I hereby give notice that an Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on:


Monday, 17 December 2018




Narrabri Shire Council Chambers

46-48 Maitland Street




Ordinary Council Meeting

17 December 2018


Stewart Todd

General Manager



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018




Request to Speak/Addressing Council on an Agenda Item:


If the matter is listed within the Council Business Paper, you can request to address Council by:


·                     Completing the “Request to Speak in Public Forum”, at an Ordinary Council Meeting, which can be obtained, from Council’s Administration Office, or by downloading it from Council’s website.

On-line at http://www.narrabri.nsw.gov.au/speaking-at-public-forum-1232.html

·                     The completed form can then be submitted via the following methods:

Fax: 02 6799 6888; or email to council@narrabri.nsw.gov.au



Your request to address Council must be received by Council no later than 5.00pm on the day prior to the Council Meeting.


Council's Code of Meeting Practice sets out the following guidelines for addressing Council:


·         Addresses in the Public Forum will commence at 1.00pm.

·         Addresses will be limited to 3 minutes in duration.

·         Council accepts no responsibility for any defamatory statements made by speakers.

·         Audio-visual presentations must be received by 1.30pm on the day prior to the meeting.

·         When your name is called, please proceed to the Council lectern (usually located to the right hand side of the Chamber).

·         Members of the public may quietly enter and leave the Meeting at any time.



All mobile phones are to be turned off at commencement and for the duration of the meeting.

This request also applies to all audio and visual recording devices, unless prior approval has been sought from the General Manager.




Cr Cathy Redding

Deputy Mayor

Cr Robert Kneale

Cr Maxine Booby

Cr Ron Campbell

Cr Ron Campey

Cr Lloyd Finlay

Cr Ann Loder

Cr Annie McMahon

Cr Cameron Staines

General Manager

Mr Stewart Todd


Infrastructure Delivery

Mr Darren Raeck


Corporate Services

Mr Lindsay Mason


Development &

Economic Growth

Mr Tony Meppem





Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018


1          Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal 9

2          Acknowledgement of Country. 9

3          Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences. 9

4          Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests. 9

5          Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting. 9

6          Public Forum and Presentations. 10

7          Confirmation of Minutes. 10

8          Mayoral Minute. 21

8.1            Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for November/December 2018. 21

9          Our Society. 23

9.1            Delegates Report - Central Northern Regional Libraries (CNRL) Meeting in Tamworth - 14 November 2018. 24

9.2            Delegates Report - Narrabri District Health Service Advisory Committee Meeting - 12 November 2018. 41

9.3            Report of The Crossing Theatre Advisory Committee. 47

9.3            Wee Waa Green Space and proposed CBD Upgrade Works. 52

10       Our Environment. 65

10.1          Planning Proposal 04/2019 - Obstacle Limitation Surfaces Map. 66

10.2          Planning Proposal 05/2019 - B1 Zone Changes. 81

10.3          Reclassification of the Bellata Caravan Park and Narrabri Library Land. 105

11       Our Economy. 129

11.1          Report of the Narrabri Airport Advisory Committee. 130

12       Our Civic Leadership. 135

12.1          Delegates Report - Maules Creek Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 7 November 2018. 136

12.2          Delegates Report - Combined Boggabri/Tarrawonga/Maules Creek Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 9 November 2018. 150

12.3          Delegates Report - Boggabri Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 8 November 2018. 160

12.4          Pecuniary Interest Returns 2017/2018. 179

12.5          Related Party Disclosures - Six Month Review.. 182

12.6          Investment Report - November 2018. 184

12.7          Notice of Motion - Civic Art Collection. 188

12.8          2019 ALGWA NSW Annual Conference. 189

12.9          Road Closure Application Fee. 197

12.10       Crown Land Classification and Categorisation. 199

13       Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting. 205

13.1          Australia Day Award 2019 Nominations........................................................................ 205

13.2          Boggabri Caravan Park Upgrade and Redevelopment 205

13.3       Vickery Coal Mine Extension Project - Voluntary Planning Agreement                    205

14       Meeting Closed. 205


1            Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal

Councillors, Council staff and people in the gallery are asked to be upstanding for the opening prayer.

2            Acknowledgement of Country

I acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet today, the Kamilaroi people, and pay my respects to Kamilaroi Elders both past and present.

3            Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences

Nil (at time of agenda and business paper compilation).

4            Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests

Councillors are reminded of their obligation to declare their interest in any matters listed before them.

In considering your interest, you are reminded to include pecuniary and non-pecuniary conflicts of interest as well as any other interest you perceive or may be perceived of you.

Councillors may declare an interest at the commencement of the meeting, or alternatively at any time during the meeting should any issue progress or arise that would warrant a declaration.

Councillors must state their reasons in declaring any type of interest.

5            Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting

Extract from Council’s Code of Meeting Practice

Part 4 Section 17a.

17a.    Which parts of a meeting can be closed to the public?

(1)     A Council, or a Committee of the Council of which all the members are Councillors, may close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises:

(a)     the discussion of any of the matters listed in Sub-Clause (2) below, or

(b)     the receipt or discussion of any of the information so listed.

(2)     The matters and information are the following:

(a)     personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors),

(b)     the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer,

(c)     information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business,

(d)     commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed:

i.       prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or

ii.      confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the Council, or

iii.     reveal a trade secret,

(e)     information that would, if disclosed, prejudice the maintenance of law,

(f)      matters affecting the security of the Council, Councillors, Council staff or Council property,

(g)     advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege,

(h)     information concerning the nature and location of a place or an item of Aboriginal significance on community land.

(3)     A Council, or a Committee of the Council of which all the members are Councillors, may also close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises a motion to close another part of the meeting to the public.

(4)     Members of the public may be allowed to make representations to or at a Council or Committee meeting for a period of up to three (3) minutes, immediately after the motion to close the part of the meeting.

(5)     is moved and seconded, as to whether that part of the meeting should be closed at the discretion of the Council

The following matters will be considered in the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting:

13.1       Australia Day Award 2019 Nominations

13.2       Boggabri Caravan Park Upgrade and Redevelopment

13.3       Vickery Coal Mine Extension Project - Voluntary Planning Agreement


6            Public Forum and Presentations

Public Forum and Presentation requests received to date nil.

7            Confirmation of Minutes


That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 27 November 2018 comprising Minute Nos 251/2018 to 267/2018 as circularised be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Mayor.


MINUTES OF narrabri SHIRE council
Ordinary Council Meeting
Boggabri RSL Club Meeting Room,

77-79 Laidlaw Street, BOGGABRI NSW   2390
Tuesday, 27 November 2018 AT 2.01pm


PRESENT:                 Cr Robert Kneale (Deputy Mayor), Cr Maxine Booby, Cr Ron Campbell, Cr Ron Campey, Cr Lloyd Finlay, Cr Ann Loder, Cr Annie McMahon, Cr Cameron Staines.

IN ATTENDANCE:     Stewart Todd (General Manager), Tan Vo (Acting Director Corporate Services), Darren Raeck (Director Infrastructure Delivery), Tony Meppem (Director Development and Economic Growth), Delece Hartnett (Minute Clerk), Tim McClellan (Financial Services Manager).


In the absence of the Mayor; the Deputy Mayor (Cr Kneale) assumed chairpersonship of the Meeting.

Proceedings of the meeting commenced at 2.01pm.

1            Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal

Members and officers were upstanding for the opening prayer read by the Deputy Mayor, Cr Robert Kneale.

2            Acknowledgement of Country

The Deputy Mayor acknowledged the Traditional Owners of the land on which the Council met, the Kamilaroi people, and paid his respects to Elders past and present.

3            Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences

Minute  251/2018  

Moved:       Cr Ron Campey               Seconded:       Cr Lloyd Finlay

That the apology from the Mayor, Cr Redding be acknowledged for the November 2018 Ordinary Council Meeting, held on Tuesday 27 November 2018.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0

4            Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests

Councillors are reminded of their obligation to declare their interest in any matters listed before them.

In considering your interest, you are reminded to include pecuniary, non-pecuniary and conflicts of interest as well as any other interest you perceive or may be perceived of you.

Councillors may declare an interest at the commencement of the meeting, or alternatively at any time during the meeting should any issue progress or arise that would warrant a declaration.

Councillors must state their reasons in declaring any type of interest.







Cr R Campbell



Business Contractor for Whitehaven Coal.

Cr Finlay


Non Pecuniary - Significant

Currently leases property off Whitehaven Coal.


5            Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting


6            Public Forum and Presentations

Public Forum requests received to date:

·         Nil.

Presentation requests received to date:

1.      Crowe Horwath (Auditor)  - Ms Kylie Ellis, presenting the Annual Financial Statements.

7            Confirmation of Minutes


Moved:       Cr Ann Loder                   Seconded:       Cr Ron Campbell

That the minutes of Ordinary Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 30 October 2018 comprising Minute Nos 228/2018 to 250/2018 as circularised be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Mayor.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0



8            Mayoral Minute

8.1         Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for October/November 2018

Minute  252/2018  

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Ron Campbell

That Council note the Mayoral Appointments for the period October/November 2018.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


9            Our Society

9.1         Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee

Minute  253/2018  

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

That Council:

1.   Appoint the following persons as members to the Access and Inclusion Committee, as individuals that identify as having a disability, have an understanding of disability related issues, or who care for someone with a disability:

a.   Kylie Mullen.

b.   Paul Robinson.

2.   Amend the Access and Inclusion Committee Terms of Reference; 4.1 Members, by removing the membership of two (2) individuals representing organisations that provide disability support and service delivery; due to no applications being received.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


10          Our Environment

10.1       Burning of Vegetation Policy

Minute  254/2018  

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

That Council adopt the Burning of Vegetation Policy; as attached to this report.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


11          Our Economy

11.1       Heavy Vehicle Bypass of Narrabri

Minute  255/2018  

Moved:       Cr Annie McMahon         Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby


That Council work proactively with Road and Maritime Services (RMS) and Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) with regards to the forward planning for a Newell Highway heavy vehicle bypass; with Councillors to receive monthly updates on the progress of discussions.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


At 2:57 pm, Cr Ron Campbell declared a non-pecuniary significant interest in Agenda item 12.1 - Vickery Mine Extension Project, and left the meeting.

Cr Lloyd Finlay declared a non-pecuniary significant interest in Agenda item 12.1 - Vickery Mine Extension Project, and left the meeting.

Director Development and Economic Growth Tony Meppem declared pecuniary interest in Agenda item 12.1 - Vickery Coal Mine Extension Project, and left the meeting.



12          Our Civic Leadership

12.1       Vickery Coal Mine Extension Project


Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines

That Council defer this matter.


Minute  256/2018  

Moved:       Cr Annie McMahon         Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby

1.   That Council note the update on the Vickery Coal Mine, Vickery Extension Project Public Hearing.

2.   That Council write to the Independent Planning Commission NSW and request:

a.   That the Independent Planning Commission NSW website be updated to identify Narrabri Shire Council as well as Gunnedah Shire Council as the Local Government areas within which the Vickery Coal Mine, Vickery Extension Project is proposed.

b.   That at least one (1) session of the Vickery Coal Mine, Vickery Extension Project Public Hearing be held in Boggabri.

c.   That suitable free transport be provided for residents of Boggabri and the wider Narrabri Shire to attend the Vickery Coal Mine, Vickery Extension Project Public Hearing in Gunnedah.

3.   That Council make a written submission to the Vickery Coal Mine, Vickery Extension Project Public Hearing.

4.   That Council note the update on submissions to the NSW Government on the Vickery Coal Mine, Vickery Extension Project.

5.   That Council endorse in principle that the objectives for a planning agreement associated with the Vickery Coal Mine, Vickery Extension Project are to:

a.   Meet the demands created by the Project for new public infrastructure, amenities and services;

b.   Secure off-site planning benefits for the wider community so that the Project delivers a net community benefit;

c.   Compensate for the loss of or damage to a public amenity, service, resource or asset by development through replacement, substitution, repair or regeneration.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 6/0


At 3:16 pm, Cr Ron Campbell, Cr Lloyd Finlay and Director Development and Economic Growth  returned to the meeting.

12.2       Notice of Motion - Re-naming of Lagoon Bridge, Wee Waa

Minute  257/2018  

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Lloyd Finlay

That the General Manager prepare a report, in alignment with the requirements of Council’s Naming Public Assets Policy, on the proposal to re-name “Lagoon Bridge”, Wee Waa to “Sweetman Bridge”.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay and Cameron Staines

Against:           Crs Ann Loder and Annie McMahon

carried 6/2


12.3       Narrabri Mardi Gras - Request for Suspension of Alcohol Free Zone

Minute  258/2018  

Moved:       Cr Ron Campbell             Seconded:       Cr Cameron Staines

That Council suspend the Alcohol Free Zone on Maitland Street between Lloyd Street and Doyle Street for the proposed area in front of the Crossroads Hotel, between the hours of 5:00PM to 9:00PM Thursday 20 December 2018, for the Narrabri Christmas Mardi Gras event. The remaining section of Maitland Street outside of the fenced area will remain an Alcohol Free Zone, for the Narrabri Christmas Mardi Gras event.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


At 3:24 pm, Cr Cameron Staines left the meeting.

At 3:26 pm, Cr Cameron Staines returned to the meeting.

12.4       Code of Conduct Complaints Statistics

Minute  259/2018  

Moved:       Cr Ron Campey               Seconded:       Cr Annie McMahon

1.   That Council note the Code of Conduct Complaint Statistics for the period 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2018.

2.   That Council forward the Code of Conduct Complaint Statistics to the Office of Local Government.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Cr Ann Loder

carried 7/1


12.5       Investment Report - October 2018

Minute  260/2018  

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Ron Campbell

That Council note the Investment Report for October 2018.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


12.6       2017/2018 Annual Report

Minute  261/2018  

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Ron Campbell

That Council adopt the 2017/2018 Annual Report, as attached.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


12.7       2017/2018 Annual Financial Statements

Minute  262/2018  

Moved:       Cr Ron Campbell             Seconded:       Cr Annie McMahon

That Council note the 2017/2018 audited Annual Financial Statements.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0



12.8       September Quarterly Budget Review

Minute  263/2018  

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

That Council adopt the Quarterly Budget Review Statement for the period ended 30 September 2018 as the revised Budget estimates for the year ended 30 June 2019 and the Operational Plan and Capital Works Plan be amended accordingly.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


12.9       Report of the Internal Audit and Risk Committee

Minute  264/2018  

Moved:       Cr Annie McMahon         Seconded:       Cr Ron Campbell

That Council adopt the Minutes of the Internal Audit and Risk Committee meeting held on 17 October 2018.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


12.10     Delegates Report - Country Mayors Association Meeting -
Friday 2 November 2018

Minute  265/2018  

Moved:       Cr Ann Loder                   Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby

That Council note Mayor Reddings’ Delegate Report from the Country Mayors Association Ordinary Meeting and Annual General Meeting held in Sydney on Friday 2 November 2018.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


12.11     Delegates Report - Boggabri Coal Community Consultative Committee Extraordinary Meeting -  Wednesday 26 September 2018

Minute  266/2018  

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Cameron Staines

That Council note Cr Kneale’s Delegates Report from the Boggabri Coal Community Consultative Committee Extraordinary Meeting held on Friday 26 September 2018.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


12.12     Delegates Report - Vickery Coal Mine Community Consultative Committee Meeting - Thursday 4 October 2018

Minute  267/2018  

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Annie McMahon

That Council note Cr Staines’ Delegates Report from the Vickery Coal Mine Community Consultative Committee meeting held on Thursday 4 October 2018.

In Favour:        Crs Robert Kneale, Maxine Booby, Ron Campbell, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Ann Loder, Annie McMahon and Cameron Staines

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


13          Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting 

Nil reports.

14          Meeting Closed

The Meeting closed at 3.39pm.


The minutes of this meeting are scheduled to be confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 18 December 2018.





Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

8            Mayoral Minute

8.1         Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for November/December 2018

File Number:                434506

Responsible Officer:    Catherine Redding, Mayor

Author:                         Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:               Nil



That Council note the Mayoral Appointments for the period November/December 2018.



For the information of Councillors, I provide details of my Mayoral appointments and attendances between the dates (onwards from last Council Meeting) as follows:

Monday 26 November 2018

·    Attended New England Joint Organisation Strategic Meeting in Armidale, with the General Manager.

·    Deputy Mayor, Cr Kneale, in my absence, attended the ‘Welcome Meeting’ of the Narrabri Shire Bush Bursary Student, Mitchell Morby.

Tuesday 27 November 2018

·    Deputy Mayor, Cr Robert Kneale chaired the November 2018 Ordinary Council Meeting held in Boggabri.

·    Deputy Mayor, Cr Robert Kneale attended the Narrabri Siahto Changeover Dinner, held at the Narrabri Bowling Club.

·    I travelled to Coffs Harbour with the Library Manager to attend the NSW State Library Annual Conference from Tuesday 27 – Friday 30 November 2018.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

·    Attended December 2018 Councillor Workshop/Briefing day.

·    Attended the Wee Waa Public School Presentation evening at the Wee Waa High School Hall.

Thursday 6 December 2018

·    Attended Water NSW Information Session (morning) for Councillors and staff, in the Council Chambers.

·    Attended ‘Shire Snapshot’ photography discussions with Community Development Officer, in preparation for the launch of this competition.

·    Attended ‘The Courier’ for discussions and photo on the Annual Review produced by Courier Productions.

·    Attended Gwabegar Public School Presentation Evening at the Gwabegar Public School Hall.

Friday 7 December 2018

·    Attended Narrabri Hospital Ladies Auxiliary Christmas Luncheon, at the Narrabri Bowling Club.

·    Attended Boggabri Library refurbishment/official re-opening with community members, staff and library personnel.

Monday 10 December 2018

·    Attended the Council ‘Media and Communications Strategy’ meeting with the General Manager and Community Relations Manager.

·    Attended the Boggabri Business promotions Xmas Meeting, at the Boggabri.

Tuesday 11 December 2018

·    Attended ‘Young at Heat’ Committee Meeting & Morning Tea at the Uniting Church Hall.

·    Attended Deriah Carinya Road Funding Announcement with  Kevin Humphries, in the Council Chambers.

·    Attended Youth Centre Committee Meeting, with Council Property Services Manager, at the Crossing Theatre.

·    Attended Narrabri Public School Presentation evening at The Crossing Theatre.

Wednesday 12 December 2018

·   Attended Narrabri High School Presentation evening, at the Betty Berriman High School Hall.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

9            Our Society



By 2027, we will provide a safe, supportive community where everyone feels welcomes, valued and connected.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several social priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Community development

§  Community health and safety

§  Community arts, events and entertainment

§  Community care services and transport

§  Parks, open spaces and sporting facilities

§  Children, youth and aged care services

§  Disability access services

§  Library services


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following social strategic outcomes:

§  Increased community arts, events and entertainment

§  Reduction in anti-social behaviour and public offences

§  Improved community accessibility and inclusiveness

§  Improved sport and recreational services and facilities

§  Improved educational services and learning pathways

§  Improved community health and support services



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

9.1         Delegates Report - Central Northern Regional Libraries (CNRL) Meeting in Tamworth - 14 November 2018

File Number:                434492

Responsible Officer:    Catherine Redding, Mayor

Author:                         Jenny Campbell, Library Manager

Attachments:               1.       Draft Annual Report 2017/2018 (under separate cover)  

2.       Meeting Minutes - 14 November 2018

3.       Budget to Actual 2017/2018

4.       Draft Budget 2018/2019

5.       AGM Minutes - 14 November 2018  


Delivery Program Alignment


1. Society


1.3 Our communities will be provided with facilities and services to increase social connectivity and accessibility


1.3.4 Continually improve access to community facilities and services across the Shire



Executive Summary

Narrabri Shire Libraries are part of a Regional Library agreement with Uralla Shire Council, Walcha Shire Council, Tamworth Regional Council, Liverpool Plains Shire Council and Gwydir Shire Council. The agreement is administered by Tamworth Regional Council and the Central Northern Regional Library (CNRL) Committee, which meets to report on the year to date and to discuss other projects for the upcoming year. The Annual General Meeting, including elections was held. The Regional Library Manager also presented the annual report and the Annual Financial Statements. The draft budget was submitted for Council approval at the Ordinary Meeting.



1.   That Council note the delegates report from the CNRL Meeting of 14 November 2018.

2.   That Council adopt the CNRL draft budget for 2018-2019.


Delegates REPORT

CNRL held an Annual General Meeting and an Ordinary Meeting on 14 November 2018. Topics on the agenda included:

Annual General Meeting

The Minutes from the meeting are attached.

The meeting included the following matters listed on the CNRL AGM meeting for discussion:

Chairman’s Report 2017-2018


CNRL Libraries have serviced:-

·    302,981 Library Visits

·    64,752 members       

·    53,212 Computer bookings

·    42,815 Wifi sessions  

·    287,587 Loans  

·    841 Seed Library loans       

·    2,652 programs attended by 28,048 people  

·    CNRL received $200,000 to roll out RFID across our Library network.

Election of Central Northern Regional Libraries Committee Office Bearers

Chairman, Cr Bill Heazlett and Deputy Chair, Mayor Cathy Redding were re-elected unopposed.


Presentation of the Central Northern Regional Libraries (CNRL) Annual Report 2017-2018

The Regional Services Library Manager noted:

·    An increase in the electronic loans overall

·    The self-check loans – there was significant difference between branches

·    There is a diverse range of Programs on offer

·    Wifi hours have been reduced in some branches as a Council response to some areas to eliminate anti-social behaviour.


Annual Financial Statement 2017-2018 was presented


The CNRL Ordinary Meeting

The Minutes from the meeting are attached. The meeting included the following matters listed on the CNRL AGM meeting Agenda for discussion:

Regional Services Manager Report.


There have been a number of resignations, which have led to a minor restructuring of positions.

CWA Country of Study

Papua New Guinea.

One Book One Region Promotion

The book chosen and distributed was “Scrublands” by Chris Hammer, who spoke at a number of library branches across the region.

Tamworth Libraries and the Dolly Parton Imagination Library

From 1 January 2019, all children born and registered in the Tamworth Regional Council LGA will receive regular free books each month until they turn 5 years old. As Tamworth was the Council, which paid for this program, it will run in Tamworth. Other Councils will have the ability to opt in if they are willing to contribute financially.

Library Regulation 2018

The Library Regulation 2010 was remade in September 2018. There are no significant changes to the regulation.

Renew Our Libraries Campaign

On Friday 24 August 2018 the NSW State Government pledged an additional $60m for NSW libraries for the quadrennial period 2019-20 to 2022-23.

Renew Our Libraries Strategy:

·    Double the Funding – the $60m increase announced in August does not fully respond to the ROL request to Double the Funding for NSW libraries. The Campaign is requesting $94 million (rather than the $60m currently on offer) in additional funding to NSW public libraries over four years.

·    Index the Funding - Index state funding commitments to ensure they increase with changes in the Consumer Price Index

·    Protect the Funding - by amending the legislation to lock in the total library funding arrangements for the future (to include funding currently allocated to the Disability & Geographic Adjustment (DGA) and grant funding, which make up almost half of the current $60m proposed increase.)


The Quarterly Report for December 2018 was presented.


Spydus Upgrade to Version 10.1.6 – the update will go Live on 11th December and will provide greater functionality in a cloud based environment.


RFID progress update – Implementation will commence in 2019.

Retro-fitting of the RFID tags will begin in January 2019.

Makerspace Report – A summary of the makerspace programs provided by CNRL and across the branches was provided.


Children’s Literacy Framework – This framework was developed by the State Library NSW. A training program will be developed to roll out the Early Literacy Framework to NSW public library staff.


Budget discussions:


The 2017-2018 budget results were presented. There was an operating deficit of $34,447 and additional capital purchases of $9,658 giving a result of $44,105 deficit. This amount was brought across from reserves.


The 2018-2019 draft budget was presented. The budget has been prepared using the initial funding decrease information from the NSW State Government for 2018-2109. Due to a successful Renew Our Libraries campaign, there have been announcements from both the NSW State Government and the State Opposition, that there will be substantial increases to library funding. This increase will be additional to the subsidy figures noted in the draft budget.


Items to note:

·    The Library materials allocation has been reduced due to the initial announced drop in State Funding in 2018-2019.

·    CNRL contributions remain the same, $12.70 per capita, given the uncertain nature of the funding for 2018-2019. A subsidy drop for Narrabri Shire from $25,376 to $24,958 has been recorded in the draft budget. This decrease is much lower than other CNRL branches.


If Council wishes to make representations to the draft budget, they are requested to provide written comments to Tamworth Regional Council by 15 January 2019.


General discussion.

·    State Library visits

·    New Design for Quirindi Library

·    Walcha Council news

·    Boggabri Library refurbishments

·    CNRL servicing outlying areas

·    Uralla Library is now open 7 days

·    Tamworth Community now considers Tamworth Library as their community hub

·    Update on proposed new library for Bingara

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                17 December 2018

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

9.2         Delegates Report - Narrabri District Health Service Advisory Committee Meeting - 12 November 2018

File Number:                434504

Responsible Officer:    Ann Loder, Councillor

Author:                         Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:               1.       Narrabri Local Health Service Minutes - 12 November 2018  


Delivery Program Alignment


1. Society


1.1 Community health, safety and support services will adequately meet changing community needs


1.1.1 Support and encourage health and wellbeing programs and services to improve resident lifestyles





That Council note Cr Loder’s Delegates Report from the Narrabri District Health Service Advisory Committee Meeting held on Monday 12 November 2018.


Delegates REPORT

The Narrabri District Health Service Advisory Committee Meeting was held on Monday 12 November 2018.

The Minutes from the meeting are attached.


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

9.3         Report of The Crossing Theatre Advisory Committee

File Number:                434871

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Author:                         Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Attachments:               1.       The Crossing Theatre Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes - 6 November 2018  


Delivery Program Alignment


1. Society


1.3 Our communities will be provided with facilities and services to increase social connectivity and accessibility


1.3.4 Continually improve access to community facilities and services across the Shire

Executive Summary

A meeting of The Crossing Theatre Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, 7 November 2018.

The minutes of the Committee meeting are an attachment to this report.



That Council adopt the Minutes of The Crossing Theatre Advisory Committee held on 7th November 2018.



The objective of The Crossing Theatre Advisory Committee (“Committee”) is to provide independent advice to the Council on matters relating to The Crossing Theatre Service Plan.

The Minutes contain no recommendations requiring Council consideration. The Minutes are attached.



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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

9.3         Wee Waa Green Space and proposed CBD Upgrade Works

File Number:                433641

Responsible Officer:    Tony Meppem, Director Development and Economic Growth

Author:                         Evan Harris, Community Facilities Manager

Attachments:               1.       Wee Waa Green Space Landscape Concept

2.       Wee Waa CBD Proposed Upgrade Works - Sheet 1 Rev B

3.       Wee Waa CBD Proposed Upgrade Works - Sheet 2 Rev B

4.       Wee Waa CBD Proposed Upgrade Works - Sheet 3 Rev B

5.       Wee Waa CBD Tree Assessment Report 2018 (under separate cover)  

6.       Wee Waa CBD Tree Works and Risk Report 2018 (under separate cover)  

7.       Proposed Footpath - Rose Street (Church Street to Charles Street)  


Delivery Program Alignment


1. Society


1.2 Our vibrant country lifestyle will be enhanced through embracing our recreational and cultural diversity


1.2.1 Major towns have attractive and welcoming CBD areas that provide opportunities for social interaction



Executive Summary

Council acquired the property located at 106 Rose street Wee Waa for the purpose of providing a community green space for social interaction and a meeting place for residents and tourists to utilise when visiting the Wee Waa CBD.

Council has engaged a landscape architect to draft a concept plan for this site and is now seeking approval for the design to be place on public display.

The plan is intended to be available in two (2) designated sites, the first would be the Wee Waa Public Library, and the second would be placed in a shop front of a local business on the main street. A minimum twenty-eight-day exhibition period is proposed for the draft plan and once completed Council will then review submissions and determine the final design.

The proposed CBD upgrades incorporates new street furniture (seating and bins), shelter maintenance, new kerb side bollards installed, major centre median and street maintenance and footpath replacement along Rose Street.



1.   That Council adopt the attached proposed Concept Plan for a CBD Green Space in Wee Waa for the purposes of public exhibition and place the plan on exhibition for a minimum of twenty-eight (28) days during which submissions are invited.

2.   That Council adopt the Wee Waa CBD Upgrade Works Plan to be funded from the remaining balance of the Narrabri Shire CBD Upgrades VPA restricted asset.



Council’s adopted Operational plan for 2018/2019 includes action “ Investigate and implement renovation/improvement to the Wee Waa CBD”.

Council acquired the property located at 106 Rose street Wee Waa for the purpose of providing a community green space for social interaction and a meeting place for residents and tourists to utilise when visiting the Wee Waa CBD.

Discussions have been ongoing with the Wee Waa Chamber of Commerce regarding the green space draft plan and maintenance plan, from these discussions the attached plans were developed, and a number of stages are at the commencement point.

Council has engaged a landscape architect to draft a concept plan for this site and is now seeking approval for the design to be place on public display.

Current Situation

A concept plan for the Green Space has been completed and is awaiting Council approval to display the plan to the public. A maintenance plan has also been compiled for the Wee Waa CBD and is pending Council approval and allocation funding as per the recommendation for this report.

Wee Waa CBD Maintenance Plan

The Wee Waa CBD maintenance plan will look at key elements in the CBD to improve functionality and visual aesthetics of the area with the key elements identified on the Master Plan for the proposed upgrade works.

Please refer to attachments:

·    Wee Waa CBD Proposed Upgrade Works – Sheet 1 Rev B (Attachment 2).

·    Wee Waa CBD Proposed Upgrade Works – Sheet 2 Rev B (Attachment 3).

Street Furniture

Seating – replace with new seating, reduce the amount of seats and relocate to sites that include shade or are located closer to shop fronts

Bins - replace with new bins, reduce the size and amount of the bins and relocate to areas that have greater volume of waste or at cross over points.

Planter box and seating in front of the Wee Waa library – this would add a seating area with planter box that can be utilised for either shade with the installation of a tree or potentially an area to display public art.


The shelters located in the centre of the CBD connected by the pedestrian strip are identified for repainting and to replace the tables and chairs sets. The tables will be inclusive with wheel chair access.

Bollard Signage

The four kerb returns on the two roundabouts at each end of the CBD block have been identified to have the chains removed and replaced with a metal frames and plates with artwork cut out in each segment. The roundabout at the western end of the CBD will be Anzac themed to blend with the war memorial. The eastern roundabout will have the bollard signage theme with local natural features cotton wheat fish and river. The gaps between these bollard signs will be infilled with square frames to match existing frames found on the street.

The designs will be finalised and presented to Council, the Wee Waa RSL group and the Wee Waa Chamber of Commerce for final approval before installation.


Bollard signage has also to be installed on the kerb returns of both roundabouts as entry signage to the Wee Waa Township.

Centre median

This median has been identified for a number of works, which include replacement of damage areas of the kerb. Removal of pavers in selected areas to add new garden areas and to improve soil structure surrounding the trees. Renovations on the irrigation system have also been identified to be included.

Please refer to attachments:

·    Wee Waa CBD Proposed Upgrade Works – Sheet 1 Rev B (Attachment 2).

·    Wee Waa CBD Proposed Upgrade Works – Sheet 2 Rev B (Attachment 3).

Street trees

Council engaged an Arborist to conduct a tree assessment of the fifty jacarandas that are located in the centre medians on Rose Street and Church Street. This report identified a number of works and the removal of six trees due to poor health. The trees removed will be replaced with the same existing species.

Please refer to attachments:

·    Wee Waa CBD Tree Assessment Report 2018 (Attachment 5).

·    Wee Waa CBD Tree Works and Risk Report 2018 (Attachment 6).

Rose Street foot path and side walk shade trees from Church Street to Charles street

Replace existing pathway and plant Crepe Myrtle trees (Lagerstroemia indicia) on each side of Rose Street to improve street amenity.

Please refer to Proposed Footpath - Rose Street (Church Street to Charles Street) (Attachment 7).

Financial Implications

The budget required for the Wee Waa CBD maintenance work is estimated to be approximately $290,000.


It is proposed that these works be funded from the remaining balance of the Maules Creek Mine VPA restricted asset reserved for Narrabri Shire CBD Upgrades. The restricted asset has a current approximate balance of $320,000.

It is further proposed that the CBD Green Space be funded through a grant application to the Federal Governments “Drought Communities Program”.

Statutory and Policy Implications



External Consultation

·    Wee Waa Chamber of Commerce.

·    Dennis Lowder (representing Wee Waa RSL).

Internal Consultation

·    Design Services Manager.


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

10         Our Environment



By 2027, we will maintain a healthy balance between our natural and built environments.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several environmental priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Waste management and recycling

§  Environmental planning

§  Planning and development

§  Parks and open spaces

§  Noxious weeds control

§  Floodplain management

§  Water and sewer management

§  Stormwater management


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following environmental strategic outcomes:

§  Improved air, water and soil quality

§  Reduction in domestic and industry waste

§  Management of potential impacts from extractive industries

§  Improved emergency service provision and resources

§  Maintenance of heritage sites for future generation



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

10.1       Planning Proposal 04/2019 - Obstacle Limitation Surfaces Map

File Number:                430002

Responsible Officer:    Tony Meppem, Director Development and Economic Growth

Author:                         Daniel Boyce, Manager Planning & Regulatory Services

Attachments:               1.       PP04/2019 - OLS Map Planning Proposal

2.       Obstacle Limitation Surface Map  


Delivery Program Alignment

2. Environment


2.2 We will protect our environment through sustainable planning and well-resourced emergency services


2.2.4 Decision making will be informed by the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development and the precautionary principle



Executive Summary

The objectives and intended outcomes of this planning proposal is to ensure the effective and safe operation of the Narrabri Airport whilst ensuring that the operation of the airport is not compromised by development that constitutes an obstruction, hazard or potential hazard to aircraft flying in the vicinity.   



1.   That Council endorse the Planning Proposal to include the Obstacle Limitation Surfaces Map for the Narrabri Airport in the Narrabri Local Environmental Plan 2012 and forward the Planning Proposal to the Department of Planning and Environment with a request for a Gateway Determination.

2.   That Council notify the Department of Planning and Environment of its intention to use the plan making power delegated to Council by the Department to make the proposed amendment to Narrabri Local Environmental Plan 2012. 

3.   That Council delegate to the General Manager any necessary amendments required to the Planning Proposal as a result of considerations by the Department of Planning and Environment or as a result of the Gateway Determination.



The preparation of a planning proposal is the first step in the NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s (“DPE”) Gateway Process, the process for making or amending local environmental plans. 

A recommendation was made within the Airport Master Plan 2014 – 2034 completed by Aviation Projects for the Narrabri Airport short term that the Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (“OLS”) Plans prepared as part of the 2011 Master Plan should be incorporated into the Narrabri Local Environmental Plan 2012 (“LEP”).

OLS are a series of surfaces that set the height limits of objects around an aerodrome.  The OLS is defined by international specifications, as adopted by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.  Objects that project through the OLS become obstacles.  The purpose of the OLS is to ensure that aircraft flying in good weather during the initial and final stages of flight, or in the vicinity of the airport, can do so safely.

Current Situation

OLS for current and ultimate aerodrome layouts were prepared and included in both the 2011 and 2014 Master Plans. 

Whilst the LEP contains Clause 6.3 Airspace Operation along with reference to OLS Map, there is no map contained within the LEP.  The purpose of this planning proposal is to include the OLS Map.  No further modifications are proposed.  It is unknown why the OLS Map was not included in the LEP, it may be as a result of recognition that these maps can be amended at short notice subject to the change of airport operations.   

The objectives and intended outcomes of this planning proposal is to ensure the effective and safe operation of the Narrabri Airport whilst ensuring that the operation of the airport is not compromised by development that constitutes an obstruction, hazard or potential hazard to aircraft flying in the vicinity.   

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

This matter may result in the amendment of the LEP. The planning proposal is an environmental planning instrument, a statutory legal document affecting land use within the Narrabri Shire Local Government Area.




Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                17 December 2018

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

10.2       Planning Proposal 05/2019 - B1 Zone Changes

File Number:                429627

Responsible Officer:    Tony Meppem, Director Development and Economic Growth

Author:                         Daniel Boyce, Manager Planning & Regulatory Services

Attachments:               1.       PP05/2019 - B1 to B4 Zone

2.       Current Zoning Map

3.       Proposed Zoning Map  


Delivery Program Alignment

2. Environment


2.2 We will protect our environment through sustainable planning and well-resourced emergency services


2.2.4 Decision making will be informed by the principles of Ecologically Sustainable Development and the precautionary principle



Executive Summary

The objective of this planning proposal is to rezone the B1 Neighbourhood Centre land at West Narrabri to B4 Mixed Use under the Narrabri Local Environmental Plan 2012 (“LEP”). This is to ensure the range of development permitted within the Narrabri West precinct accounts for changing land use pressures and opportunities associated with the vision, goals and directions set out in the New England North West Regional Plan 2036.



1.   That Council endorse the Planning Proposal to amend the provisions of the Narrabri Local Environmental Plan 2012 to rezone the land located at West Narrabri that is currently zoned B1 Neighbourhood Centre to B4 Mixed Use under the Narrabri LEP 2012 to delete the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone from the LEP and forward the Proposal to the Department of Planning and Environment with a request for a Gateway Determination.

2.   That Council notify the Department of Planning and Environment of its intention to use the plan making power delegated to Council by the Department to make the proposed amendment to Narrabri Local Environmental Plan 2012. 

3.   That Council delegate to the General Manager any necessary amendments required to the Planning Proposal as a result of considerations by the Department of Planning and Environment or as a result of the Gateway Determination.



A core objective of Narrabri Shire Council’s (“Council”) Operational Plan is the ‘review and development of statutory and non-statutory plans to ensure for orderly and sustainable development’.  As part of Council’s commitment to this objective Council have been completing a review of the LEP Land Use Table. The LEP is the statutory environmental planning instrument applicable to development in the Narrabri Local Government Area (“LGA”).

The preparation of a planning proposal is the first step in the New South Wales (NSW) Department of Planning and Environment’s (“DPE”) Gateway Process, the process for making or amending local environmental plans. 


The attached planning proposal recommends to rezone the land located at West Narrabri that is currently zoned B1 Neighbourhood Centre to B4 Mixed Use under the Narrabri Local Environmental Plan 2012 (“LEP”).


The objectives and intended outcomes of this planning proposal are:


1.   To rezone the B1 Neighbourhood Centre land at West Narrabri to B4 Mixed Use under the LEP  to account for the following:


a)   To ensure the range of development permitted within the Narrabri West precinct accounts for changing land use pressures and opportunities associated with the vision, goals and directions set out in the New England North West Regional Plan 2036.


b)   To bring the Narrabri LEP 2012 into line with the Narrabri Shire Growth Management Strategy in relation to the West Narrabri land.


c)   Remove the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone from the LEP.


This planning proposal relates only to the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone located in West Narrabri, and the changes sought to this land as an outcome of the LEP review.

Current Situation

To achieve the planning proposal’s objectives, it is proposed to rezone the land located at West Narrabri that is currently zoned B1 Neighbourhood Centre to B4 Mixed Use under the Narrabri LEP 2012.

Given that the land located at West Narrabri is, the only B1 Neighbourhood Centre zoned land within LEP 2012 it is also proposed to delete the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone from the LEP referenced under:

1.   Part 2 Clause 2.1 Land use zones.

2.   Part 2 Land Use Table Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre


There are no further changes proposed to the LEP or the LEP maps.

A review of the existing land uses within the West Narrabri B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone revealed a mixture of existing commercial land uses along with residential dwellings, a backpackers, a hotel, the West Narrabri Post Office and the Narrabri Christian Fellowship.  There are also a number of empty buildings or buildings that require significant repairs.  


Narrabri Lake with adjacent recreation and park area bound the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone on the eastern side with the Railway Line on the southern side of Mooloobar Street.


The location of the B1 Neighbourhood Centre in close proximity to Narrabri Lake offers the area the opportunity to take advantage of this natural and recreation environment.  It is considered that by rezoning the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone to B4 Mixed Use such uses as recreation facilities and garden centres could be considered offering the opportunity to positively enhance the Narrabri Lake area.


The planning proposal is attached for Council’s consideration.


Council can resolve to:


a)   Adopt the planning proposal and seek to make the proposed amendment to the LEP.


b)   Reject the planning proposal and seek not make the proposed amendment to the LEP. 


If Council resolves to adopt the attached planning proposal, then it would be sent to the DPE who would indicate if it considers the planning proposal suitable for exhibition. The DPE may also place conditions on any approval for exhibition, stipulate the timeframe and terms of that exhibition and require consultation with any public authorities that it deems necessary.


The estimated time frame for the LEP amendment process is outlined in the planning proposal (Attachment 1).

Financial Implications

This item has no financial implications with the work being completed by existing staff.

Statutory and Policy Implications

This item may result in the amendment of the LEP 2012. The planning proposal is an environmental planning instrument, a statutory legal document affecting land use within the Narrabri Local Government Area. 


No public consultation has been carried out in relation to this item.

The terms of any consultation required to complete this LEP amendment will be stipulated by the DPE should it issue a Gateway Determination in relation to the planning proposal.



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                            17 December 2018



Amendment to the Narrabri Local Environmental Plan 2012

image001 (2)








Planning Proposal 5/2018






Proposed Amendment to Narrabri Local Environmental Plan 2012





Rezone Existing B1 Neighbourhood Centre to B4 Mixed Use in West Narrabri








Version 01













A core objective of Council’s Operational Plan is the ‘review and development of statutory and non-statutory plans to ensure for orderly and sustainable development’.  As part of Council’s commitment to this objective Council Staff have been completing a review of the Narrabri Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2012 Land Use Table. The Narrabri LEP 2012 is the statutory environmental planning instrument applicable to development in the Narrabri Local Government Area (LGA).


The Narrabri LEP 2012 Land Use Table review has focused on the RU1 Primary Production, IN1 General Industrial, IN2 Light Industrial and B1 Neighbourhood Centre land use zonings.


This planning proposal relates only to the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone located in West Narrabri, and the changes sought to this land as an outcome of the Narrabri LEP 2012 review.


The scope of the review as it related to the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone was:

Ø Identification of land uses permitted without consent, permitted with consent and prohibited within the land use zone,

Ø Review of the prohibited land uses in the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone in context with the following:

·    Identify the range of land uses that would be reasonable to be permitted with consent in the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone, considering the vision and goals of the New England North West Regional Plan 2036.  In particular, the Regional Plan sets the following regionally focused goals:

A strong and dynamic regional economy;

A healthy environment with pristine waterways;

Strong infrastructure and transport networks for a connected future;

Attractive and thriving communities.    

·    Consider alternative uses that support the objectives of the existing B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone to broaden the scope to allow consideration of uses that are likely to have positive outcomes in terms of supporting the vision and goals of the Regional Plan.

·    Review the range of land uses permissible in the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone for LGA’s in the North West Region that have similar characteristics to Narrabri LGA.

Ø Identify the range of land uses that would be reasonable to be permitted in the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone given the findings of the above review, with a particular emphasis on ensuring that the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone has the capacity and flexibility to adapt to changing land use and opportunities arising from the directions and focus on building strong economic centres identified in the Regional Plan.

Ø Review of the RU1 Primary Production land use zone objectives in context with the findings of the Land Use Table Review and anticipated changing development pressures affecting the RU1 Primary Production arising from the establishment of mining, the construction of the inland rail and potential coal seam gas developments in the region.

Ø Identify any changes to the land use zone objectives considered to be logical or necessary to improve the versatility of the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone and support the changes to the Land Use Table recommended by the review.  


This planning proposal has been informed by the Narrabri LEP 2012 Land Use Table Review, as completed to date. 


Following the Narrabri LEP 2012 Land Use Table Review, consideration of the vision and goals set by the New England North West Regional Plan 2036 and review of the Narrabri Shire Growth Management Strategy 2009, Council has determined that the most appropriate zone for the West Narrabri land is B4 Mixed Use as recommended in the Growth Management Strategy rather than B1 Neighbourhood Centre.


This document sets out the justification for and explains the intended effect of the recommended amendment. 



The objectives and intended outcomes of this planning proposal are:


1.    To rezone the B1 Neighbourhood Centre land at West Narrabri to B4 Mixed Use under the Narrabri LEP 2012 to account for the following:


a)    To ensure the range of development permitted within the Narrabri West precinct accounts for changing land use pressures and opportunities associated with the vision, goals and directions set out in the New England North West Regional Plan 2036.


b)    To bring the Narrabri LEP 2012 into line with the Narrabri Shire Growth Management Strategy in relation to the West Narrabri land.


c)    Remove the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone from the Narrabri LEP 2012.




To achieve the planning proposal’s objectives, it is proposed to rezone the land located at West Narrabri that is currently zoned B1 Neighbourhood Centre to B4 Mixed Use under the Narrabri LEP 2012.


The proposed change will require a modification to the LEP 2012 map as shown below in its current form;


Figure 1 – Current B1 Land Use Zoning.


To the proposed zoning as shown in the following map extract;

Figure 2 – Proposed B4 Land Use Zoning.


Given that the land located at West Narrabri is the only B1 Neighbourhood Centre zoned land within LEP 2012 it is also proposed to delete the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone from the LEP referenced under:


1.    Part 2 Clause 2.1 Land use zones.


2.    Part 2 Land Use Table Zone B1 Neighbourhood Centre


There are no further changes proposed to LEP 2012 or the LEP 2012 maps.



The planning proposal applies to the following land:


5.       Property Address

6.       Lot / Section

7.       DP

8.       Existing Zone

9.       Proposed Zone

10.   21 Goobar Street, Narrabri

11.   1 / 2

12.   758756

13.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

14.   B4 Mixed Use

15.   19 Goobar Street, Narrabri

16.   2 / 2

17.   758756

18.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

19.   B4 Mixed Use

20.   17 Goobar Street, Narrabri

21.   3A / -

22.   326074

23.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

24.   B4 Mixed Use

25.   15 Goobar Street, Narrabri

26.   3B / -

27.   326074

28.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

29.   B4 Mixed Use

30.   Goobar Street, Narrabri

31.   4A / -

32.   326074

33.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

34.   B4 Mixed Use

35.   13 Goobar Street

36.   4B / -

37.   326074

38.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

39.   B4 Mixed Use

40.   11 Goobar Street, Narrabri

41.   5 / 2

42.   758756

43.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

44.   B4 Mixed Use

45.   9 Goobar Street, Narrabri

46.   6 / 2

47.   758756

48.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

49.   B4 Mixed Use

50.   7 Goobar Street, Narrabri

51.   7 / 2

52.   758756

53.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

54.   B4 Mixed Use

55.   5 Goobar Street, Narrabri

56.   8 / 2

57.   758756

58.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

59.   B4 Mixed Use

60.   1-3 Goobar Street, Narrabri

61.   1 / -

62.   915129

63.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

64.   B4 Mixed Use

65.   Goobar Street, Narrabri

66.   10 / 2

67.   758756

68.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

69.   B4 Mixed Use

70.   Goobar Street, Narrabri

71.   2 / -

72.   915129

73.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

74.   B4 Mixed Use

75.   24 Mooloobar Street, Narrabri

76.   5 / 3

77.   758756

78.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

79.   B4 Mixed Use

80.   24A Mooloobar Street, Narrabri

81.   22 / -

82.   543782

83.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

84.   B4 Mixed Use

85.   26 Mooloobar Street, Narrabri

86.   21 / -

87.   543782

88.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

89.   B4 Mixed Use

90.   28 Mooloobar Street, Narrabri

91.   11 / 2

92.   758756

93.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

94.   B4 Mixed Use

95.   30 Mooloobar Street, Narrabri

96.   12 / 2

97.   758756

98.   B1 Neighbourhood Centre

99.   B4 Mixed Use

100.           32 Mooloobar Street, Narrabri

101.           13 / 2

102.           758756

103.           B1 Neighbourhood Centre

104.           B4 Mixed Use

105.           38 Mooloobar Street, Narrabri

106.           14 / 2

107.           758756

108.           B1 Neighbourhood Centre

109.           B4 Mixed Use

110.           40 Mooloobar Street, Narrabri

111.           15 / 2

112.           758756

113.           B1 Neighbourhood Centre

114.           B4 Mixed Use

115.           42 Mooloobar Street, Narrabri

116.           16 / 2

117.           758756

118.           B1 Neighbourhood Centre

119.           B4 Mixed Use

120.           44 Mooloobar Street, Narrabri

121.           17 / 2

122.           758756

123.           B1 Neighbourhood Centre

124.           B4 Mixed Use

125.           46 Mooloobar Street, Narrabri

126.           18 / 2

127.           758756

128.           B1 Neighbourhood Centre

129.           B4 Mixed Use

130.           50 Mooloobar Street, Narrabri

131.           19 / 2

132.           758756

133.           B1 Neighbourhood Centre

134.           B4 Mixed Use

135.           Mooloobar Street, Narrabri

136.           20 / 2

137.           758756

138.           B1 Neighbourhood Centre

139.           B4 Mixed Use

Table 1 – Land affected by this planning proposal






In accordance with the Department of Planning and Infrastructure’s Guide to Preparing Planning Proposals, this section considers the following issues:


Ø Section A: Need for the planning proposal

Ø Section B: Relationship to strategic planning framework

Ø Section C: Environmental, social and economic Impact

Ø Section D: State and Commonwealth Interests




1.         Is the planning proposal the result of any strategic study?


The planning proposal is not a direct result of a strategic study or report.  However, the proposal has been informed by a detailed Review of the land use table for the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone.  This Review has also led to the consideration of the vision and goals of the New England North West Regional Plan 2036 and reconsideration of the Narrabri Shire Growth Management Strategy 2009


It is submitted that the objectives of the planning proposal are not contrary to the objectives or outcomes sought by the New England North West Regional Plan 2036 and will bring LEP 2012 into alignment with the recommendations of the Narrabri Shire Growth Management Strategy, 2009 in relation to the land currently zoned B1 Neighbourhood Centre in Narrabri West.


A comprehensive review of the twelve (12) Local Environmental Plans (LEP’s) within the New England North West Regional Plan Area was undertaken as part of this planning proposal.  This included the following Local Government Area LEP’s:


·    Tamworth

·    Moree Plains

·    Inverell

·    Gunnedah

·    Gwydir

·    Tenterfield

·    Uralla

·    Armidale

·    Walcha

·    Liverpool Plains

·    Glen Innes Severn

·    Narrabri


Of the twelve (12) LEP’s that were reviewed, Narrabri, Tamworth, Moree and Inverell have a B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone.  These LEP’s land use tables have been reviewed in detail and compared to Narrabri’s LEP 2012 in relation to the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone.


It is also noted that of the twelve (12) LEP’s that were reviewed all of the LEP’s have the B4 Mixed Use zone except for Moree Plains, Inverell, Gwydir and Tenterfield.


Narrabri LEP 2012 contains only one area of B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone which is located in West Narrabri.  It is a small pocket of land that is bounded by Burigal Street to the west, Goobar Street to the north, Mooloobar Street to the south and Buri Street to the east with the Narrabri West Post Office also being included in the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone on the eastern side of Buri Street. 


See site location plan below;


Figure 3 – Current B1 Zone Location Plan.


The total B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone is approximately 3ha and contains approximately 26 lots. 


A review of the existing land uses within the West Narrabri B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone revealed a mixture of existing commercial land uses along with residential dwellings, a backpackers, a hotel, the West Narrabri Post Office and the Narrabri Christian Fellowship.  There are also a number of empty buildings or buildings that require significant repairs.  


Narrabri Lake with adjacent recreation and park area bound the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone on the eastern side with the Narrabri West Walgett Railway Line on the southern side of Mooloobar Street.


The location of the B1 Neighbourhood Centre in close proximity to Narrabri Lake offers the area the opportunity to take advantage of this natural and recreation environment.  It is considered that by rezoning the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone to B4 Mixed Use such uses as recreation facilities and garden centres could be considered offering the opportunity to positively enhance the Narrabri Lake area.



2.         Is the planning proposal the best means of achieving the objectives or intended outcomes or is there a better way?


It is considered that an amendment to the Narrabri LEP 2012 is the only method to achieve the objectives and outcome sought by this planning proposal.


The objectives and intended outcomes listed in Part 1 of this report have been informed by a review of the prohibited land uses within the Narrabri LEP 2012 B1 Neighbourhood Centre land use zone. This review identified a number of land uses currently prohibited within the zone which may be in the public interest to establish as forms of development permissible with consent.


Consideration was given to opening up the B1 Neighbourhood Centre land uses to enable more land uses to be “permitted with consent” however, upon review of the Narrabri Shire Growth Management Strategy, 2009 it was identified that the subject land was recommended to be zoned “Mixed Use” under the Strategy.


Review of Narrabri Council’s files failed to reveal why the land at West Narrabri was zoned B1 Neighbourhood Centre rather than B4 Mixed Use as recommended.    


Consideration was given to the objectives of both the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone and the B4 Mixed Use zone along with a comparison of the land uses permitted within each zone. 


Given the focus of the New England North West Regional Plan is to build strong economic centres that enhance the vitality of existing central business precincts, the exiting vacant buildings and blocks within the West Narrabri precinct it is considered that by rezoning this land to B4 Mixed Use the potential for alternative land uses to be considered is a positive.



3.         Is the planning proposal consistent with the objectives and actions contained within the applicable regional or sub-regional strategy?


The New England North West Regional Plan 2036, hereby referred to as the Regional Plan, was prepared by the Department of Planning and Environment to give strategic direction to development in the New England North West Region and is a relevant consideration for this planning proposal.


The Regional Plan recognises the network of regional cities and centres support diverse industries and that as their industries grow, centres will thrive and require high quality health, education and recreation options.  The Regional Plan goes on to further recognise the regional cities of Tamworth and Armidale and the strategic centres of Narrabri, Moree, Inverell and Glen Innes will be the focus of employment and services.


The Regional Plan identifies four regionally focused goals and Direction’s and Actions as policy measures targeted toward achieving the plans goals.


The goals of the New England North West Regional Plan 2036 are:

Goal 1 – A strong and dynamic regional economy

Goal 2 – A healthy environment with pristine waterways

Goal 3 – Strong infrastructure and connected transport networks for a connected future

Goal 4 – Attractive and thriving communities


This planning proposal is considered to be compatible with all of the strategic goals in some way.  In particular the following Directions are considered relevant to this planning proposal:


Direction 7:  Building Strong Economic CentresThis planning proposal seeks to rezone the West Narrabri precinct from B1 Neighbourhood Centre to B4 Mixed Use which in turn will provide opportunities for a stronger more diverse precinct to be developed.  


Existing land uses will be retained while a range of additional uses could be considered under the Mixed Use zone including Recreation facilities (indoor), Garden centre, Landscape material supplies, Rural supplies and Veterinary hospitals.  This provides great diversity and flexibility within the West Narrabri precinct and allows for alternative uses to be considered outside of the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone.


It is not the intention of this planning proposal to shift the focus of retail and commercial activities outside of the Narrabri CBD rather provide for a mixture of compatible land uses to integrate with the existing low key residential land uses. 


Direction 19:  Support healthy, safe, socially engaged and well connected communitiesThe Regional Plan recognises that the structure and design of communities, including streetscapes, recreation areas and community facilities can influence community health, wellbeing and social cohesion.  Housing services and facilities within walking distance of each other, or easily accessible by public transport, make it easier for people to be active while accessing services. 


This planning proposal will enhance the opportunity for an appropriate mix of land uses to be considered within the West Narrabri precinct which is generally surrounded by residential development and within walking distance for the West Narrabri community.


This planning proposal does not present any issue in relation to the Actions recommended by the Regional Plan as measures to achieve the above Directions and Actions.


4.         Is the planning proposal consistent with the local Council’s Community Strategic Plan or other local strategic plan?


The Narrabri Growth Management Strategy is a local strategic plan which was prepared in 2009 and relates to the entirety of the Narrabri Local Government Area (LGA).


The Growth Management Strategy considered the existing commercial areas across the Narrabri LGA in 2009 and found that the existing commercial area was considered appropriate for the short term future.  The Strategy identified a number of anomalies with commercial type uses being zoned as industrial and residential.  In relation to the West Narrabri precinct the Strategy states (pg. 164):


“The neighbourhood business zone in West Narrabri between Goobar, Mooloolaba, Buri and Burgal Streets should be zoned as Mixed Use.”  


A review of Narrabri Council’s files fails to reveal why the land was zoned B1 Neighbourhood Centre rather than B4 Mixed Use under the Narrabri LEP 2012 against the recommendations of the Strategy.


5.         Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable State Environmental Planning Policies?


Yes.  This planning proposal is considered to be consistent with relevant State Environmental Planning Policies.  The NSW Government publishes State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) for matters of State and regional planning significance. The table below examines the consistency of this planning proposal with the relevant SEPPs;








Relevant SEPP/Deemed SEPP

Consistency of Planning Proposal

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 1 –Development Standards

Not applicable.  No variations to development standards sought.

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 19 – Bushland in Urban Areas

Not applicable.

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 21 – Caravan Parks

Consistent.  The planning proposal will allow caravan parks to be permitted with consent under the B4 Mixed Use zone.  The planning proposal does not seek any variations to the requirements set out in this SEPP.

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 30 – Intensive Agriculture

Not applicable.

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 33 – Hazardous and Offensive Development

Not applicable.

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 36 – Manufactured Home Estates

Consistent.  This SEPP aims to facilitate the establishment of manufactured home estates as a contemporary form of medium density residential development that provide an alternative to traditional housing arrangements.  Consideration can be given to a manufactured home estate under the B4 Mixed Use zone given that Caravan Parks are a “permitted with consent” land use in this zone.  The planning proposal does not seek any variations to the requirements set out in this SEPP.

State Environmental Planning Policy No.  44 – Koala Habitat Protection

Not applicable.

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 47 – Moore Park Showground

Not applicable.

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 50 – Canal Estate Development

Not applicable.

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 24 – Farm Dams and Other Works in Land and Water Management Plan Areas

Not applicable.

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 55 – Remediation of Land

Consistent.  The objectives of this SEPP are to provide a Statewide planning approach to the remediation of contaminated land and aims to promote the remediation of contaminated land for purpose of reducing the risk of harm to human health or any other aspect of the environment.  In preparing this planning proposal, consideration has been given to the whether the land at West Narrabri may be contaminated.  A search of Council’s records does not reveal any existing reported contamination within the precinct.  The existing land uses are unlikely to have resulted in land contamination.  Any future development within the precinct will need to address the requirements of the SEPP.     

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 62 – Sustainable Aquaculture

Not applicable.

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 64 – Advertising and Signage

Consistent.  The main objectives of this SEPP is to ensure that signage is compatible with the desired amenity and visual character of an area, ensure that signage provides effective communication in suitable locations and is of a high quality design and finish.  The planning proposal does not seek any variations to the requirements set out in this SEPP and any future developments within the precinct will need to address the requirements of this SEPP.      

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 65 – Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development

Consistent.  This SEPP applies to development for the purpose of a residential flat building, shop top housing or mixed use development with a residential accommodation component. The planning proposal does not seek any variations to the requirements set out in this SEPP.    

State Environmental Planning Policy No. 70 – Affordable Housing (Revised Scheme)

Not applicable. 

State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009

Not applicable. 

State Environmental Planning Policy (Building Sustainability Index: BASIX) 2004

Consistent.  Any future developments within the precinct will need to take into consideration the requirements of this SEPP.

State Environmental Planning Policy (Coastal Management) 2018

No applicable.

State Environmental Planning Policy (Educational Establishments and Child Care Facilities) 2017

Consistent.  The current B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone provides for consideration to be given to both Educational Establishments and early education and care facilities within the West Narrabri precinct.  The B4 Mixed Business zone also allows for these land uses to be permitted with consent.  Any future child care centre or the like would need to take into consideration the requirements and provisions of the SEPP.  The planning proposal does not seek any variations to the requirements set out in this SEPP. 

State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008

Consistent.  The planning proposal does not seek any variations to the requirements set out in this SEPP. 

State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004

Consistent.  As with the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone, seniors housing and housing suitable for people with a disability can be permitted with consent in the B4 Mixed Use zone.  Any future developments of this type would need to take into consideration the requirements and provisions of the SEPP.  The planning proposal does not seek any variations to the requirements set out in this SEPP.

State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007

Future development of land within the West Narrabri precinct may trigger an assessment under this SEPP.  In that case the development will need to take into consideration the requirements and provisions of the SEPP.  The planning proposal does not seek any variations to the requirements set out in this SEPP.  

State Environmental Planning Policy (Integration and Repeals) 2016

Not applicable.

State Environmental Planning Policy (Mining, Petroleum Production and Extractive Industries) 2007

Not applicable.

State Environmental Planning Policy (Miscellaneous Consent Provisions) 2007

Consistent.  The planning proposal does not seek any variations to the requirements set out in this SEPP in relation to temporary structures, subdivision, change of use, demolition and fire alarm communication links.

State Environmental Planning Policy (Rural Lands) 2008

Not applicable. 

State Environmental Planning Policy (State and Regional Development) 2011

Consistent.  The planning proposal does not seek any variations to requirements set out in this SEPP. 

State Environmental Planning Policy (State Significant Precincts) 2005

Not applicable.

State Environmental Planning Policy (Urban Renewal) 2010

Not applicable.

State Environmental Planning Policy (Vegetation in No-Rural Areas) 2017

The planning proposal applies to land in West Narrabri that is a well-established residential, commercial and retail area.  The planning proposal will not impact any existing significant vegetation. 

Table 2 – Consistency with SEPPs.




6.         Is the planning proposal consistent with applicable Ministerial Directions (s.117 Directions)?


The Minister for Planning issues Local Planning Directions that Council must follow when preparing a planning proposal.  The directions cover the following broad categories:

·    Employment and resources

·    Environment and heritage

·    Housing, infrastructure and urban development

·    Hazard and risk


Each S. 9.1 Ministerial Direction is listed in the table below with an annotation stating whether it is relevant to the planning proposal and comments relating to its consistency with the corresponding objective;


S. 9.1 Direction Title

Consistency of Planning Proposal

1.1 Business and Industrial Zones

Inconsistent but justified.  It is recognised that the planning proposal potentially alters the opportunity for some employment uses within the West Narrabri area.  However, the planning proposal does not seek to alter the area, location or amount of business land that exists at West Narrabri.  The rezoning from B1 Neighbourhood Centre to B4 Mixed Use allows the opportunity for a wider variety of suitable land uses for the area to be considered.  The existing LEP 2012 does not contain provisions relating to floor space ratios or height of buildings and the planning proposal does not seek to change this.  It is unknown why the land subject of this planning proposal is zoned B1 Neighbourhood Centre under LEP 2012.  The planning proposal brings LEP 2012 into alignment with the Narrabri Shire Growth Management Strategy for the West Narrabri precinct which recommends that this land be zoned Mixed Use.  In particular the Growth Management Strategy recognises that there are a “few anomalies” including the following (page 164):

“The neighbourhood business zone in West Narrabri between Goobar, Moolooaba, Buri and Burigal Streets should be zoned as Mixed Use”.

Whilst the planning proposal may be considered inconsistent with this Direction due to potentially alternative land uses being permitted with consent this inconsistency is considered justified.

1.2 Rural Zones

Not applicable.  The planning proposal does not propose to rezone rural land and will not affect the provision of this Direction. 

1.3 Mining, Petroleum Production and Extractive Industries

Not applicable.  The land to which this planning proposal applies to is within an established residential, commercial and retail precinct. 

1.4 Oyster Aquaculture

Not applicable.

1.5 Rural Lands

Not applicable.  The planning proposal does not propose to rezone rural land and will not affect the provision of this Direction. 

2.1 Environment Protection Zones

Not applicable.  The planning proposal does not propose to rezone environmental land and will not affect the provision of this Direction. 

2.2 Coastal Protection

Not applicable.

2.3 Heritage Conservation

Consistent.  Schedule 5 – Environmental Heritage of LEP 2012 identifies two heritage items that may be impacted by the planning proposal. 

Heritage Item I035 – Railway Station Precinct is located within the land subject to this planning proposal, with Heritage Item I036 – War Memorial, Narrabri West adjoining the land subject to this planning proposal. 

The planning proposal does not seek to modify provision 5.10 – Heritage Conservation of LEP 2012 which would continue to apply to any future development within the West Narrabri precinct.  

2.4 Recreation Vehicle Areas

Not applicable.

2.5 Application of E2 and E3 Zones and Environmental Overlays in Far North Coast LEPs

Not applicable.

3.1 Residential Zones

Consistent.  The objectives of the B4 Mixed Use zone along with the permitted with consent land uses allows for the consideration of a wider variety of building types under the B4 Mixed Use zone compared to the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone.  The West Narrabri precinct already has access to existing services and infrastructure and therefore will not be impacted by this planning proposal.

3.2 Caravan Parks and Manufactured Home Estates

Consistent.  The B4 Mixed Use zone put forward under this planning proposal for the West Narrabri land allows for the consideration of caravan parks and manufactured home estates.  The existing B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone prohibits this land use.  It is considered that a caravan park may be a suitable use within the West Narrabri precinct but is unlikely to be proposed due to the multiple land ownership.   

3.3 Home Occupations

Consistent.  The planning proposal will retain the provisions of the principle LEP which provides for this use without consent in most circumstances.

3.4 Integrating Land Use and transport

Consistent.  The planning proposal does not propose to alter area or location of the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone, rather change the zone to B4 Mixed Use.  This allows for wider variety of land uses to be considered in the West Narrabri precinct that could offer additional services, jobs and housing in the area.  This in turn may reduce travel demand, especially by car for local area.

3.5 Development Near Licensed Aerodromes

Not applicable.  The land subject of this planning proposal is not located near a licenced aerodrome.

3.6 Shooting Ranges

Not applicable.  The land subject to this planning proposal is not located near an existing shooting range.

4.1 Acid Sulfate Soils

Not applicable. 

4.2 Mine Subsidence and Unstable Land

Not applicable.

4.3 Flood Prone Land

Consistent.  The land subject to this planning proposal is identified as flood prone land.  The planning proposal does not directly affect provisions relating to flood prone land.  Flood policy would continue to be enforces on flood-prone land and any future Development Applications will be required to address these requirements.

4.4 Planning for Bushfire Protection

The planning proposal would not affect existing bushfire planning provisions.  These provisions would continue to be enforced for developments on bushfire prone land. 

5.1 Implementation of Regional Strategies (Revoked 17 October 2017)

Not applicable.

5.2 Sydney Drinking Water Catchments

Not applicable.

5.3 Farmland of State and Regional Significance on the NSW Far North Coast

Not applicable.

5.4 Commercial and Retail Development along the Pacific Highway, North Coast

Not applicable.

5.5 Development in the vicinity of Ellalong, Paxton and Millfield (Cessnock LGA) (Revoked 18 June 2010)

Not applicable.

5.6 Sydney to Canberra Corridor (Revoked 10 July 2008)

Not applicable.

5.7 Central Coast (Revoked 10 July 2008)

Not applicable.

5.8 Second Sydney Airport: Badgerys Creek

Not applicable.

5.9 North West Rail Link Corridor Strategy

Not applicable.

5.10 Implementation of Regional Plans

Consistent.  The planning proposal is considered consistent with this Direction as outlined in Section B, Part 3 of the document.  The planning proposal is considered to enhance the focus of the retail and commercial activities on the Narrabri CBD by preventing neighbourhood shops and supermarkets being allowed in the West Narrabri precinct.  The intention of the planning proposal is to provide a wider range of compatible mixed land uses to be considered in the West Narrabri precinct.  

6.1 Approval and Referral Requirements

Consistent.  The planning proposal does not contain any additional provisions requiring concurrence, consultation or referral of development applications to a Minister or public authority.

6.2 Reserving Land for Public Purposes

Not applicable.  The planning proposal does not relate to the reserving of land for public purposes nor the removal of reservations on public land.

6.3 Site Specific Provisions

Not applicable.  The planning proposal does not propose any site specific provisions for the land at West Narrabri.

7.1 Implementation of A Plan for Growing Sydney

Not applicable.

7.2 Implementation of Greater Macarthur Land Release Investigation

Not applicable.

7.3 Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Strategy

Not applicable.

7.4 Implementation of North West Priority Growth Area Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan

Not applicable.

7.5 Implementation of Greater Parramatta Priority Growth Area Interim Land Use and Infrastructure Implementation Plan

Not applicable.

7.6 Implementation of Wilton Priority Growth Area Interim Land Use and Infrastructure Plan

Not applicable.

7.7 Implementation of Glenfield to Macarthur Urban Renewal Corridor

Not applicable.

Table 3 – Consistency with Ministerial Directions.


The planning proposal has considered all Ministerial Directions and is consistent with the Local Planning Directions as outlined above.  Any inconsistencies have been justified. 




7.         Is there any likelihood that critical habitat or threatened species, populations or ecological communities, or their habitats, will be adversely affected as a result of the proposal?


This planning proposal will not have an adverse impact on critical habitat or threatened species, populations or ecological communities, or their habitats as the land is already largely developed and under a Business zone.  Any Development Applications within the West Narrabri precinct will be subject to normal merit assessment with impacts on the environment needing to be considered and addressed.


8.         Are there any other environmental effects as a result of the planning proposal and how are they proposed to be managed?


As with a large percentage of Narrabri, the West Narrabri precinct is identified within the Flood Planning Area and therefore is subject to Clause 6.2 Flood Planning of LEP 2012.  As outlined in this planning proposal the West Narrabri precinct is already largely developed with a mixture of residential, commercial and retail type business.  Any Development Applications within the precinct will be required to address the provisions of the LEP 2012 and any other environmental matters relevant to the proposal. 


It is not considered that this planning proposal would give rise to any significant environmental effects. 


9.         How has the planning proposal adequately addressed any social and economic effects?


It is considered that the planning proposal would have minor positive social and economic effects. The proposal will enable the existing land uses within the precinct to continue but also offer alternative land uses to be considered that are currently not availed under the B1 Neighbourhood Centre. 


The planning proposal delivers increased opportunity for alternative uses such as garden centres, recreation facilities (indoor), veterinary hospital to be “permitted with consent” which are currently “prohibited” under the B1 Neighbourhood Centre zone.  It is also considered that by rezoning the West Narrabri precinct to B4 Mixed Use, the Central Business District of Narrabri is reinforced as being the core location for such land uses as supermarkets.




10.       Is there adequate public infrastructure for the planning proposal?


Not applicable.  It is considered that there are no additional infrastructure implications from this planning proposal. 


11.       What are the views of State and Commonwealth public authorities in accordance with the Gateway determination?


Relevant State and Commonwealth Government Agencies will be consulted in accordance with the requirements of any Gateway Determination. 





The following mapping is included in the planning proposal:


Attachment 1                       Current Zoning

Attachment 2                       Proposed Zoning





In accordance with the NSW Department of Planning Guidelines to preparing LEP’s, upon Gateway Determination adjoining landholders and any affected community organisations will be formally notified of the proposal and invited to provide comment.


In accordance with prevailing Departmental Guidelines and the provisions of the Environmental Protection Authority Act, the Planning Proposal will also be notified publicly for the prescribed period in local newspapers and Council’s website at http://www.narrabri.nsw.gov.au/


Public exhibition will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the EPA Act, EPA Regulations and the Gateway Determination.




It is expected that the relevant steps in the planning proposal process will be completed as set-out in the table below:




Council endorse the Planning Proposal

December 2018

Gateway Determination issued by the Department of Planning and Environment

February 2018

Completion of technical assessment

March 2019

Public exhibition of the planning proposal and any required consultation with any public authorities

April 2019

Consideration of any submissions received made during public notification/consultation

May 2019

Refer proposal to Parliamentary Counsel and obtain Opinion

June 2019

Determination to make the LEP and notification of the LEP on legislation website

July 2019


Note: this project timeline has been drafted on the assumption that Council will be permitted to utilise its delegated plan making powers by the Department of Planning and Environment. Timeframes for achieving milestones may be subject to change pending issues arising during the planning proposal process. 

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                               17 December 2018

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                               17 December 2018

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

10.3       Reclassification of the Bellata Caravan Park and Narrabri Library Land

File Number:                433034

Responsible Officer:    Tony Meppem, Director Development and Economic Growth

Author:                         Daniel Boyce, Manager Planning & Regulatory Services

Attachments:               1.       Planning Proposal 01/2019 Reclassify Council land

2.       Report on Public Hearing  


Delivery Program Alignment

4. Leadership


4.2 Decision making will ensure Council remains financially sustainable


4.2.1 Maintain and improve Council's financial sustainability with a focus on core business



Executive Summary

The objectives and intended outcomes of the attached planning proposal is to reclassify Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Section 14 DP758081, 64-52 Belar Street, Bellata, and Lot 7 DP 667787, 8B Doyle Street, Narrabri from Community to Operational Land. The reclassification will allow Council to consider opportunities for the development and/or sale of the land.


That Council amend the provisions of the Narrabri Local Environmental Plan 2012 to reclassify Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Section 14 DP758081, 64-52 Belar Street, Bellata, and Lot 7 DP 667787, 8B Doyle Street, Narrabri, from Community to Operational Land.



The attached planning proposal recommends an amendment to the Narrabri Local Environmental Plan 2012 (“LEP”) to change the classification of eight (8) parcels of Council owned land being Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 Section 14 DP758081, 64-52 Belar Street, Bellata, and Lot 7 DP 667787, 8B Doyle Street, Narrabri.  The sites are owned by Council and are currently classified as Community Land under the Local Government Act 1993 (“LG Act”). The intent of the attached planning proposal is to reclassify the land to Operational Land.

The LG Act requires all public land (any land vested in, or under the control of Council, except roads, Crown land or a common) to be classified as one of two categories: Community or Operational.  Community Land is generally open to the public and includes parks, reserves and sports grounds.  Operational Land is generally land held as a temporary asset or used by Council to carry out its functions (work depots and garages) or to provide car parking.  Community land cannot be sold and cannot be leased or licensed for more than twenty-one (21) years.  No such restrictions apply to Operational Land.

The reclassification of the Land does not commit Council to the sale or development of the land. Nor does it remove the land from Council’s ownership or prevent the current use of the land from continuing.  Such considerations will be subject to separate processes and decisions.

Current Situation

Council resolved at its ordinary meeting on 24 July 2018 to adopt the attached planning proposal and sought to make the proposed amendment to the LEP.

A Gateway Determination was made by the Department of Planning and Environment (“DPE”) on 5 September 2018, and amendments made on 10 September 2018. All requirements of this Gateway Determination have been complied with.

The planning proposal was publicly advertised in the local media from 18 September 2018 until 17 October 2018. Letters were sent directly to all adjoining landowners on 13 September 2018 notifying them of the public exhibition period. No submission were received during this time.

Notification of a Public Hearing was advertised in the local media from 18 October 2018 until 13 November 2018. A Public Hearing was held on 14 November 2018 at which there were no attendees.

A Council resolution is now required to reclassify the land from Community to Operational Land.

Financial Implications

This item has no financial implications as work is being completed by staff.

Statutory and Policy Implications

This item may result in the amendment of the LEP. The planning proposal is an environmental planning instrument, a statutory legal document affecting land use within the Narrabri Shire Local Government Area.


The planning proposal was publicly advertised in the local media from 18 September 2018 until 17 October 2018. Letters were sent directly to all adjoining landowners on 13 September 2018 notifying them of the public exhibition period. No submission were received during this time.

Notification of a Public Hearing was advertised in the local media from 18 October 2018 until 13 November 2018. A Public Hearing was held on 14 November 2018 at which there were no attendees.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                17 December 2018

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                17 December 2018

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

11         Our Economy



By 2027, we will have developed a strong, diverse economy that attracts, retains and inspires business, industry and tourism growth.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several economic priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Economic development

§  Planning and development

§  Entertainment and conferences

§  Local and regional tourism and events

§  Saleyards

§  Airport


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following economic strategic outcomes:

§  Increased community events, conferences and entertainment

§  Increased employment through industry innovation, investment and value adding

§  Established freight hub for the Norther Inland Region

§  Increased housing availability and affordability

§  Broadened economic base



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

11.1       Report of the Narrabri Airport Advisory Committee

File Number:                434980

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Author:                         Tan Vo, Manager Property Services

Attachments:               1.       Narrabri Airport Advisory Committee Minutes 30 October 2018  


Delivery Program Alignment


3. Economy


3.1 We will stimulate business and tourism by maximising our assets and attracting regional events


3.1.4 Airport facilities and services provide connectivity to capital city markets



Executive Summary

A meeting of the Narrabri Airport Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, 30 October 2018.

The minutes of the Committee meeting are an attachment to this report.



1.   That Council adopt the Minutes of the Narrabri Airport Advisory Committee meeting held on 30 October 2018.

2.   That Council endorse the Development Concept Plan, Terminal Precinct Layout, and Terminal Concept Layout.

3.   That Council use the Development Concept Plan, Terminal Precinct Layout, and Terminal Concept Layout plans for future funding applications for further improvement of the Narrabri Airport.



The objective of the Narrabri Airport Advisory Committee (“Committee”) is to provide independent advice to the Council on matters relating to the Narrabri Airport Service Plan.

The Minutes contain one (1) recommendation requiring Council consideration. The Minutes are attached.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                17 December 2018

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

12         Our Civic Leadership



By 2027, we will proactively together to achieve our shared vision with strong strategic direction.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several civic leadership priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Integrated strategic planning and reporting

§  Community engagement and consultation

§  Representation and governance

§  Human resource management

§  Customer services

§  Information services

§  Financial services

§  Risk management

§  Compliance and regulation


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following civic leadership strategic outcomes:

§  Improved community engagement and decision-making processes

§  Well established community, industry, government and non-government partnerships

§  Well maintained core infrastructure and service provision that delivers public value

§  Transparent and accountable planning and reporting

§  Financial efficiency and sustainability



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

12.1       Delegates Report - Maules Creek Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 7 November 2018

File Number:                434498

Responsible Officer:    Robert Kneale, Deputy Mayor

Author:                         Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:               1.       Minutes from the Maules Creek Coal CCC Meeting - Wednesday 7 November 2018  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice





That Council note Cr Kneale’s Delegate Report from the Maules Creek Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 7 November 2018.


Delegates REPORT

The Maules Creek Coal Community Consultative Committee held a meeting on Wednesday 7 November 2018.

The Minutes from the meeting are attached.

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                               17 December 2018

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

12.2       Delegates Report - Combined Boggabri/Tarrawonga/Maules Creek Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 9 November 2018

File Number:                434500

Responsible Officer:    Robert Kneale, Deputy Mayor

Author:                         Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:               1.       Minutes of Boggabri/Tarrawonga/Maules Creek CCC 9 November 2018  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice





That Council note Cr Kneale’s Delegates Report from the Boggabri-Tarrawonga-Maules Creek Community Consultative Committee Meeting held on Friday 9 November 2018.


Delegates REPORT

Please find attached the Combined Boggabri-Tarrawonga-Maules Creek Community Consultative Committee Meeting Minutes from the meeting that was held on Friday 9 November 2018.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

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12.3       Delegates Report - Boggabri Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 8 November 2018

File Number:                434823

Responsible Officer:    Robert Kneale, Deputy Mayor

Author:                         Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:               1.       Boggabri Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting Minutes - 8 November 2018  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice





That Council note Cr Kneale’s Delegates Report from the Boggabri Coal Community Consultative Committee held on 8 November 2018.


Delegates REPORT

The Boggabri Coal Community Consultative Committee held a Meeting on 8 November 2018.

The Minutes from the meeting are attached.

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                17 December 2018

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

12.4       Pecuniary Interest Returns 2017/2018

File Number:                434894

Responsible Officer:    Stewart Todd, General Manager

Author:                         Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Attachments:               Nil


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice



Executive Summary

This is to ensure that Council complies with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 in relation to lodgement of Pecuniary Interest Returns by individual Councillors and senior staff.


Councillors and designated persons (senior staff) are required to complete and lodge a pecuniary interest return each year. The specific provisions of the Local Government Act are articulated in the Statutory and Policy Implications section of this report.



That the Pecuniary Interest Returns of current Councillors and relevant designated staff for the period of 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 be noted.


Current Situation

All Councillors and designated staff have submitted their returns and therefore Council has met its obligations under the Act.

The returns of Councillors and designated persons will be tabled at the Council Meeting by the General Manager.


Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

“441  Who are “designated persons”?

For the purposes of this Chapter, designated persons are:

·    the general manager

·    other senior staff of the council

·    a person (other than a member of the senior staff of the council) who is a member of staff of the council or a delegate of the council and who holds a position identified by the council as the position of a designated person because it involves the exercise of functions under this or any other Act (such as regulatory functions or contractual functions) that, in their exercise, could give rise to a conflict between the person’s duty as a member of staff or delegate and the person’s private interest

·    a person (other than a member of the senior staff of the council) who is a member of a committee of the council identified by the council as a committee whose members are designated persons because the functions of the committee involve the exercise of the council’s functions under this or any other Act (such as regulatory functions or contractual functions) that, in their exercise, could give rise to a conflict between the member’s duty as a member of the committee and the member’s private interest.”


“444  What disclosures must be made by a councillor?

          A councillor:

(a) must prepare and submit written returns of interests in accordance with section 449, and

          (b) must disclose pecuniary interests in accordance with section 451.”


“445  What disclosures must be made by a designated person?

A designated person:

(a) must prepare and submit written returns of interests in accordance with section 449, and

(b)   must disclose pecuniary interests in accordance with section 459.”


“449 Returns disclosing interests of councillors and designated persons

(1)        A councillor or designated person must complete and lodge with the general manager, within 3 months after becoming a councillor or designated person, a return in the form prescribed by the regulations.

(1a)      A person must not lodge a return that the person knows or ought reasonably to know is false or misleading in a material particular.

(2)        A person need not lodge a return within the 3-month-period after becoming a councillor or designated person if the person lodged a return in that year or the previous year or if the person ceases to be a councillor or designated person within the 3-month period.

(3)        A councillor or designated person holding that position at 30 June in any year must complete and lodge with the general manager within 3 months after that date a return in the form prescribed by the regulations.

(4)        A person need not lodge a return within the 3-month period after 30 June in a year if the person lodged a return under subsection (1) within 3 months of 30 June in that year.

(5)        Nothing in this section prevents a councillor designated person from lodging more than one return in any year.

(6)        Nothing in this section or the regulations requires a person to disclose in a return lodged under this section an interest of the person’s spouse or de facto partner or a relative of the person.”


“450A         Register and tabling of returns

(1)        The general manager must keep a register of returns required to be lodged with the general manager under section 449.

(2)        Returns required to be lodged with the general manager under section 449 must be tabled at a meeting of the council, being:

(a)        in the case of a return lodged in accordance with section 449(1)-the first meeting held after the last day for lodgement under that subsection, or

(b)        in the case of a return lodged in accordance with section 449(3)-the first meeting held after the last day for lodgement under that subsection, or

(c)        in the case of a return otherwise lodged with the general manager-the first meeting after lodgement.”




12.5       Related Party Disclosures - Six Month Review

File Number:                434882

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Author:                         Tim McClellan, Financial Services Manager

Attachments:               Nil


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice



Executive Summary

The objective of the Related Party Disclosure policy is to ensure that Narrabri Shire Council’s financial statements contain the necessary related party disclosures, thereby ensuring transparency in dealings and their effect on Council’s financial reports.



That Council note the report on the six-monthly review of key management personnel and their related parties.



From 1 July 2016, Council has been required to disclose related party relationships and transactions as well as Key Management Personnel (KMP) compensation in its Annual Financial Statements in accordance with the Accounting Standard AASB 124. 

Council adopted its Related Party Disclosure policy on 27 June 2017. The policy requires a six-monthly review of KMPs and their related parties. KPMs include Councillors, the General Manager and the three (3) Council Directors.

Current Situation

In order to comply with the AASB 124, Council has adopted a policy that requires all members of its KMP to periodically provide notifications to the Financial Services Manager of any existing or potential related party transactions between Council and any of their related parties during a financial-year, and any changes to previously notified related party relationships and transactions relevant to the subject financial year.

KMPs must complete the related party relationships notification using the Key Management Personnel Form within 30 days of commencing their term or employment with Council.

During the financial year, a KMP must proactively notify of any new or potential related party relationships that the person knows of, or any changes to previously notified related party relationships to the Financial Services Manager by no later than 30 days after the person knows of the transaction or change.

A review has been undertaken and it is observed that there have been no changes to KMP in the first six (6) months of this financial year and there have been no occurrences where KMPs have notified Council’s Financial Services Manager of changes (new or amended) to their related party relationships.

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

This report is provided as a review requirement of the Related Party Disclosure Policy.


External Consultation


Internal Consultation



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

12.6       Investment Report - November 2018

File Number:                433961

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Author:                         Luke Meppem, Senior Finance Officer

Attachments:               Nil


Delivery Program Alignment

4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.3 Report in a clear, concise manner that is easily understood

Executive Summary

Council is required to consider a report on its investments in accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

During the month:

·    Five (5) investments matured, totalling $14 million.

·    Seven (7) new investments were placed, totalling $15 million.

Council’s Responsible Accounting Officer has certified that Council’s investments are in accordance with requirements.



That Council note the Investment Report for November 2018.



Council is required to consider a report on its investments in accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

Current Situation

The following is a summary of investment movements for November 2018:

Investments maturing during the month:

·    07/11/2018        Rural Bank                            $3,000,000      363 days @ 2.58%

·    07/11/2018        ME Bank                               $2,000,000      273 days @ 2.57%

·    14/11/2018        Defence Bank                       $4,000,000      272 days @ 2.60%

·    21/11/2018        Rural Bank                            $1,000,000      181 days @ 2.80%

·    30/11/2018        Westpac                               $4,000,000      365 days @ 2.55%    


New investments secured during the month:


·    08/11/2018        Auswide Bank                       $2,000,000      181 days @ 2.73%

·    08/11/2018        MyState Bank                       $3,000,000      363 days @ 2.80%

·    14/11/2018        ME Bank                               $1,000,000      154 days @ 2.70%

·    14/11/2018        Defence Bank                       $3,000,000      364 days @ 2.85%

·    21/11/2018        BOQ                                      $1,000,000      182 days @ 2.73%

·    30/11/2018        BOQ                                      $1,000,000      180 days @ 2.73%

·    30/11/2018        NAB                                       $4,000,000      369 days @ 2.80%




Investment Rate Summary for November 2018

Average Interest Rate on Investments:                                                           2.71% 

Weighted Average Interest Rate on Investments                                           2.74%

Council’s Benchmarks

Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSW) 90 day index (03/12/2018)[1]                              1.95%

Average 11am Cash Rate                                                                                1.50%

Financial Implications

The interest income for the month:

General Fund                              $9,175

Externally Restricted Funds      $25,000

Water Fund                                $7,468

Sewer Fund                                 $4,694

Total Interest Income              $46,337


This month’s interest income is low due to an interest accrual calculation issue with one of Council’s investments. Council had a twelve-month investment for which it was receiving quarterly interest instalments. Accrual interest for the full pro rata value of the investment was also being calculated each month (duplicating the reported income received in previous periods for this investment). This adjustment is now required as the investment has matured. The impact of the adjustment is highlighted in the shift in the year-to-date graph (above).

This was the only investment that Council was receiving instalment payments for and is effectively a reporting issue; it has no net financial implications for Council. Interest income is currently on par with the budget forecast.

Statutory and Policy Implications

Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 requires Council’s Responsible Accounting Officer to provide a monthly report setting out the details of all money that the Council has invested under section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993.

It is certified that Council’s investments have been made in accordance with:

·    Local Government Act 1993.

·    Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

·    Ministerial Investment Order dated 12 January 2011.

·    Council’s Investment Policy dated 15 August 2017.


External Consultation


Internal Consultation

·    Responsible Accounting Officer.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

12.7       Notice of Motion - Civic Art Collection

File Number:           433335

Attachments:          Nil


I, Councillor Maxine Booby, give notice that at the next Ordinary Meeting of Council be held on 17 December 2018, I intend to move the following motion:



That the General Manager report to Council the value of the Civic Art Collection and possible ways of exhibiting the collection to the public.



The collection has a value and for insurance purposes should be valued correctly.

This art collection is not on display so the public cannot view it in part or as a whole.

A Civic Collection should be available for viewing.

Students should have access to the collection for educational purposes, especially students studying Visual Arts.

Members of the public would visit the art venue to view the art exhibition.

Local artists could be encouraged to exhibit with flow on effects of tourism, interest in art and increased activity at the venue.


I commend this Notice of Motion to Council.



The Civic Art Collection, or part thereof, is and has been continuously displayed in the Exhibition Room at the Crossing Theatre for many years.

Statements, from numerous sources, that claim that the collection has been in storage “for years” are incorrect.

The entire Civic Art Collection is currently on display in the Exhibition Room.



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                              17 December 2018

12.8       2019 ALGWA NSW Annual Conference

File Number:                434507

Responsible Officer:    Stewart Todd, General Manager

Author:                         Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:               1.       ALGWA 2019 Program and Registration Form  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.1 We will proactively engage and partner with the community and government to achieve our strategic goals


4.1.3 Develop and build strong, productive partnerships with State and Federal Governments

Executive Summary

The 2019 Australian Local Government Women’s Association NSW Branch (ALGWA) will be held at the Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, hosted by Liverpool City Council, between 4 and 6 April 2019.


Attendance to the ALGWA will cost approximately $2,200 (ex GST), including ALGWA registration, accommodation and travel costs.



That Council determine if Council representation will be sent to the Australian Local Government Women’s Association Annual Conference being held in Liverpool on Thursday 4 to Saturday 6 April 2019.




The Australian Local Government Women’s Association NSW Branch (ALGWA) supports and promotes women in local government through advocacy, advice and action. The Annual Conference is an opportunity to come together and engage in learning and networking that will assist in personal and professional development. The conference will be hosted over three days at

Liverpool’s premier arts and cultural institution, Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre. Women and men

working or interested in local government can look forward to engaging speakers, workshops, social events, wellness activities and networking dinners that will encourage and inspire women to make their mark, not only on the industry, but all aspects of their lives.

Current Situation

Councillors can review the attached ALGWA Program, and note that it will cover a range of issues and reflect on the diversity of Local Government and its interests.

Financial Implications

Conference early bird registration is $1,080 (inc GST); accommodation costs for the four (4) nights will approximately be $1,000 (inc GST), total $2,080 (inc GST) plus travel costs. It is estimated that flights costs will be approximately $500 return.

Statutory and Policy Implications

Reporting Requirements of the Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Councillors Policy

Councillors will report, in writing, in an open session of a Council Meeting on the outcome of the conference, seminar or similar function attended. The report will be submitted to the General Manager (or their delegate) within one (1) month of the Councillor's attendance at the conference, seminar or similar function.

If a number of Councillors attend the same function, a single report may be submitted on behalf of all Councillors that attended, however the report must be signed by all Councillors that were in attendance.

The report to Council will be in writing and include the following:

·    The purpose/subject matter of the conference, including the reason for the attendance of the delegate(s).

·    The agenda of the conference.

·    Any items of interest to Council discussed at the conference.

·    Recommendations for further areas of action or investigation (if applicable).


External Consultation


Internal Consultation


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12.9       Road Closure Application Fee

File Number:                433272

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Author:                         Tan Vo, Manager Property Services

Attachments:               Nil


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice



Executive Summary

Council’s proposed road closure application fee was advertised in the local newspapers allowing a period of 28 days for public submissions.  No submissions have been received.  It is now appropriate for Council to formally adopt the road closure application fee.



That Council adopt the proposed road closure application fee for $1,600 plus GST and include it in Council’s Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2018/19.



As a result of the recent changes to the Roads Act 1993 and Crown Lands Management Act 2016, Council is now responsible for road closure process and can charge fees for road closure applications. 

Council at its meeting of 30 October 2018 considered a report on this matter and resolved ():

“1. That Council note the legislative changes relating to the road closure management process as outlined in this report.

2.   That Council give public notice of Council’s proposed road closure application fee for $1,600 plus GST allowing a period of 28 days for public submissions, in accordance with sections 610F and 705 of the Local Government Act, 1993.

3.   That Council report the matter back to Council after the public submission period.”

Current Situation

Council gave public notice of its proposed road closure application in the Courier on Tuesday 6 November 2018 allowing a period of 28 days for member of the public to make submissions.  No submissions have been received. 

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications




12.10     Crown Land Classification and Categorisation

File Number:                433393

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate Services

Author:                         Tan Vo, Manager Property Services

Attachments:               1.       Proposed Operational Classified Crown Land

2.       Categorisation of Community Classified Crown Land  


Delivery Program Alignment


4. Leadership


4.4 Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice



Executive Summary

The Crown Lands Management Act 2016 (CLM Act 2016), commenced on 1 July 2018, requires Council to classify Crown Land as either Operational or Community Land by 30 June 2019, categorise Community classified Crown Land and prepare plans of management for Community classified Crown Land by 30 June 2021.

Council currently cares, controls and manages 73 Crown Reserves in the Shire. Forty (40) Crown Reserves have been identified and considered as meeting the criteria for being classified as Operational Land (subject to the Minister’s approval).  The balance, 33 Crown Reserves are to be classified as Community Land and categorised in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act 1993).

This report seeks Council’s approval to submit an application with the Minister for Lands and Forestry for classifying and categorising as outlined in the report and provides a high-level framework for managing the process of preparing plans of management for Community classified Crown Land.



That Council in accordance with the provisions of the Crown Lands Management Act 2016:

1.   Lodge an application with the Minister administering the Crown Land Management Act 2016 and seek approval to classified Crown Land/Reserves listed in Attachment 1 of this report (Proposed Operational Classified Crown Land);

2.   Notify the Minister administering the Crown Land Management Act 2016 and seek endorsement to the initial categorisation of Crown Land/Reserves listed in Attachment 2 of this report (Categorisation of Community Classified Crown Land);

3.   Adopt the high-level Plan of Management framework as outlined in this report and make the necessary arrangements for the preparation of:

i.    the generic plans of management for Community classified Crown Land of common objectives and similar categories; and

ii.   the specific plans of management for key/important Community Classified Crown Reserves.



The CLM Act 2016 and its transitional provisions, commenced on 1 July 2018, require Council to:

§ classify and manage Crown Land under its care and control either Operational or Community Land by 30 June 2019;

§ prepare plans of management (POM) for Community classified Crown Reserves in the same manner as they would for public land under the LG Act 1993 by 30 June 2021; and

§ categorise Community classified Crown Land as natural area, sportsground, park , area of cultural significance and/or general community use as referred to in section 36 of the LG Act  1993.

Current Situation

A small working group, comprising Council’s Town Planner, Environmental Services Manager, Community Facilities Manager and Property Services Manager, has been established to review Council’s Crown Land portfolio and make suggestions on land classification and categorisation. 

Council currently manages 73 Crown Reserves, approximately 40 of which have been identified as being suitable for Operational Land classification (see Attachment 1).  The balance, 33 Crown Reserves are to be classified as Community Land which require plans of management (see Attachment 2).

Financial Implications

No financial implications are envisaged for Operational classified Crown Land.  However, the preparation of plans of management for Community classified Crown Land will have significant financial implications to Council.  The recent expressions of interest indicated that it would cost approximately $25,000 for the preparation of a generic plan of management and $10,000 for a specific plan of management (POM).

As the LG Act 1993 does not strictly require Council to prepare a specific POM for every piece of Community Land by 30 June 2021, Council can adopt a POM framework that consists of:

·    a number of generic POMs for Community Land of similar categories; and

·    a number of specific POMs for key/important Community classified Crown Reserves only.

At this stage, it is expected that approximately 3-4 generic POMs and 10-13 specific POMs will be required.  The total cost for preparing these POMS would exceed $250K.

To assist in commencing the process of preparing POMs for Community classified Crown Reserves, the Office of Local Government has recently offered and Council has accepted a funding in the amount of $56,323.  The CLM Act 216 also provides provisions for Council to use money generated from Crown Land to fund the cost of preparing POMs.

Statutory and Policy Implications

The CLMA 2016 authorises Council to manage Crown Land as if it were public land under the LG Act 1993.  However, the ownership of Crown Land stays with the Minister administering the CLM Act 2016 unless the Minister agreed to transfer the ownership to Council.

Operational Land Classification

The LG Act 1993 requires that all public land must be categorised as Community or Operational Land. The CLM Act provides that Council must manage Crown Land as if it were Community Land, unless Council has applied and the minister administering the CLM Act 2016 has provided written consent to classify the land as Operational

In principal, land that is not used by the public at large or by specific sections of the public, or categorised as natural area, sport ground, parkland or an area of cultural significance can be classified as Operational Land. Examples of land that can be submitted to the Minister for operational classification approval are land devolved to Council’s management for works depots, waste depots, cemeteries, emergency services, quarries, reservoirs, sewerage works, urban services and water infrastructures.

The Minister will only issue consent to manage a Crown Land as Operational Land where Council can demonstrate that either the land:

·    does not fall within any of the categories for Community Land under the LG Act 1993; or

·    could not continue to be used and dealt with as it currently can, if it were required to be used and dealt with as Community Land.

Community Land Categorisation

Under the CLM Act 2016, Council must assign to all Crown land one or more initial categories of community land referred to in section 36 of the LG Act 1993. The categorisation must be most closely related to the purposes for which the land is dedicated or reserved. Multiple categories may be assigned to Crown land.  In assigning an initial categorisation, Council is required to refer to the core objectives for each categories, the LG Act 1993 provisions that govern the management and use of each community land category, and the guidelines for the categorisation of community land prescribed by the Local Government Regulation 2005. 

Council must notify the Minister of its intention to assign one or more categories to Community classified Crown Reserves for endorsement prior to preparing POMs.


Consultation has been carried out with both external and internal stakeholders.

External Consultation

·    Office of Local Government.

·    Crown Lands Office.

Internal Consultation

·    Town Planner.

·    Environmental Services Manager.

·    Community Facilities Manager.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                               17 December 2018

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                               17 December 2018


Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                             17 DECEMber 2018

13         Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting  


That Council move into Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting of Council and that the press and members of the public be asked to leave the room whilst Council considers the following items:

13.1       Australia Day Award 2019 Nominations

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (a) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors).

13.2       Boggabri Caravan Park Upgrade and Redevelopment

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (c) and (d)(i) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business and commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.

13.3       Vickery Coal Mine Extension Project - Voluntary Planning Agreement

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (c) and (d)(i) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business and commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.



That Council move out of Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting and that the resolutions from the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting be read out aloud.



14         Meeting Closed

[1] Source: www.asx.com.au