and highly beneficial, enabling contacts and networking to be established with many industry representatives as well as seeing Narrabri Shire showcased during presentations.

Current Situation

With Council’s proposed Industrial & Logistics Hub and the advent of the Inland Rail Project the Australian Logistics Council (“ALC”) and Australian Railway Association (“ARA”) Inland Rail Conference will be an event that Council cannot afford to not attend at this crucial development stage.

Numerous representatives from Inland Rail stakeholders such as key logistics companies, will be present at the Conference in Toowoomba, however the program has not yet been finalised and distributed.

Attending such an event will enable Council to further promote the Industrial and Logistics Hub to key stakeholders such as logistics companies and other attendees.




The Conference will also explore the critical issues of skills, connectivity, supporting regional growth opportunities and community consultation processes. We will also discuss how the Inland Rail Project will underpin the National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy, due to be released later this year.

The Conference Program is currently being finalised, however, once available will be distributed to the nominated attendees, as Council delegates. However, further industry information can be gathered at the following link:  https://ara.net.au/events-and-networking/inland-rail-conference

Financial Implications

The conference attendance fee is $770.00 per attendee (inc GST).

Accommodation costs for two (2) nights will be approximately $350 (in total) per person for the 2 day conference.

Statutory and Policy Implications

Reporting Requirements of the Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Councillors Policy

Councillors will report, in writing, in an open session of a Council Meeting on the outcome of the conference, seminar or similar function attended. The report will be submitted to the General Manager (or their delegate) within one (1) month of the Councillor's attendance at the conference, seminar or similar function.

If a number of Councillors attend the same function, a single report may be submitted on behalf of all Councillors that attended, however the report must be signed by all Councillors that were in attendance.

The report to Council will be in writing and include the following:

·    The purpose/subject matter of the conference, including the reason for the attendance of the delegate(s).

·    The agenda of the conference.

·    Any items of interest to Council discussed at the conference.

·    Recommendations for further areas of action or investigation (if applicable).

A Councillor(s) who attend the annual conference of Local Government NSW (LGNSW) do not need to provide a written report to Council.



Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                 29 April 2019

13          Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting  


That Council move into Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting of Council and that the press and members of the public be asked to leave the room whilst Council considers the following items:

13.1         Industrial and Logistics Hub - Land Purchase and Funding Strategy

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (d)(i) and (d)(ii) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it and information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council.

13.2         Contract 2018-19/18 - Construction of a Concrete Shared Pathway along Narrabri Creek

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (d)(i) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.




That Council move out of Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting and that the resolutions from the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting be read out aloud.



14          Meeting Closed

[1] Source: www.asx.com.au