I hereby give notice that an Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on:



Monday, 24 May 2021




Narrabri Shire Council Chambers

46-48 Maitland Street




Ordinary Council Meeting

24 May 2021


Stewart Todd

General Manager



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                         24 May 2021


1          Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal 3

2          Acknowledgement of Country. 3

3          Recognition of Service Men & Women. 3

4          Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences. 3

5          Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests. 3

6          Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting. 3

7          Presentations. 4

8          Confirmation of Minutes. 4

9          Mayoral Minute. 21

9.1            Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for April/May 2021. 21

10       Our Society. 23

10.1          Central Northern Regional Library 5 year agreement 24

10.2          Narrabri Shire Youth Council 55

11       Our Environment. 61

Nil reports.

12       Our Economy. 63

Nil reports.

13       Our Civic Leadership. 65

13.1          Delegates Report - New England Joint Organisation Meeting - Monday 22 February 2021  66

13.2          Foreign Arrangements Scheme. 73

13.3          Investment Report - April 2021. 77

13.4          Setting of Councillor Fees 2021/2022. 80

14       Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting. 82

14.1          Transfer of National Australia bank building 75 Rose St Wee Waa to Council Ownership  82

15       Meeting Closed. 82


1            Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal

Members and officers are asked to be upstanding for the opening prayer.

2            Acknowledgement of Country

I’d like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia, and in particular the Gomeroi People of the Kamilaroi Nation, and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture.

We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

3            Recognition of Service Men & Women

Council acknowledges the sacrifice made by Australian service men and women, in particular those who gave their lives in defence of the freedom we enjoy today.

4            Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences


5            Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests

Councillors are reminded of their obligation to declare their interest in any matters listed before them.

In considering your interest, you are reminded to include pecuniary, non-pecuniary and conflicts of interest as well as any other interest you perceive or may be perceived of you.

Councillors may declare an interest at the commencement of the meeting, or alternatively at any time during the meeting should any issue progress or arise that would warrant a declaration.

Councillors must state their reasons in declaring any type of interest.

6            Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting

Extract from Council’s Code of Meeting Practice:


Grounds on which meetings can be closed to the public

14.1     The council or a committee of the council may close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises the discussion or the receipt of any of the following types of matters:

(a)     personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors),

(b)     the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer,

(c)     information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business,

(d)     commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed:

(i)    prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or

(ii)   confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council, or

(iii)  reveal a trade secret,

(e)     information that would, if disclosed, prejudice the maintenance of law,

(f)      matters affecting the security of the council, councillors, council staff or council property,

(g)     advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege,

(h)     information concerning the nature and location of a place or an item of Aboriginal significance on community land,

(i)      alleged contraventions of the council’s code of conduct.

             Note: Clause 14.1 reflects section 10A(1) and (2) of the Act.

14.2     The council or a committee of the council may also close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises a motion to close another part of the meeting to the public.

             Note: Clause 14.2 reflects section 10A(3) of the Act.

The following matters will be considered in the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting:

14.1       Transfer of National Australia bank building 75 Rose St Wee Waa to Council Ownership


7            Presentations

Presentation requests received to date:

·         Nil.

8            Confirmation of Minutes


That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 27 April 2021 comprising Minute Nos 051/2021 to 071/2021 as circularised be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Mayor.



That the minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 18 May 2021 comprising Minute Nos 072/2021 to 075/2021 as circularised be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Mayor.

Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                                        24 May 2021

  MINUTES OF narrabri SHIRE council
Ordinary Council Meeting
Narrabri Shire Council Chambers, 46-48 Maitland Street, Narrabri
Tuesday, 27 April 2021 AT 1.04pm


PRESENT:                 Mayor Ron Campbell (Mayor), Cr Cameron Staines (Deputy Mayor), Cr Maxine Booby, Cr Ron Campey, Cr Robert Kneale, Cr Annie McMahon, Cr Catherine Redding.

IN ATTENDANCE:     Stewart Todd (General Manager), Lindsay Mason (Director Corporate and Community Services), Shane Burns (Director Infrastructure Delivery), Delece Hartnett (Minute Clerk), Andrew Brown (Executive Manager Corporate Planning & Workforce)


Proceedings of the meeting commenced at 1.04pm.

1            Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal

Members and officers were upstanding for the opening prayer by Rev Keith Bates of New Life Christian Fellowship, in association with the Narrabri Ministers Fraternal.

2            Acknowledgement of Country

The Mayor acknowledged the Traditional Owners of the land on which the Council met, the Kamilaroi people, and the Council paid its respects to Elders past, present and emerging.


Council acknowledges the sacrifice made by Australian service men and women, in particular those who gave their lives in defence of the freedom we enjoy today.

4            Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences

Minute  051/2021

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Catherine Redding

That the apology received from Cr Finlay be accepted.

In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0

NOTE:    Cr Finlay advised Council he would most likely be an apology for today’s meeting, he arrived at the meeting at 2.43pm.



5            Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests

Councillors are reminded of their obligation to declare their interest in any matters listed before them.

In considering your interest, you are reminded to include pecuniary, non-pecuniary and conflicts of interest as well as any other interest you perceive or may be perceived of you.

Councillors may declare an interest at the commencement of the meeting, or alternatively at any time during the meeting should any issue progress or arise that would warrant a declaration.

Councillors must state their reasons in declaring any type of interest.







Cr Redding

12.3 - Inland Rail Conference 2021


Property acquisition by Inland Rail.


6            Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting

Minute  052/2021

Moved:       Cr Ron Campey               Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby

That the following matters will be considered in the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting:

14.1       Northern NSW Inland Port - Utility Provision

14.2       Crushing and Screening of Concrete, Brick and Tile Contract

14.3       Sale of Industrial Land - Lot 3 DP1178374 - 66-74 Francis Street Narrabri 2390

14.4       2021 National Volunteer Week


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


7            Presentations

Presentation requests received to date:




8            Confirmation of Minutes

Minute  053/2021

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Cameron Staines

That the minutes of Ordinary Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 23 March 2021 comprising Minute Nos 040/2021 to 050/2021 as circularised be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Mayor.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


9            Mayoral Minute

9.1         Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for March/April 2021

Minute  054/2021

Moved:       Mayor Ron Campbell

That Council note the Mayoral Appointments for the period March/April 2021.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


10          Our Society

Nil reports.

11          Our Environment

11.1       Narrabri Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan Volume 1: Supplementary Flood Study – Namoi River, Mulgate Creek and Long Gully Addendum 1 – February 2020 Validation

Minute  055/2021

Moved:       Cr Annie McMahon         Seconded:       Cr Robert Kneale

1.   That Council endorse the Draft Narrabri Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan Volume 1: Supplementary Flood Study – Namoi River, Mulgate Creek and Long Gully Addendum 1 – February 2020 Validation for the purposes of public exhibition.

2.   That Council place on public exhibition the Draft Narrabri Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan Volume 1: Supplementary Flood Study – Namoi River, Mulgate Creek and Long Gully Addendum 1 – February 2020 Validation for a period of at least 28 days, during the exhibition period call for and accept submissions from the public on the draft Policy.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


12          Our Economy

12.1       Community Arts Cultural Centre Project - 22 George Street, Wee Waa

Minute  056/2021

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Annie McMahon

1.   That Council undertakes an internal renovation and lease the property commonly known as ‘Wee Waa Neighbourhood Centre’ at 22 George Street, Wee Waa being Lot 2 DP 1080143, That Council:

a.   Enter into a Sub-funding Deed with Wee Waa Community Arts Cultural Centre, to receive Construction Works Grant of $168,000.00 (gst exc), for the internal renovation in accordance with the Scope of Works.

b.   Engage a licenced builder to undertake the internal renovation in accordance with the Scope of Works and as directed.

c.   Grant a Lease to the Wee Waa Community Arts Cultural Centre, being:

i. Permitted Use - activities associated with cultural and artistic development of the community.

ii.  Initial Term – 3 years with no options.

iii. Rent - $1.00 per annum

iv. Rates – nil charge

v. Outgoings – lessee responsibility

2.   That Council authorise the General Manager to sign all necessary documents to give effect to the transaction.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


12.2       Narrabri Region Tourism Destination Management Plan 2020-2025

Minute  057/2021

Moved:       Cr Annie McMahon         Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby

1.   That Council endorse the draft Narrabri Region Tourism Destination Management Plan 2021-2025 for the purposes of public exhibition.

2.   That Council place on public exhibition the draft Narrabri Region Tourism Destination Management Plan 2021-2025 for a period of at least 28 days, during the exhibition period call for and accept submissions from the public on the draft Plan.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


Cr Redding declared a non-pecuniary significant interest in relation to item 12.3 – Inland Rail Conference 2021, due to a land acquisition by Inland Rail and was not present at or in sight of the meeting during the consideration of the item.


12.3       Inland Rail Conference 2021

Minute  058/2021

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby

  1. That Council approve Councillor attendance, being the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, to attend Inland Rail Conference 2021 to be held in Albury-Wodonga on 25 – 27 May 2021.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale.

Against:           Cr Annie McMahon

carried 5/1


At 1:50 pm, Cr Catherine Redding returned to the meeting.






Minute  059/2021

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

2.      That Council confirm the Council Meeting Schedule as follows:

    1. Extra-Ordinary Council Meeting:

                                                              i.      Tuesday 18 May 2021 commencing at 1.00pm, for primarily dealing with Council’s Integrated Planning and Reporting documents for the ensuing financial year.

    1. Ordinary Council Meetings:

                                                              i.      Monday 24 May 2021 commencing at 1.00pm.

                                                            ii.      Friday 25 June 2021 commencing at 1.00pm.

                                                          iii.      Tuesday 27 July 2021 commencing at 1.00pm.

                                                          iv.      Tuesday 24 August 2021 commencing at 1.00pm.

                                                            v.      Tuesday 28 September 2021 commencing at 1.00pm.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


13          Our Civic Leadership

13.1       Minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee

Minute  060/2021

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Catherine Redding

1.   That Council note the Minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee meeting held on 17 March 2021.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


13.2       Delegates Report - Boggabri Coal Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 18 February 2021

Minute  061/2021

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Catherine Redding

1.   That Council note Cr Kneale’s Delegates Report from the Boggabri Coal Community Consultative Committee held on Thursday 18 February 2021.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


13.3       Delegates Report - Medical Professionals Housing Committee Meeting, Wee Waa - 18 March 2021

Minute  062/2021

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Annie McMahon

1.   That Council note Cr Booby’s Delegates Report from the Medical Professionals Housing Committee Meeting held on Thursday 18 March 2021.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


13.4       Investment Report - March 2021

Minute  063/2021

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby

1.   That Council note the Investment Report for March 2021.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


13.5       Debt Recovery Policy

Minute  064/2021

Moved:       Cr Ron Campey               Seconded:       Cr Robert Kneale

1.   That Council endorse the draft Debt Recovery Policy for the purposes of public exhibition.

2.   That Council place on public exhibition the Debt Recovery Policy for a period of at least 28 days, during the exhibition period call for and accept submissions from the public on the draft Policy.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


13.6       Organisational Structure

Minute  065/2021

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Annie McMahon

1.   That Council determine the positions of:

a.   Director Infrastructure Delivery.

b.   Director Corporate and Community Services; and

c.   Director Planning, Strategy and People.


to be Senior Staff positions as per section 332 of the Local Government Act 1993.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


14          Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting

Minute  066/2021

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

That at 2.31pm Council move into Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting of Council and that the press and members of the public be asked to leave the room whilst Council considers the following items:

14.1       Northern NSW Inland Port - Utility Provision

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (d)(i) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.

14.2       Crushing and Screening of Concrete, Brick and Tile Contract

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (d)(i) and (d)(ii) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it and information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council.

14.3       Sale of Industrial Land - Lot 3 DP1178374 - 66-74 Francis Street Narrabri 2390

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (d)(i) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.

14.4       2021 National Volunteer Week

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (a) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors).


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


At 2:43 pm, Cr Lloyd Finlay arrived at the meeting.

At 2:52 pm, Cr Cameron Staines left the meeting.

At 2:54 pm, Cr Cameron Staines returned to the meeting.


14.1       Northern NSW Inland Port - Utility Provision

Minute  067/2021

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

1.   That Council purchase the 286 megalitre Water Access Licence for the amount identified in this report.

2.   That Council apply its Common Seal to any necessary documents relating to this purchase.

3.   That Council confirm the extent of the use of the town water supply licence parameters within its supply strategy.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


14.2       Crushing and Screening of Concrete, Brick and Tile Contract

Minute  068/2021

Moved:       Cr Ron Campey               Seconded:       Cr Annie McMahon

1.   That Council after assessing the tenders submitted to Northern Inland Regional Waste (NIRW) in accordance with the criteria specified in the tender documents, and having regard to all the circumstances, accept the tender submission from GCE Contractors for Crushing and Screening of Concrete, Brick and Tiles, from December 2020 to December 2022 with a further one (1) year option, at an estimated/budgeted annual spend of between $30,000 to $50,000. 


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


14.3       Sale of Industrial Land - Lot 3 DP1178374 - 66-74 Francis Street Narrabri 2390

Minute  069/2021

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey


COUNICL HAS TEMPORARILY WITHHELD THIS RESOLUTION under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, for the following reasons:

                   (d)     (ii) information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a                                   competitor of the council

                   (d)     (iii) information that would, if disclosed, reveal a trade secret


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


14.4       2021 National Volunteer Week

Minute  070/2021

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Catherine Redding


COUNCIL HAS TEMPORARILY WITHHELD RESOLUTIONS 1, (a), (b) and (c); 2 and 3 FOR THIS MATTER under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, for the following reasons:

(a)   Personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors).


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


Minute  071/2021

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Robert Kneale

That at 3.14pm Council move out of Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting and that the resolutions from the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting be read out to those present by the Chair of the Meeting or their nominee.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


15          Meeting Closed

The Meeting closed at 3.17pm.


The minutes of this meeting are scheduled to be confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting to be held on 24 May 2021.




Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                                        24 May 2021

MINUTES OF Narrabri Shire council
Extraordinary Council Meeting
Narrabri Shire Council Chambers, 46-48 Maitland Street, Narrabri
Tuesday, 18 May 2021 AT 1.00pm


PRESENT:                 Mayor Ron Campbell (Mayor), Cr Cameron Staines (Deputy Mayor), Cr Maxine Booby, Cr Ron Campey, Cr Robert Kneale and Cr Catherine Redding.

IN ATTENDANCE:     Stewart Todd (General Manager), Lindsay Mason (Director Corporate and Community Services), Andrew Brown (Executive Manager Corporate Planning & Workforce), Delece Hartnett (Minute Clerk).


1            Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal

Members and officers were upstanding for the opening prayer read by the Mayor, Cr Ron Campbell.

2            Acknowledgement of Country

The Mayor acknowledged the Traditional Owners of the land on which the Council met, the Kamilaroi people, and the Council paid its respects to Elders past and present.


Council acknowledges the sacrifice made by Australian service men and women, in particular those who gave their lives in defence of the freedom we enjoy today.

4            Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences

Minute  072/2021

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

That apologies received from Cr McMahon and Cr Finlay be accepted.

In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 6/0

5            Declaration of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests


6            Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting


7            Public Forum and Presentations

Public Forum requests received to date:


Presentation requests received to date:


8            Our Civic Leadership

8.1         Draft 2021/2022 Operational Plan

Minute  073/2021

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby

1.   That Council endorse the following draft documents for public exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days pursuant to the requirements of the Local Government Act 1993:

a.   Draft 2021/2022 Operational Plan.

b.   Draft 2021/2022 Revenue Policy.

c.   Draft 2021/2022 Fees and Charges.

d.   Draft 2021/2022 Operational Budget.

e.   Draft 2021/2022 Capital Works Program.

2.   That Council place on exhibition the draft documents (a. – e. above) for a period of at least 28 days, and during the exhibition period call for and accept submissions from the public on the draft documents.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 6/0


8.2         Operational and Service Plan Quarterly Report - March 2021

Minute  074/2021

Moved:       Cr Ron Campey               Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby

1.   That Council adopt the March 2021 Quarterly Operational and Service Plan Report, as attached, detailing Council’s progress in meeting its actions, capital works and key performance measures.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 6/0


8.3         Quarterly Budget Review Statement - March 2021

Minute  075/2021

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Robert Kneale

1.   That Council adopt the Quarterly Budget Review Statement for the period ended 31 March 2021 as the revised Budget estimates for the year ended 30 June 2021 and the Operational Plan and Capital Works Plan be amended accordingly.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campbell, Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Catherine Redding

Against:           Nil

carried 6/0



9            Meeting Closed

The Meeting closed at 1.13pm.


The minutes of this meeting are scheduled to be confirmed at the Ordinary Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 25 May 2021.





Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                         24 May 2021

9            Mayoral Minute

9.1         Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for April/May 2021

Responsible Officer:    Ron Campbell, Mayor

Author:                         Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:               Nil



That Council note the Mayoral Appointments for the period April/May 2021.



For the information of Councillors, I provide details of my Mayoral appointments and attendances between the dates, as follows:

Monday 19 April 2021

·      Attended on-site construction commencement on the Narrabri to North Star Inland Rail Line, near Gurley, by Trans4m Rail.

Tuesday 20 April 2021

·      Attended meeting with Trans4m Rail on their recent updates and progress on the Narrabri to North Star Inland Rail line, with Council Management and Design staff.

Wednesday 21 April 2021

·      Attended Wee Waa Chamber of Commerce evening monthly meeting, at the Imperial Hotel, Wee Waa.

Friday 23 April 2021

·      Co-hosted 2MAXFM community radio evening session with Darrell Tiemens.

Sunday 25 April 2021

·      Attended Narrabri Dawn Service and Narrabri RSL Sub-Branch Central ANZAC Day Ceremony at the Narrabri RSL Club.

Tuesday 27 April 2021

·      Attended April 2021 Councillor Briefing/Workshop morning with Councillors and Management.

·      Met with NSW Department of Education (Infrastructure) representatives regarding Wee Waa High School, to further discuss planning issues on proposed new site/School, with General Manager and Council Planning and Infrastructure staff also in attendance.

·      Following on from the Briefing during the morning, attended April 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting with Councillors and Management.

Wednesday 28 April 2021

·      Joined teleconference with ARTC representative Wayne Johnson - Group Executive Hunter Valley Network, and Council General Manager to discuss progress within the Shire regarding Inland Rail.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

·      Attended May 2021 Councillor Briefing/Workshop with Councillors and Management.

·      Attended Narrabri Chamber of Commerce evening monthly meeting at the Narrabri RSL Club.

Tuesday 11 May 2021

·      Attended proposed Narrabri Works discussion with ARTC representatives and senior Council staff, as a progress of the Inland Rail project.

·      Attended monthly Narrabri Chamber of Commerce Meeting at the Narrabri RSL Club.

Tuesday 18 May 2021

·      Attended May 2021 Extraordinary Council Meeting, with fellow Councillors and senior Council staff.

Friday 21 May 2021

·      Hosted Narrabri Shire 2021 Volunteers Week Award presentation to Award recipients, at the Council Chambers.








Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                         24 May 2021

10         Our Society



By 2027, we will provide a safe, supportive community where everyone feels welcomes, valued and connected.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several social priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Community development

§  Community health and safety

§  Community arts, events and entertainment

§  Community care services and transport

§  Parks, open spaces and sporting facilities

§  Children, youth and aged care services

§  Disability access services

§  Library services


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following social strategic outcomes:

§  Increased community arts, events and entertainment

§  Reduction in anti-social behaviour and public offences

§  Improved community accessibility and inclusiveness

§  Improved sport and recreational services and facilities

§  Improved educational services and learning pathways

§  Improved community health and support services



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                         24 May 2021

10.1       Central Northern Regional Library 5 year agreement

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate and Community Services

Author:                         Scott Pollock, Manager Cultural Facilities

Attachments:               1.       Minutes Central Northern Regional Libraries Meeting - 21 April 2021

2.       Central Northern Regional Library Agreement 2021  


Delivery Program Alignment

1 Society


1.3  Our communities will be provided with facilities and services to increase social connectivity and accessibility


1.3.4 Continually improve access to community facilities and services across the Shire



Executive Summary

This report presents the Minutes from the Central Northern Regional Library (CNRL) ordinary meeting held 21 April 2021. The report includes the proposal to extend the CNRL Regional Library Agreement with Council for a further five (5) years.




1.   That Council note the minutes from the CNRL Ordinary Meeting held 21 April 2021;

2.   That Council approve the extension of the current CNRL Library Agreement for a further five-year period; and

3.   That Council affix the Seal of Council to the Central Northern Regional Library Agreement 2021.



As a member of the Central Northern Regional Libraries cooperative, Council is provided with library resources, a shared library management system and professional staff to manage the technology and to develop/ implement policies, procedures and programs. The arrangement:

·    takes advantage of economies of scale;

·    supports systems and opportunities for capacity building;

·    enhances service delivery.

Current Situation

The CNRL Agreement is due for renewal. The agreement was presented to the CNRL Meeting on 21 April 2021 and has been recommended for renewal. The agreement is the same as the previous agreement with the exception of the following clauses which have been added or updated:

·    Section 3.5, page 4

·    Clause 6.5, page 7

·    Clause 10.2.d, 10.2.f, 10.2.g, page 9

·    Schedule 2, (updated street addresses of all the Libraries) page 18


 The updates clarify:

·    that CNRL is not a S355 committee,

·    what happens if a member Council’s annual contribution is not received,

·    the process for forced withdrawal (misconduct or insolvency).

Financial Implications

The funding for the provision of the Central Northern Regional Library Agreement and operation is included in the Annual Operational Plan and Delivery Program. The CNRL Agreement sets out the process for determining the CNRL annual budget. The process remains the same as in previous agreements.

Statutory and Policy Implications

The Central Northern Regional Library Agreement will require the affixing of the Seal of Council.


Member Council library staff were consulted in the preparation of the five-year Strategic Plan.

External Consultation

·    CNRL member councils.

Internal Consultation

·    Library Coordinator.

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                           24 May 2021


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                           24 May 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                           24 May 2021

10.2       Narrabri Shire Youth Council

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate and Community Services

Author:                         Nicola O'Neill, Manager Tourism and Community Development

Attachments:               1.       Narrabri Shire Youth Council Terms of Reference  


Delivery Program Alignment

1 Society


1.1  Community health, safety and support services will adequately meet changing community needs


1.1.4 Youth of the shire are engaged and supported through the provision of adequate programs and training services to facilitate the retention of our young people



Executive Summary

The development and implementation of a Narrabri Shire Youth Council will provide a forum for young people within the Narrabri Local Government Area (LGA) to express their views on important issues affecting young people.



1.   That Council establish the Narrabri Shire Youth Council.

2.   That Council adopt the Narrabri Shire Youth Council Terms of Reference, as attached to this report.



Narrabri Shire Council conducted extensive community consultation informing the development of Council’s Community Strategic Plan 2017-2027 and Delivery Program 2017-2021 both of which are the supporting documents guiding Council’s Operational Plan 2020-2021.

Strategy 1.1.4 of the Operational Plan states:

Youth of the shire are engaged and supported through the provision of adequate programs and training services to facilitate the retention of our young people. To achieve this strategy, several actions were developed including action, which states that:

Council will establish and operate a Narrabri Shire Youth Council in collaboration with the Shires Schools.

Current Situation

Council has developed Terms of Reference to allow the Narrabri Shire Youth Council to be created. 

Council will call for nominations for membership of the Narrabri Shire Youth Council following adoption of the Terms of Reference.

Financial Implications

A budget allocation will be determined from the Community Development section of Council for minor expenses and training.

Statutory and Policy Implications

·    Working with Children Check.

·    National Standards for Volunteer Involvement.


External Consultation

·    Narrabri Shire Youth Interagency

Internal Consultation

·    Nil.

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                         24 May 2021

11         Our Environment



By 2027, we will maintain a healthy balance between our natural and built environments.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several environmental priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Waste management and recycling

§  Environmental planning

§  Planning and development

§  Parks and open spaces

§  Noxious weeds control

§  Floodplain management

§  Water and sewer management

§  Stormwater management


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following environmental strategic outcomes:

§  Improved air, water and soil quality

§  Reduction in domestic and industry waste

§  Management of potential impacts from extractive industries

§  Improved emergency service provision and resources

§  Maintenance of heritage sites for future generation



Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                             18 May 2021




Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                         24 May 2021

12         Our Economy



By 2027, we will have developed a strong, diverse economy that attracts, retains and inspires business, industry and tourism growth.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several economic priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Economic development

§  Planning and development

§  Entertainment and conferences

§  Local and regional tourism and events

§  Saleyards

§  Airport


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following economic strategic outcomes:

§  Increased community events, conferences and entertainment

§  Increased employment through industry innovation, investment and value adding

§  Established freight hub for the Norther Inland Region

§  Increased housing availability and affordability

§  Broadened economic base



Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                             18 May 2021




Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                         24 May 2021

13         Our Civic Leadership



By 2027, we will proactively together to achieve our shared vision with strong strategic direction.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several civic leadership priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Integrated strategic planning and reporting

§  Community engagement and consultation

§  Representation and governance

§  Human resource management

§  Customer services

§  Information services

§  Financial services

§  Risk management

§  Compliance and regulation


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following civic leadership strategic outcomes:

§  Improved community engagement and decision-making processes

§  Well established community, industry, government and non-government partnerships

§  Well maintained core infrastructure and service provision that delivers public value

§  Transparent and accountable planning and reporting

§  Financial efficiency and sustainability



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                         24 May 2021

13.1       Delegates Report - New England Joint Organisation Meeting - Monday 22 February 2021

Responsible Officer:    Ron Campbell, Mayor

Author:                         Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant

Attachments:               1.       New England Joint Organisation of Councils (NEJO) Minutes 22 February 2021  


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.4  Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice





1.   That Council note Mayor Campbell’s Delegates Report on the New England Joint Organisation (NEJO) Meeting held on Monday 22 February 2021.


Delegates REPORT

The New England Joint Organisation held a Meeting on Monday 22 February 2021.

The Minutes from the meeting are attached.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                           24 May 2021


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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                         24 May 2021

13.2       Foreign Arrangements Scheme

Responsible Officer:    Stewart Todd, General Manager

Author:                         Bill Birch, Manager Economic Development

Attachments:               Nil


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.1  We will proactively engage and partner with the community and government to achieve our strategic goals


4.1.3 Develop and build strong, productive partnerships with State and Federal Governments



Executive Summary

The Foreign Arrangements Scheme (the Scheme) commenced on 10 December 2020. Its purpose is to ensure that arrangements between State or Territory governments (and their entities) and foreign entities do not adversely affect Australia's foreign relations and are not inconsistent with Australia's foreign policy.

The Scheme provides for States and Territories and their entities to notify or seek approval from the Minister for Foreign Affairs (the Minister) if they propose to negotiate, or enter, or have entered a foreign arrangement. It creates obligations in respect of both future arrangements and existing arrangements. It also deals with subsidiary arrangements entered into for the purposes of implementing a foreign arrangement.

Commencing 10 March 2021, the Minister must be notified of a proposal to negotiate or enter a core foreign arrangement. If the arrangement is entered into, the Minister must also be notified about that within 14 days.

Commencing 10 March 2021, the Minister must also be notified of a proposal to enter a non-core foreign arrangement. If the arrangement is entered into, the Minister must also be notified about that within 14 days.



1.   That Council note the report in relation to the Foreign Arrangements Scheme.

2.   That Council note that it has no arrangements as per the Foreign Arrangements Scheme.



The Foreign Arrangements Scheme (the Scheme) commenced on 10 December 2020. Its purpose is to ensure that arrangements between State or Territory governments (and their entities) and foreign entities do not adversely affect Australia's foreign relations and are not inconsistent with Australia's foreign policy.

The Scheme provides for States and Territories and their entities to notify or seek approval from the Minister for Foreign Affairs (the Minister) if they propose to negotiate, or enter, or have entered a foreign arrangement. It creates obligations in respect of both future arrangements and existing arrangements. It also deals with subsidiary arrangements entered into for the purposes of implementing a foreign arrangement.

As of 10 March 2021, States and Territories and their entities must notify the Minister for Foreign Affairs of their prospective foreign arrangements.

Current Situation

The Scheme deals with foreign arrangements. These are written arrangements, agreements, contracts, understandings or undertakings between State and Territory entities and foreign entities. They may be legally-binding or not legally-binding.


The Scheme provides a process for States and Territories and their entities to notify the Minister for Foreign Affairs if they propose to enter, or enter, a foreign arrangement.


It creates obligations in respect of both future arrangements and existing arrangements. It also deals with subsidiary arrangements entered into for the purposes of implementing a foreign arrangement.


The Scheme does not apply to arrangements by corporations or hospitals unless those arrangements are subsidiary arrangements.


The Scheme covers State/Territory entities, including:


·    States and Territories, and State and Territory governments, departments and agencies (core State/Territory entities), and

·    local governments, and Australian public universities (non-core State/Territory entities).


The Scheme also covers foreign entities, including:


·    a foreign country, its national government and a department or agency of that national government (core foreign entities), and

·    a province, state, self-governing territory, region, local council, municipality or other political subdivision of a foreign country (including its governments, departments, agencies), an authority of a foreign country established for a public purpose, and a foreign university that does not have institutional autonomy (non-core foreign entities).


The Scheme creates an ‘approval’ process for arrangements known as ‘core foreign arrangements’ and a ‘notification’ process for arrangements known as ‘non-core foreign arrangements’.


·    A core foreign arrangement is an arrangement between a core State/Territory entity and a core foreign entity.

·    A non-core foreign arrangement is an arrangement between:

- a core State/Territory entity and a non-core foreign entity

- a non-core State/Territory entity and a core foreign entity, or

- a non-core State/Territory entity and a non-core foreign entity.

Approval of prospective core foreign arrangements

Commencing 10 March 2021, the Minister must be notified of a proposal to negotiate or enter a core foreign arrangement. If the arrangement is entered into, the Minister must also be notified about that within 14 days.

The Minister must consider the proposed negotiation or entry into the arrangement, and make a decision whether to approve. The Minister must approve if satisfied that the proposed negotiation or arrangement:

·    would not adversely affect, or would be unlikely to adversely affect, Australia’s foreign relations; and

·    would not be, or would be unlikely to be, inconsistent with Australia’s foreign policy. The Minister must make a decision within 30 days or the Minister is taken to have given approval.

If a core State/Territory entity enters an arrangement without approval, then the arrangement will be invalid and unenforceable, be required to be terminated, or not be in operation (depending on the arrangement).

Notification of prospective non-core foreign arrangements

Commencing 10 March 2021, the Minister must also be notified of a proposal to enter a non-core foreign arrangement. If the arrangement is entered into, the Minister must also be notified about that within 14 days.

The Minister may make a declaration prohibiting a State/Territory entity from negotiating or entering a non-core arrangement if satisfied that the negotiation or arrangement:

·    would adversely affect, or would be likely to adversely affect, Australia’s foreign relations; or

·    would be, or would be likely to be, inconsistent with Australia’s foreign policy.

If a non-core arrangement is entered into in contravention of a declaration, the Minister may make a further declaration that the arrangement is invalid and unenforceable, required to be terminated, or not in operation.

Foreign arrangements already in operation

State or Territory entities must notify the Minister of pre-existing arrangements already in operation. Pre-existing foreign arrangements are arrangements that have been entered into on or before 9 March 2021.

·    Core foreign arrangements must be notified by 10 March 2021.

·    Non-core foreign arrangements must be notified by 10 June 2021.

The Minister may make a declaration that such an arrangement is invalid and unenforceable, required to be varied or terminated, or not in operation if satisfied the arrangement would adversely affect Australia’s foreign relations or is inconsistent with Australia’s foreign policy.

How does the scheme apply to local government?

The Scheme creates obligations for local governments that propose to enter, or enter, an arrangement with a foreign entity.

Under the Act, a State/Territory entity includes ‘a body established for the purposes of local government by, or under a law of a State or a Territory’.

·    Local governments are non-core State/Territory entities. As a consequence, all foreign arrangements entered into by local government are non-core foreign arrangements. This is the case irrespective of the nature of the relevant foreign entity with whom the arrangement is entered into.

·    Foreign entities include a foreign country, its national government and a department or agency of that national government, as well as sub-national level governments in foreign countries, departments of those sub-national level governments, public entities established under the authority of a foreign country or its national or sub-national government, universities without institutional autonomy and any other entities prescribed by the rules.

Council has not entered into any core or non-core foreign arrangements with any foreign entity.

However, with the Scheme being introduced this matter is presented for the Council’s attention.

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

Australia’s Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Act 2020 (the Act) fosters a systematic and consistent approach to foreign engagement across all levels of Australian government. It creates a Scheme to ensure that arrangements between State or Territory governments and foreign government entities do not adversely affect Australia’s foreign relations and are not inconsistent with Australia’s foreign policy.

Minister’s powers under the Scheme

Where a foreign arrangement would adversely affect Australia’s foreign relations or is deemed to be inconsistent with Australia’s foreign policy, the Minister may prevent negotiation of a proposed arrangement, or cancel or vary an existing arrangement. A public register has been established, to make these arrangements transparent, and this will feature information about the arrangements and any decisions made by the Minister. Any decision to require that an arrangement be amended or terminated will be made on a case‑by‑case basis, after careful consideration of all the relevant factors.


External Consultation


Internal Consultation


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                         24 May 2021

13.3       Investment Report - April 2021

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate and Community Services

Author:                         Luke Meppem, Budget Coordinator

Attachments:               Nil



Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.4  Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.3 Report in a clear, concise manner that is easily understood



Executive Summary

Council is required to consider a report on its investments in accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

During the month:

·    Two (2) investments matured, totalling $4 million.

·    Nil (0) new investments were placed.

Council’s Responsible Accounting Officer has certified that Council’s investments are in accordance with requirements.



1.   That Council note the Investment Report for April 2021.



Council is required to consider a report on its investments in accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

Current Situation

The following is a summary of investment movements for April 2021.

Investments maturing during the month:

·    21/04/21            Rural Bank                            $2,000,000      273 days @ 0.85%

·    28/04/21            BOQ                                      $2,000,000      152 days @ 0.43%







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Investment Rate Summary for April 2021

Average Interest Rate on Investments:                                                           0.62%

Weighted Average Interest Rate on Investments                                           0.60%

Council’s Benchmarks

Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSW) 90-day index (30/04/2021)[1]                              0.04%

Average 11am Cash Rate                                                                                0.10%

Financial Implications

Interest income for the month was $14,362, bringing the income earnt for the year to $276,985.

The net movement in the total value of deposits held each month is reflective of the immediate cashflow requirements to service creditors. Council made some major contract payments in April which included the Spring Creek and Horsearm Creek bridges, Maitland Street CBD works, the Wee Waa and Boggabri sewer treatment works (STP).

Statutory and Policy Implications

Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 requires Council’s Responsible Accounting Officer to provide a monthly report setting out the details of all money that the Council has invested under section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993.

It is certified that Council’s investments have been made in accordance with:

·    Local Government Act 1993.

·    Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

·    Ministerial Investment Order dated 12 January 2011.

·    Council’s Investment Policy dated 15 August 2017.


External Consultation


Internal Consultation

·    Responsible Accounting Officer.

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                         24 May 2021

13.4       Setting of Councillor Fees 2021/2022

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate and Community Services

Author:                         Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate and Community Services

Attachments:               1.       Local Government Remuneration Tribunal - Annual Report and Determination 2021 (under separate cover)   


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.4  Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice



Executive Summary

Council needs to set Councillors Fees each year, based on determination of the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal.



1.   That Council adopt the maximum fee payable under the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal determination, in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.



In accordance with Chapter 9 Part 2 Division 4 of the Local Government Act 1993 (“the Act”) the level of remuneration payable to councillors and mayors is reviewed annually by the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal. Such review sets the maximum and minimum amounts that councillors and mayors are to receive.

Section 248 of the Act outlines that Council may fix the annual fee payable to Councillors. Section 249 (2) of the Act outlines that Council must pay an additional fee to the Mayor.

Current Situation

The Local Government Remuneration Tribunal determination for the 2021/2022 year was made on 23 April 2021 and appeared in the Government Gazette on 30 April 2021 (Gazette Number 2021-176). The Tribunal determined that the minimum and maximum fees applicable to each category will increase by 2%, after remaining unchanged in 2020/2021.


Minimum Annual Fee

Maximum Annual Fee







Total Mayor



Council is classified in the Category – Rural. The maximum and minimum remunerations as prescribed within the Determination are:


Financial Implications

An appropriate budget allocation has been made in the draft 2021/2022 budget.

Statutory and Policy Implications

If Council does not determine the annual fee(s) payable, the minimum annual fee will apply.


External Consultation

·    Local Government Remuneration Tribunal.

Internal Consultation



Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                             18 May 2021

14         Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting  


That Council move into Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting of Council and that the press and members of the public be asked to leave the room whilst Council considers the following items:

14.1       Transfer of National Australia bank building 75 Rose St Wee Waa to Council Ownership

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (d)(i) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.




That Council move out of Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting and that the resolutions from the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting be read out to those present by the General Manager or their nominee.



15         Meeting Closed

[1] Source: www.asx.com.au