Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                  27 February 2024

  MINUTES OF narrabri SHIRE council
Ordinary Council Meeting
Narrabri Shire Council Chambers, 46-48 Maitland Street, Narrabri
Tuesday, 27 February 2024 AT 1:00 PM


PRESENT:                    Cr Darrell Tiemens, Cr Rohan Boehm, Cr Robert Browning, Cr John Clements, Cr Brett Dickinson, Cr Greg Lamont, Cr Catherine Redding, Cr Lisa Richardson

IN ATTENDANCE:      Rob Williams (General Manager), Donna Ausling (Director Planning and Sustainability), Evan Harris (Acting Director Infrastructure Delivery), Ted Harrington (Director Financial and Commercial Services), Jason Townsend (Manager Governance and Risk), Samara Woolley (Minute Clerk)


Proceedings of the meeting commenced at 1:00 pm.

1               Opening Prayer

Members and officers were upstanding for the opening prayer by Keith Bates of New Life Christian Fellowship, in association with the Narrabri Ministers Fraternal.

2               Acknowledgement of Country

The Mayor acknowledged the Traditional Owners of the land on which the Council met, the Kamilaroi people, and the Council paid its respects to Elders past, present and emerging.


Council acknowledged the sacrifice made by Australian service men and women, in particular those who gave their lives in defence of the freedom we enjoy today.

4               Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences





Cr Ron Campbell

27 February 2024

Leave of Absence

Personal Leave


Minute  001/2024  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding      Seconded:        Cr John Clements

1.             That Leave of Absence be granted to Cr Ron Campbell for 27 February 2024.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


5               AtTendance by Audio Visual Link


6               Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests

Councillors are reminded of their obligation to declare their interest in any matters listed before them. In considering your interest, you are reminded to include pecuniary, significant non-pecuniary and on-significant non-pecuniary conflicts of interest as well as any other interest you perceive or may be perceived of you. Councillors may declare an interest at the commencement of the meeting, or alternatively at any time during the meeting should any issue progress or arise that would warrant a declaration. Councillors must state their reasons in declaring any type of interest.







Cr Lisa Richardson



Employer has DA in – DA2024/0067

DA in proximety to personal residence

Cr Greg Lamont



Part Owner of property in Brent/Laidlaw Street Boggabri

Adjoining owner of property to development


7               Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting

The following matters will be considered in the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting:

18.1         Narrabri Shire Youth Council - Application Received

18.2         Seniors Festival 2024 - Senior of the Year Nomination

18.3         Business Paper and Unconfirmed Minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee

18.4         2023-24/42 Yarrie Lake Road to Pilliga Road Freight Route Upgrade – Stage 1


8               Presentations

Presentations made to Council:

1.         Nil.


9               Confirmation of Minutes

Minute  002/2024  

Moved:       Cr Brett Dickinson            Seconded:        Cr Catherine Redding

1.             That the minutes of Ordinary Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 19 December 2023 as circularised be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Mayor.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Abstained:       Cr Robert Browning

Carried 7/1


10            Attendance by Audio Visual Link

Nil reports.

11            Matters of Great Urgency

Nil reports.

12            Questions with Notice

Nil reports.

13            Mayoral Minute

13.1         Mayoral Appointments for the period 11 December 2023 to 16 February 2024

Minute  003/2024  

Moved:       Cr Darrell Tiemens

1.        That Council note the Mayoral appointments for the period 11 December 2023 to 16 February 2024. 

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


14            Our Civic Leadership

14.1         Delegate Report - Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultation Committee (CCC) - 5 December 2023

Minute  004/2024  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding      Seconded:        Cr Brett Dickinson

1.        That Council note the Delegate Report on the minutes of the Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee meeting held on Tuesday 5 December 2023.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


At 1:28 pm, Cr Brett Dickinson left the meeting.


14.2         Delegate Report - Narrabri Mine Community Consultation Committee (CCC) - 6 December 2023

Minute  005/2024  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding      Seconded:        Cr Robert Browning

1.        That Council note the Delegate Report on the minutes of the Narrabri Mine Community Consultative Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 6 December 2023.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Not Present:    Cr Brett Dickinson

Carried 7/0


At 1:30 pm, Cr Brett Dickinson returned to the meeting.


14.3         2024 Austalian Local Government Association (ALGA) National General Assembly

Minute  006/2024  

Moved:       Cr Lisa Richardson            Seconded:        Cr John Clements

1.             That Council nominates Crs Robert Browning, Catherine Redding, Darrell Tiemens for the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) National General Assembly (NGA) taking place in Canberra from 2-4 July 2024.

2.             That Council nominates Cr Tiemens for the Australian Council of Local Government (ACLG) Forum taking place on Friday 5 July 2024.

3.             The Council nominates Cr Tiemens for the Australian Council of Local Government (ACLG) Gala Dinner on Thursday 4 July 2024.

4.             That council allocate the additional funds required for this item from the professional development budget for councillors.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


Move into Committee of the Whole

Minute  007/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Rohan Boehm

1.             That Council suspend standing orders and move into Committee of the Whole.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


The Council moved into Committee of the Whole, the time being 1:36 pm.


Move out of Committee of the Whole

Minute  008/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Rohan Boehm

1.             That Council resume standing orders and move out of Committee of the Whole.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


The Council moved out of Committee of the Whole, the time being 1:42 pm.


14.4         Monthly Financial Report - January 2024

Minute  009/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Catherine Redding

1.        That Council note the Monthly Financial reports for January 2024.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


14.5         Investment Report - January 2024

Minute  010/2024  

Moved:       Cr Lisa Richardson            Seconded:        Cr Brett Dickinson

1.        That Council note the Investment Report for January 2024.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0




14.6         Quarterly Budget Review Statement - December 2023

Minute  011/2024  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding      Seconded:        Cr Brett Dickinson

1.        That Council adopt the Quarterly Budget Review Statement for the period ended 31 December 2023 as the revised Budget estimates for the year ending 30 June 2024 and the Operational Plan and Capital Works Plan be amended accordingly.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


14.7         Resolutions Register - November to December 2023

Minute  012/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Catherine Redding

1.        That Council receive and note the outstanding Resolutions Register as at 21 February 2024.

2.        That Council receive and note the completed Resolutions Register as at 21 February 2024.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


At 2:08 pm, Cr Richardson left the meeting after declaring a non-pecuniary interest in relation to Item 14.8, due to  her employer having a development application in the report and a development application in proximity to her residence in the report. She was not present at or in sight of the meeting during the consideration of the item.

At 2:09 pm, Cr Lamont left the meeting after declaring a pecuniary interest in relation to Item 14.8, due to a being a part owner and adjoining owner of properties outlined in the report.  He was not present at or in sight of the meeting during the consideration of the item.


14.8         Planning and Development Report - December 2023/January 2024

Minute  013/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Catherine Redding

1.        That Council receive the Planning and Development Report for December 2023 and January 2024.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson and Catherine Redding

Against:             Nil

Not Present:    Crs Greg Lamont and Lisa Richardson

Carried 6/0


At 2:18 pm, Cr Lisa Richardson returned to the meeting.


At 2:18 pm, Cr Greg Lamont returned to the meeting.


14.9         Infrastructure Delivery Status Report - January 2024

Minute  014/2024  

Moved:       Cr Lisa Richardson            Seconded:        Cr John Clements

1.        That Council receive and note the Infrastructure Delivery Status Report for December 2023 and January 2024.

2.        That Council receive and note the Local Traffic Committee Minutes of 24 October 2023 meeting.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0



14.10      Narrabri West Freight Activation Precinct Project

Minute  015/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Catherine Redding

1.        That Council receive and note “Narrabri West Precinct Freight Activation Project” report.

2.        That Council share project related information with Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) and advocate to the relevant Minister that TfNSW complete the rail components of the project.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


Move into Committee of the Whole

Minute  016/2024  

Moved:       Cr Rohan Boehm               Seconded:        Cr Greg Lamont

1.             That Council suspend standing orders and move into Committee of the Whole.

In Favour:         Crs Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements and Greg Lamont

Against:             Crs Darrell Tiemens, Brett Dickinson, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson


The voting being equal; the Mayor exercised a casting vote against the motion.

The motion was then lost.




14.11      Boggabri CBD, Vickery Park to Anzac Park Master Plan

Minute  017/2024  

Moved:       Cr Lisa Richardson            Seconded:        Cr Brett Dickinson

1.        That Council note the Community Engagement Report (Attachment 2) and acknowledge that 85% was in support of Option A (Library and Hall).

2.        That Council Adopt the Boggabri Open Spaces Master Plan (Option A).

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


14.12      Operational and Service Plan Quarterly Report - 1 October 2023 to 31 December 2023

Minute  018/2024  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding      Seconded:        Cr Brett Dickinson

1.        That Council adopt the Quarter 2 2023/2024 Quarterly Operational Plan Progress Report, as attached, detailing Council’s progress in meeting its actions, capital works and key performance measures for the period of 1 October 2023 to 31 December 2023.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


14.13      Delivery Program 6 Monthly Progress Report - December 2023

Minute  019/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Robert Browning

1.        That Council adopt the Delivery Program 6 Monthly Progress Report, as attached, detailing Council’s progress in meeting its objectives, strategies and measures up to 31 December 2023 period.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


14.14      Crime Prevention Plan

Minute  020/2024  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding      Seconded:        Cr Lisa Richardson

1.    That Council endorse the draft Crime Prevention Plan 2024/2028 for the purpose of public exhibition.

2.    That Council endorse the Report ‘Crime Prevention Plan in Narrabri: Research Results’ noting that it is for internal use only.

3.    That Council endorse the discussion paper ‘CCTV As a Crime Prevention Tool’.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


15            Our Society

15.1         2022/2026 Youth Strategy - For Adoption

Minute  021/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Lisa Richardson

1.    That Council adopt the draft 2022/2026 Youth Strategy.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0



16            Our Environment

16.1         Regulatory Compliance Report - December 2023 and January 2024

Minute  022/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Lisa Richardson

1.        That Council receive and note the Regulatory Services Report for December 2023 and January 2024.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


16.2         Boggabri Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

Minute  023/2024  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding      Seconded:        Cr Lisa Richardson

1.        That Council adopt the Boggabri Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


17            Our Economy

17.1         Temporary Suspension of Alcohol Free Zone - NarraBRIGHT Event 2024

Minute  024/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Rohan Boehm

1.        That Council suspend the Alcohol-Free Zone within the roadway area (Max. 360m²) between 126—136 Maitland Street, Narrabri, from 3:00pm – 11:59pm on Friday 15 March 2024, for the purposes of facilitating a proposed licensed, fenced bar area and service, for the NarraBRIGHT event.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


17.2         DA2024/0018 - Demolition and Construction of a Multi Dwelling Housing Development (Four [4] additional Dwellings and One [1] Existing Dwelling) on LOT: A DP: 393625, 19 Meelee Street, Narrabri

Minute  025/2024  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding      Seconded:        Cr Rohan Boehm

1.        That Council determine DA 2024/0018 pursuant to Section 4.16 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 by the granting of consent subject to conditions, as detailed in Attachment 1 ‘Conditions of Consent’.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


18            Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting


Minute  026/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Lisa Richardson

That Council move into Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting of Council and that the press and members of the public be asked to leave the room whilst Council considers the following items:

18.1         Narrabri Shire Youth Council - Application Received

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (a) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors).

18.2         Seniors Festival 2024 - Senior of the Year Nomination

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (a) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors).

18.3         Business Paper and Unconfirmed Minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (f) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with details of systems and/or arrangements that have been implemented to protect council, councillors, staff and Council property.

18.4         2023-24/42 Yarrie Lake Road to Pilliga Road Freight Route Upgrade – Stage 1

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (c) and (d)(i) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the Council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business and commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.


In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


The Council moved into Closed (Public Excluded Meeting), the time being 3:07 pm.


Suspension of Standing Orders

Minute  027/2024  

Moved:       Cr Darrell Tiemens

1.             That Council suspend standing orders for a break.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


The Council suspended standing orders, the time being 3:07 pm.


Resumption of Standing Orders

Minute  028/2024  

Moved:       Cr Darrell Tiemens

1.             That Council resume standing orders.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


The Council resumed standing orders, the time being 3:21 pm.



18.1         Narrabri Shire Youth Council - Application Received

Minute  029/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Brett Dickinson

1.        That Council endorse the enclosed application for candidate 1 for the Narrabri Shire Youth Council’s second term 2023-2025.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


18.2         Seniors Festival 2024 - Senior of the Year Nomination

Minute  030/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Lisa Richardson

1.             That Council award the Narrabri senior of the year award 2024 to nominees 4 and 6.

2.             That Council keep the outcome confidential until the winner is announced at the Seniors Festival luncheon to be held at the Narrabri RSL, Auditorium room on Thursday 14 March 2024.

3.             That all finalists receive a highly commended certificate to recognise their contributions to the community.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0



Move into Committee of the Whole

Minute  031/2024  

Moved:       Cr Lisa Richardson            Seconded:        Cr Rohan Boehm

1.             That Council suspend standing orders and move into Committee of the Whole.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


The Council moved into Committee of the Whole, the time being 3:27pm.


Move out of Committee of the Whole

Minute  032/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Lisa Richardson

1.             That Council resume standing orders and move out of Committee of the Whole.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


The Council moved out of Committee of the Whole, the time being 3:35 pm.


18.3         Business Paper and Unconfirmed Minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee

Minute  033/2024  

Moved:       Cr Catherine Redding      Seconded:        Cr Rohan Boehm

1.        That Council note the Business Papers and Unconfirmed Minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee meeting held on Monday, 18 December 2023.  

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0



SUPPLEMENTARY 18.4 2023-24/42 Yarrie Lake Road to Pilliga Road Freight Route Upgrade – Stage 1

Minute  034/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Rohan Boehm

1.    That Council accept the tender from Daracon Contractors Pty Ltd in the GST exclusive amount of $4,303,181.33 for Contract No. 2023-24/42 - Yarrie Lake to Pilliga Freight Route Upgrade – Stage 1.

2.    That Council maintain the confidentiality of the documents and considerations in respect of Contract No. 2023-24/42 – Yarrie Lake to Pilliga Freight Route Upgrade – Stage 1.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


Minute  035/2024  

Moved:       Cr John Clements              Seconded:        Cr Brett Dickinson

1.             That Council move out of Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting and that the resolutions from the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting be read out to those present by the Chair of the Meeting or their nominee.

In Favour:         Crs Darrell Tiemens, Rohan Boehm, Robert Browning, John Clements, Brett Dickinson, Greg Lamont, Catherine Redding and Lisa Richardson

Against:             Nil

Carried 8/0


The Council moved out of Closed (Public Excluded Meeting), the time being 3;58 pm and the General Manager read out to those present the resolutions of the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting.

19            Meeting Closed

The Meeting closed at 4:01pm.


The minutes of this meeting are scheduled to be confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting to be held on 26 March 2024.

