I hereby give notice that an Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on:



Tuesday, 23 February 2021




Narrabri Shire Council Chambers

46-48 Maitland Street




Ordinary Council Meeting

23 February 2021


Stewart Todd

General Manager



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

PUBLIC FORUM (held outside formal Council Meeting)


The Council may hold a public forum prior to each Ordinary Meeting of the Council for the purpose of hearing oral submissions from members of the public on items of business to be considered at the meeting (listed on the Agenda).


Public forums may also be held prior to Extraordinary Council Meetings and meetings of committees of the Council.


Public forums are to be chaired by the mayor or their nominee.


Request to Speak in the Public Forum


To speak at a public forum, a person must first make an application to the Council in the approved form. Applications to speak at the public forum must be received by 5pm on the working day before the date on which the public forum is to be held and must identify the item of business on the agenda of the Council meeting the person wishes to speak on, and whether they wish to speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ the item.


Approved speakers at the public forum are to register with the Council any written, visual or audio material to be presented in support of their address to the Council, and to identify any equipment needs at 5pm on the working day before the Public Forum.


The General Manager or their delegate may refuse to allow such material to be presented.


A person may apply to speak on no more than 2 items of business on the agenda of the Council Meeting.


Legal representatives acting on behalf of others are not to be permitted to speak at a public forum unless they identify their status as a legal representative when applying to speak at the public forum.


The General Manager or their delegate may refuse an application to speak at a public forum.


No more than three (3) speakers are to be permitted to speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ each item of business on the agenda for the Council Meeting.


If more than the permitted number of speakers apply to speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ any item of business, the general manager or their delegate may, in consultation with the mayor or the mayor’s nominated chairperson, increase the number of speakers permitted to speak on an item of business, where they are satisfied that it is necessary to do so to allow the council to hear a fuller range of views on the relevant item of business.


Each speaker will be allowed three (3) minutes to address the Council. This time is to be strictly enforced by the Chairperson.


The Chairperson of the meeting can grant one extension of up to a maximum of two (2) minutes, should further information, be considered to be important to the Council. This is solely at the discretion of the Chair.


Speakers at public forums must not digress from their nominated item on the agenda. If a speaker digresses to irrelevant matters, the Chairperson is to direct the speaker not to do so. If a speaker fails to observe a direction from the chairperson, the speaker will not be further heard.


A councillor (including the chairperson) may, through the chairperson, ask questions of a speaker following their address at a Public Forum. Questions put to a speaker must be direct, succinct and without argument. Debate will not be permitted by the speaker, Councillors or staff.


Speakers are under no obligation to answer a question. Answers by the speaker, to each question are to be limited to three (3) minutes.


Speakers at public forums cannot ask questions of the Council, Councillors or Council staff.


The general manager or their nominee may, with the concurrence of the chairperson, address the council for up 5 minutes in response to an address to the council at a public forum after the address and any subsequent questions and answers have been finalised.


Where an address made at a public forum raises matters that require further consideration by council staff, the general manager may recommend that the council defer consideration of the matter pending the preparation of a further report on the matters.


The “Request to Speak in Public Forum”, at an Ordinary Council Meeting, can be obtained, from Council’s Administration Office, or by downloading it from Council’s website at:




Use of mobile phones and

unauthorised recording of meetings

Councillors, council staff and members of the public must ensure that mobile phones are turned to silent during meetings of the council and committees of the council.

(Clause 15.20 Code of Meeting Practice)

A person must not live stream or use an audio recorder, video camera, mobile phone or any other device to make a recording of the proceedings of a meeting of the council or a committee of the council without the prior authorisation of the Council.

(Clause 15.21 Code of Meeting Practice)


Council advises that this Meeting will be recorded for the purpose of webcasting, and made available on the Internet. As such, all those present should refrain from making any defamatory statements. It is requested that Councillors within the duration of the Meeting, limit discussions to only the business on the agenda and what is permissible under our Code of Meeting Practice.

(Clause 5.20 Code of Meeting Practice)



Cr Ron Campbell


Deputy Mayor

Cr Cameron Staines


Cr Maxine Booby

Cr Ron Campey

Cr Lloyd Finlay

Cr Robert Kneale

Cr Annie McMahon

Cr Cathy Redding


General Manager


Mr Stewart Todd



Infrastructure Delivery

Mr Shane Burns


Director Corporate & Community Services

Mr Lindsay Mason

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021


1          Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal 9

2          Acknowledgement of Country. 9

3          Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences. 9

4          Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests. 9

5          Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting. 9

6          Presentations. 10

7          Confirmation of Minutes. 10

8          Mayoral Minute. 31

8.1            Mayoral Minute - Use of powers under s226(d) of the Local Government Act for Lighting Infrastructure. 31

8.2            Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for December 2020/January-February 2021. 32

9          Our Society. 34

9.1            Grant Activity Report - 01 July 2020 to 31 December 2020. 35

9.2            Northern Inland Academy of Sport - Narrabri Shire Council Associate Partner Proposal 2021. 41

10       Our Environment. 68

10.1          Boggabri Flood Study. 69

11       Our Economy. 72

Nil reports.

12       Our Civic Leadership. 74

12.1          Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee Annual Report 75

12.2          Delegates Report - Narrabri Mine Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 16 December 2020. 83

12.3          Delegates Report - Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee - 8 December 2020. 87

12.4          Delegates Report - Medical Professionals Housing Committee Meeting, Wee Waa - January 2021. 90

12.5          Investment Report - December 2020. 93

12.6          Investment Report - January 2021. 96

12.7          Acceptance of Tenders Under Delegation - December 2020. 99

12.8          2021 National General Assembly of Local Government - Canberra 20-23 June 2021. 101

12.9          Minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee. 116

12.10       Narra-BRIGHT Event - Request for Suspension of Alcohol Free Zone. 123

12.11       Right of Carriage Way - Lot 3 DP1154624. 129

12.12       Code of Meeting Practice - Recognition and Acknowledgement of Service Men and Women. 132

12.13       Quarterly Budget Review Statement - December 2020. 135

12.14       Operational and Service Plan Quarterly Report - December 2020. 148

12.15       Delivery Program 6 Monthly Progress Report - December 2020. 151

13       Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting. 154

13.1          Provision Of New Doctors Residence in Boggabri 154

14       Meeting Closed. 154


1            Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal

Members and officers are asked to be upstanding for the opening prayer.

2            Acknowledgement of Country

I’d like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia, and in particular the Gomeroi People of the Kamilaroi Nation, and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture.

We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

3            Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences


4            Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests

Councillors are reminded of their obligation to declare their interest in any matters listed before them.

In considering your interest, you are reminded to include pecuniary, non-pecuniary and conflicts of interest as well as any other interest you perceive or may be perceived of you.

Councillors may declare an interest at the commencement of the meeting, or alternatively at any time during the meeting should any issue progress or arise that would warrant a declaration.

Councillors must state their reasons in declaring any type of interest.

5            Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting

Extract from Council’s Code of Meeting Practice:


Grounds on which meetings can be closed to the public

14.1     The council or a committee of the council may close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises the discussion or the receipt of any of the following types of matters:

(a)     personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors),

(b)     the personal hardship of any resident or ratepayer,

(c)     information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business,

(d)     commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed:

(i)    prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it, or

(ii)   confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council, or

(iii)  reveal a trade secret,

(e)     information that would, if disclosed, prejudice the maintenance of law,

(f)      matters affecting the security of the council, councillors, council staff or council property,

(g)     advice concerning litigation, or advice that would otherwise be privileged from production in legal proceedings on the ground of legal professional privilege,

(h)     information concerning the nature and location of a place or an item of Aboriginal significance on community land,

(i)      alleged contraventions of the council’s code of conduct.

             Note: Clause 14.1 reflects section 10A(1) and (2) of the Act.

14.2     The council or a committee of the council may also close to the public so much of its meeting as comprises a motion to close another part of the meeting to the public.

             Note: Clause 14.2 reflects section 10A(3) of the Act.

The following matters will be considered in the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting:

13.1       Provision Of New Doctors Residence in Boggabri


6            Presentations

Presentation requests received to date:

·         Nil.

7            Confirmation of Minutes


That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 15 December 2020 comprising Minute Nos 205/2020 to 230/2020 as circularised be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Mayor.



That the minutes of the Extraordinary Council Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 27 January 2021 comprising Minute Nos 001/2021 to 012/2021 as circularised be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Mayor.

Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                              23 February 2021

MINUTES OF narrabri SHIRE council
Ordinary Council Meeting
Narrabri Shire Council Chambers, 46-48 Maitland Street, Narrabri
Tuesday, 15 December 2020 AT 1.03pm


PRESENT:                 Clr Ron Campbell (Mayor) Cr Cameron Staines (Deputy Mayor), Cr Maxine Booby, Cr Ron Campey, Cr Lloyd Finlay, Cr Robert Kneale, Cr Catherine Redding.

IN ATTENDANCE:     Stewart Todd (General Manager), Shane Burns (Director Infrastructure Delivery) Lindsay Mason (Director Corporate and Community Services), Delece Hartnett (Minute Clerk).


Proceedings of the meeting commenced at 1:03pm.

1            Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal

Members and officers were upstanding for the opening prayer by Rev Keith Bates of New Life Christian Fellowship Narrabri, in association with the Narrabri Ministers Fraternal.

2            Acknowledgement of Country

The Mayor acknowledged the Traditional Owners of the land on which the Council met, the Kamilaroi people, and the Council paid its respects to Elders past and present.

3            Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences

Minute  205/2020

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Cameron Staines

That the apology received from Cr McMahon be accepted.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0

4            Declaration of Pecuniary and Non- Pecuniary Interests



5            Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting

Minute  206/2020

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Robert Kneale

That the following matters will be considered in the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting:

13.1       Northern NSW Inland Port

13.2       Australia Day Award 2021 Nominations


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


6            Presentations


7            Confirmation of Minutes

Minute  207/2020

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

That the minutes of Ordinary Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 27 November 2020 comprising Minute Nos 185/2020 to 204/2020 as circularised be confirmed and signed as a correct record by the Mayor.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


Minute  208/2020  

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

That Council bring forward agenda item 11.1 – ‘Development Application DA2021/0012 for Proposed Bunnings Store’.

In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0

11.1       Development Application DA2021/0012  for proposed Bunnings Store

Minute  209/2020

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

1.   The Council release the existing restriction on the use of land numbered 6 in the second schedule shown on Folio: 13/1242823

2.   That Council grant consent to Development Application DA2021/0012, subject to conditions outlined in attachment 2 of the report, for Bunnings Store and associated access and car parking, business identification signs and directional signs on Lot 13 DP 1242823 13 Caroline Way, Narrabri.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


Minute  210/2020

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Lloyd Finlay

That Council bring forward item 12.5 – 2019/2020 Annual Financial Statements.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


12.5       2019/2020 Annual Financial Statements

Minute  211/2020

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

That Council note the 2019/2020 audited Annual Financial Statements.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


At 1:25 pm, Cr Ron Campey left the meeting.

At 1:28 pm, Cr Ron Campey returned to the meeting.

8            Mayoral Minute

8.1         Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for November/December 2020

Minute  212/2020

Moved:       Clr Ron Campbell

That Council note the Mayoral Appointments for the period November/December 2020.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


9            Our Society

9.1         Australia Day Events - Free Access to Shire Pools

Minute  213/2020

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Robert Kneale

That Council provide free entry to Narrabri Shire pools on Australia Day, 26 January 2021.

In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


10          Our Environment

10.1       Narrabri Shire Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study

Minute  214/2020

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Catherine Redding

1.      That Council adopt the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Study – Narrabri Local Government Area - Part 1: Report, as attached to this report. Save and accept Table 7.1 ‘Tulladunna’.

2.      Amend Table 7.1 ‘Tulladunna’ to “Aboriginal Reserve and campsite was used as a site for many families. The site from the 1960’s was also used by itinerant cotton chipping workers.”

In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0



10.2       Draft Boggabri Flood Study

Minute  215/2020

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Lloyd Finlay

1.   That Council endorse the Draft Boggabri Flood Study for the purposes of public exhibition.

2.   That Council place on public exhibition the Draft Boggabri Flood Study for a period of at least twenty-eight (28) days, and during the exhibition period call for and accept submissions from the public on the draft study.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


10.3       Leards Forest Precinct Environmental Trust Funding Applications - December 2020

Minute  216/2020

Moved:       Cr Lloyd Finlay                 Seconded:       Cr Robert Kneale

That Council, pursuant to the provisions of section 356 of the Local Government Act 1993, grant financial assistance of $16,791.00 from the Environmental Grant Program to the:

a.   Boggabri Golf Club - $10,000.00 for lopping of trees; and

b.   Fairfax Public School - $6,791.00 for upgrade to kitchen garden.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


11          Our Economy

11.2       Revocation of Narrabri Airport as a Security Controlled Airport

Minute  217/2020

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Lloyd Finlay

That Council note the revocation of the security controlled status of the Narrabri Airport.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


12          Our Civic Leadership

12.1       Request for Appointment of Delegate to the Santos Community Consultative Committee

Minute  218/2020

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

That Council re-confirm the appointment of Cr Redding and Cr Kneale as Council’s delegates and Cr Campey as alternate delegate to the Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


12.2       Request for Appointment of Delegate to the Water Technical Advisory Group for the Narrabri Gas Project

Minute  219/2020

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby           Seconded:  Cr Ron Campey

That Council appoint Cr Redding as the primary delegate, and Cr Staines as the alternate delegate to the Water Technical Advisory Group for the Narrabri Gas Project.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


12.3       Investment Report - November 2020

Minute  220/2020

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Catherine Redding

That Council note the Investment Report for November 2020.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


12.4       2019/2020 Annual Report

Minute  221/2020

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

1.   That Council adopt the 2019/2020 Annual Report, as attached to this report.

2.   That Council note that the 2019/2020 Annual Report will undergo corporate branding.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0




12.6       Notice of Motion - Recognition and Acknowledgement of Australian Service Men and Women

Minute  222/2020

Moved:       Cr Ron Campey               Seconded:       Cr Cameron Staines

1. That Council amend the Code of Meeting Practice and insert the following recognition within the document, and distribute for public exhibition:

“Council acknowledges the sacrifice made by Australian service men and women, in particular those who gave their lives in defence of the freedom we enjoy today”.

2.   That Council place on public exhibition the amended Code of Meeting Practice for a period of at least twenty-eight (28) days, and during the exhibition period call for and accept submissions from the public on the Practice Document.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


Suspension of Standing Orders

Minute  223/2020

Moved:       Cr Lloyd Finlay                 Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby

That Council suspend standing orders at 2.44pm.

In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


Resumption of Standing Orders

Minute  224/2020

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby

That Council resume standing orders at 3.02pm.

In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


13          Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting

Minute  225/2020

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Lloyd Finlay

That at 3.02pm Council move into Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting of Council and that the press and members of the public be asked to leave the room whilst Council considers the following items:

13.1       Northern NSW Inland Port

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (d)(i) and (d)(ii) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it and information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a competitor of the council.

13.2       Australia Day Award 2021 Nominations

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (a) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors).


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


Minute  226/2020

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby

That at 3.20pm Council move out of Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting and that the resolutions from the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting be read out to those present by the Chair of the Meeting or their nominee.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0



13.1       Northern NSW Inland Port

Minute  227/2020

Moved:       Cr Ron Campey               Seconded:       Cr Lloyd Finlay

1.   That Council authorise the General Manager to exercise the Call Options on Site 3 and Site 4.

2.   That Council in accordance with clause 201 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, include its intention to borrow funds in the relevant Operational Plan and Revenue Policy and notify the Office of Local Government (via NSW TCorp) of its intention to borrow by completing the annual Proposed Borrowing return.

3.   That Council include the capital expenditure in the relevant annual budget to purchase Site 3 and Site 4 as outlined in this report.

4.   That Council purchase Site 3 and Site 4 for the amounts identified in this report.

5.   That Council authorise the use of the Council Seal in relation to all necessary documents associated with this resolution.


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


Minute  228/2020

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

That Council move into Committee of the Whole at 3.16pm.

In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


Minute  229/2020

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Cameron Staines

That Council move out of Committee of the Whole at 3.21pm.

In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


13.2       Australia Day Award 2021 Nominations

Minute  230/2020

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby

COUNCIL HAS TEMPORARILY WITHHELD RESOLUTIONS 1, (a), (b) and (c); 2 and 3 FOR THIS MATTER under Section 10A(2) of the Local Government Act 1993, for the following reasons:

(a)   Personnel matters concerning particular individuals (other than Councillors).


In Favour:        Crs Lloyd Finlay, Maxine Booby, Catherine Redding, Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


14          Meeting Closed

The Meeting closed at 3.21pm.


The minutes of this meeting are scheduled to be confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting to be held on 23 February 2021.






Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                              23 February 2021

  MINUTES OF Narrabri Shire council
Extraordinary Council Meeting
Narrabri Shire Council Chambers, 46-48 Maitland Street, Narrabri
Wednesday, 27 January 2021 AT 4.25pm


PRESENT:                 Mayor Ron Campbell (Mayor), Cr Cameron Staines (Deputy Mayor), Cr Maxine Booby, Cr Ron Campey, Cr Lloyd Finlay, Cr Robert Kneale, Cr Annie McMahon, Cr Catherine Redding.

IN ATTENDANCE:     Lindsay Mason (Director Corporate and Community Services), Shane Burns (Director Infrastructure Delivery), Amanda Hannay (Director Planning & Environment - Acting), Delece Hartnett (Minute Clerk)


1            Opening Prayer by a Member of the Narrabri Minister’s Fraternal

Members and officers were upstanding for the opening prayer read by the Mayor.

2            Acknowledgement of Country

The Mayor acknowledged the Traditional Owners of the land on which the Council met, the Kamilaroi people, and the Council paid its respects to Elders past, present and emerging

3            Apologies/Granting of Leave of Absences


4            Declaration of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests

Councillors are reminded of their obligation to declare their interest in any matters listed before them.

In considering your interest, you are reminded to include pecuniary, non-pecuniary and conflicts of interest as well as any other interest you perceive or may be perceived of you.

Councillors may declare an interest at the commencement of the meeting, or alternatively at any time during the meeting should any issue progress or arise that would warrant a declaration.

Councillors must state their reasons in declaring any type of interest.







Cr Redding

7.1 – EIS for N2N


Affected Landholder



Minute  001/2021

Moved:       Cr Ron Campey               Seconded:       Cr Annie McMahon

That the Declaration of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Interests be received and noted.

In Favour:        Crs Cameron Staines, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon, Catherine Redding and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0

5            Items to be Considered in the Confidential (Public Excluded) Meeting

Minute  002/2021  

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Robert Kneale

That the following matters will be considered in the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting:

9.1         Memorandum of Understanding


In Favour:        Crs Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon, Catherine Redding and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0



Presentation requests received to date:

·         Nil

Minute  003/2021

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Annie McMahon

That Council bring forward Agenda item 8.1 – Northern NSW Inland Port Planning Proposal, for discussion at this time.

In Favour:        Crs Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon, Catherine Redding and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


Minute  004/2021

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

That Council bring forward Agenda item 7.1 – EIS Submission N2N, following discussion on Agenda item no. 8.1.

In Favour:        Crs Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon, Catherine Redding and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0



Moved:       Cr Ron Campey               Seconded:       Cr Robert Kneale

That Council move into Committee of the Whole at 4.32pm.


In Favour:        Crs Ron Campey, Robert Kneale and Catherine Redding

Against:           Crs Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Lloyd Finlay, Annie McMahon and Ron Campbell

lost 3/5


The Motion to move into Committee of the Whole was put to the meeting, and was declared lost.

8.1         Northern NSW Inland Port Planning Proposal


Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Annie McMahon

1.   That Council note the extensive and detailed consultation undertaken on the Northern NSW Inland Port Planning Proposal.

2.   That Council not extend the exhibition period for the Northern NSW Inland Port Planning Proposal and commence the review of the submissions and feedback received, with the review being the subject of a further report to Council.




Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

1.      That Council note the extensive and detailed consultation undertaken on the Northern NSW Inland Port Planning Proposal.

2.      That Council extend the exhibition period for the Northern NSW Inland Port Planning Proposal for a period of fourteen (14) days, to assist in the review of the submissions and feedback received, with the review being the subject of a further report to Council.

In Favour:        Crs Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale and Catherine Redding

Against:           Crs Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Annie McMahon, Ron Campbell



The voting being equal; the Mayor then exercised a casting vote for the amendment.

The amendment was then carried 5-4, therefore becoming the motion.


Minute  005/2021  

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Maxine Booby

1.      That Council note the extensive and detailed consultation undertaken on the Northern NSW Inland Port Planning Proposal.

2.      That Council extend the exhibition period for the Northern NSW Inland Port Planning Proposal for a period of fourteen (14) days, to assist in the review of the submissions and feedback received, with the review being the subject of a further report to Council.

In Favour:        Crs Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon, Catherine Redding and Ron Campbell

Against:           Cr Cameron Staines

carried 7/1


At 4.47pm, Cr Catherine Redding left the meeting.

6            Our Environment

7.1         EIS Submission N2N

Minute  006/2021

Moved:       Cr Robert Kneale             Seconded:       Cr Annie McMahon

That Council make a submission to the NSW Government on the Environmental Impact Statement for the Narromine to Narrabri Inland Rail Project generally in accordance with this report.


In Favour:        Crs Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 7/0


At 5:06 pm, Cr Catherine Redding returned to the meeting.


6        Our Society

6.1         Narrabri Sports and Tourism Precinct Masterplan

Minute  007/2021

Moved:       Cr Annie McMahon         Seconded:       Cr Ron Campey

1.   That Council endorse the draft Narrabri Sport and Tourism Precinct Masterplan for the purposes of public exhibition, as attached.

2.   That Council place on public exhibition the Narrabri Sport and Tourism Precinct Masterplan for the period 1 February 2021 to 1 March 2021, during the exhibition period call for and accept submissions from the public on the draft Masterplan.


In Favour:        Crs Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon, Catherine Redding and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


8            Our Civic Leadership


Minute  008/2021

Moved:       Mayor Ron Campbell      Seconded:       Cr Robert Kneale

That Council accept a Supplementary Report for discussion at this time, with the Mayor stating that it complied with Council’s 2020 Code of Meeting Practice – 9.3 (b), that Supplementary Report, item 9.2 be discussed as an urgent item, requiring a decision prior to the next ordinary meeting of Council.

In Favour:        Crs Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon, Catherine Redding and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


8.2         Traffic Management Plan - Festival of Rugby Event, February 2021

Minute  009/2021

Moved:       Mayor Ron Campbell      Seconded:       Cr Robert Kneale

That Council approve the Traffic Management Plan for the Festival of Rugby Pending the following conditions.

1.    Priority must be given to vehicles “ENTERING” the vehicle parking area to avoid traffic congestion and banking back onto the Newell Highway.

a.   the same controls placed on the primary entrance need to be placed on other likely entrances to the event off the Newell Highway. i.e. managing signage, Speed Restrictions (40kmph) etc;

b.   Vehicles should not be vetted or provided with information when entering, again to avoid congestion and traffic banking back onto Newell Highway. Marshalls shall position themselves accordingly to point/provide guidance only with discussions and/or exchanging of information taking place elsewhere;

c.   Recommended VMS messaging leading into event weekend: (SPECIAL EVENT 5-6 FEB).

2.   Additional egress point to allow two way traffic from parking field:

a.   Please ensure there is two way access to parking area to enable vehicles to depart and enter, so as not to back vehicles onto highway. i.e. remove a fence panel;

b.   RE: Email from police requesting RMS provide wet weather option for parking:

a.   Please add wet weather option for wet weather parking. i.e. Showground or other:  

c.   Provision of appropriate Public Liability insurance to cover the event.


In Favour:        Crs Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon, Catherine Redding and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


9            Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting

Minute  010/2021  

Moved:       Cr Ron Campey               Seconded:       Cr Cameron Staines

That at 5.10pm Council move into Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting of Council and that the press and members of the public be asked to leave the room whilst Council considers the following items:

9.1         Memorandum of Understanding

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (d)(i) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with commercial information of a confidential nature that would, if disclosed prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it.

In Favour:        Crs Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon, Catherine Redding and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


9.1         Memorandum of Understanding

Minute  011/2021

Moved:       Cr Maxine Booby            Seconded:       Cr Annie McMahon

1.   That Council authorise the Mayor (or delegate) to enter into, on Council’s behalf, a non‑binding non-exclusive Memorandum of Understanding with Laing O’Rourke.

2.   That Council authorise the Mayor and General Manager to make any necessary amendments to finalise the Memorandum of Understanding; if changes are deemed necessary prior to entering into the Memorandum of Understanding.

3.   That Council maintain the confidentiality of the Memorandum of Understanding.


In Favour:        Crs Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon, Catherine Redding and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


Minute  012/2021

Moved:       Cr Cameron Staines        Seconded:       Cr Annie McMahon

That at 5.27pm Council move out of Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting and that the resolutions from the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting be read out to those present by the Chair of the Meeting or their nominee.

In Favour:        Crs Cameron Staines, Maxine Booby, Ron Campey, Lloyd Finlay, Robert Kneale, Annie McMahon, Catherine Redding and Ron Campbell

Against:           Nil

carried 8/0


10          Meeting Closed

The Meeting closed at 5.28pm.


The minutes of this meeting are scheduled to be confirmed at the Ordinary Meeting of the Narrabri Shire Council held on 23 February 2021.





Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

8            Mayoral Minute

8.1         Mayoral Minute - Use of powers under s226(d) of the Local Government Act for Lighting Infrastructure

Responsible Officer:    Ron Campbell, Mayor

Author:                         Ron Campbell, Mayor

Attachments:               Nil



1.   That Council note the Mayor’s use of the powers under section 226 (d) of the Local Government Act; enabling the procurement of lighting infrastructure to enable the Festival of Rugby to take place.



With Council becoming aware that Narrabri Shire would be hosting the Festival of Rugby an infrastructure audit was undertaken against the requirements provided by both the Queensland Reds and the NSW Waratah rugby union clubs.

The lighting infrastructure at the Dangar Park, Narrabri was determined to be sub-par with the requirements for hosting the Festival.

It was identified that new lighting infrastructure would be required for the Festival to go ahead.

In order to ensure the lighting infrastructure was first sourced, then procured and installed in time for the Festival to go ahead, in consideration of the time constraints, difficultly in procurement and disruptions with freight supply lines due to the COVID pandemic it was appropriate that I utilise the policy-making powers of the Mayor between Council meetings to enable the sourcing, procurement and installation of the required lighting infrastructure to enable the Festival of Rugby to take place.

The economic benefit to hospitality type businesses; hotels, motels, cafes, etc; that have been hit hard during the COVID pandemic made the decision relatively straight forward. Further, the income received by the Narrabri Airport was welcomed with the reduction in RPT services, again due to COVID-19. There were also many local businesses that benefitted from providing service or goods to the Festival as well.

The total cost of the lighting infrastructure was $123,100 (ex GST) and with agreement with Santos, the funding for this lighting infrastructure was sourced from the Santos VPA.

Section 226 of the Local Government Act (the Act) outlines the legislative role of the Mayor.

This section of the Act outlines that the Mayor may exercise, in cases of necessity, the policy-making functions of the governing body of the Council between meetings of the Council.

In accordance with guidance from the Office of Local Government; it is best practice to report to Council the utilisation of such powers.

Therefore, I commend this Mayoral Minute to the Council.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

8.2         Mayoral Minute - Mayoral Appointments for December 2020/January-February 2021

Responsible Officer:    Ron Campbell, Mayor

Author:                         Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to GM & Mayor

Attachments:               Nil



That Council note the Mayoral Appointments for the period December 2020/January-February 2021



For the information of Councillors, I provide details of my Mayoral appointments and attendances between the dates (onwards from the December 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting) as follows:

Monday 14 December 2020

·      Attended meeting to discuss the Boggabri Childcare Centre with Cr Booby, Catherine Collyer and Prue Jamieson.

·      Attended meeting with the NSW School Infrastructure representatives to discuss options for the Wee Waa High School.

·      Attended the evening meeting of the monthly Boggabri Chamber of Commerce.

Tuesday 15 December 2020

·      Attended December 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting with Councillors and Management.

Monday 21 December 2020

·      Hosted meeting with representatives of Laing O’Rourke to discuss the possibility of entering into a Memorandum of Understanding.

Wednesday 23 December 2020

·      Met & had morning tea with Council Administration Management and Staff to wish them a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Tuesday 26 January 2021

·      Attended all three Australia Day functions organised by Council, starting at Boggabri, moving to Narrabri and finishing in Wee Waa with the Australia Day Ambassador Mr John Harper. Also in attendance with the Hon Mark Coulton MP and the Deputy Mayor as MC at the Narrabri event.

Wednesday 27 January 2021

·      Attended January 2021 Councillor Briefing Workshop, and also January 2021 Extraordinary Council Meeting with Councillors and Management.

Friday 29 January 2021

·      Attended virtual training ‘Managing Media’ hosted by LGNSW, with Deputy Mayor also completed by virtual attendance.


Tuesday 2 February 2021

·      Attended February 2021 Councillor Briefing Workshop with Councillors and Management.

Friday 5 February 2021

·      Attended Festival of Rugby ‘Long Lunch’ at The Crossing Theatre, and formally welcomed players, team staff and management to the Shire.

·      Attended the Festival of Rugby for the ‘Santos Cup’ feature game, as Council representative.

Monday 8 February 2021

·      Met with representatives from NSW Department of Education - School Infrastructure to discuss the options and planning for Wee Waa High School remediation, with the General Manager also in attendance.

·      Attended the monthly meeting of the Boggabri Chamber of Commerce at the Boggabri Golf Club.

Tuesday 9 February 2021

·      Attended the monthly meeting of the Narrabri Chamber of Commerce at the Narrabri RSL Club.

Wednesday 10 February 2021

·      Met with prospective business owner to discuss Narrabri Shire and future opportunities.

Thursday 11 February 2021

·      Attended Lillian Hulbert Award interviews with the nominees for the Award, with the Award Committee also in attendance.




Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

9            Our Society



By 2027, we will provide a safe, supportive community where everyone feels welcomes, valued and connected.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several social priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Community development

§  Community health and safety

§  Community arts, events and entertainment

§  Community care services and transport

§  Parks, open spaces and sporting facilities

§  Children, youth and aged care services

§  Disability access services

§  Library services


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following social strategic outcomes:

§  Increased community arts, events and entertainment

§  Reduction in anti-social behaviour and public offences

§  Improved community accessibility and inclusiveness

§  Improved sport and recreational services and facilities

§  Improved educational services and learning pathways

§  Improved community health and support services



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

9.1         Grant Activity Report - 01 July 2020 to 31 December 2020

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate and Community Services

Author:                         Nicola O'Neill, Manager Tourism and Community Development

Attachments:               1.       Grant Activity - July 2020-December 2020  


Delivery Program Alignment

1 Society


1.3  Our communities will be provided with facilities and services to increase social connectivity and accessibility


1.3.4 Continually improve access to community facilities and services across the Shire



Executive Summary

This report is to inform Council of grant activity for the period 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2020.



1.   That Council note the grant activity report for the period 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2020.



The purpose of this report is to inform Council of grant activity for the period the period 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2020.

During the 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2020 period Council has taken the opportunity to apply for 24 grants, most of which relate to N2IP, roads, infrastructure and events.

Council employs a dedicated Grants Officer whose primary role is to source new funding for Council projects, to administer existing funded projects and to acquit completed funded projects.

The Grants Officer oversees operations of Council’s Community Grants Fund, from application, to review and collation of data, and acquittal. Council advises both the local Federal and State members of grants lodged to keep them appraised of Council’s grant application activity.

The Grants Officer provides information to community sectors regarding upcoming grant opportunities and offers assistance and advice to these groups in completing their applications.

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, Council’s Grants Officer has been unable to provide training to Community Groups, assisting to upskill volunteers with grant writing, reporting and acquittal knowledge.  Should COVID-19 restrictions allow, this will recommence in 2021.

Current Situation

During the period 1 July 2020 and 31 December 2020, Council lodged 24 applications totalling $33,293,936.00. $21,028,342.00 was confirmed as approved, with $60,325.00 unsuccessful, leaving $12,205,269.00 yet to be determined.

Of particular note, is the approved funding application for N2IP in the amount of $16,800,000.

During the period 1 July 2020 to 31 December 2020, Council received confirmation of successful applications in the amount of $627,473 from grant applications lodged in the 2019-2020 financial year. This provides an overall total of $22,283,288 in successful grant funding for the first six months of the 2020-2021 financial year.

Financial Implications

Council’s financial co-contributions to successful grant applications lodged between 1 July 2020 and 31 December 2020 is $2,460,873.

Statutory and Policy Implications



External Consultation

Council’s Grants Officer consults with community members, government agencies and contractors as required.

Internal Consultation

Internal consultation is undertaken with relevant Council officers as required.



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                 23 February 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

9.2         Northern Inland Academy of Sport - Narrabri Shire Council Associate Partner Proposal 2021

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate and Community Services

Author:                         Nicola O'Neill, Manager Tourism and Community Development

Attachments:               1.       NIAS - Narrabri Shire Council Associate Partnership Proposal - 2021

2.       NIAS Season 2020 Overview  


Delivery Program Alignment

1 Society


1.1  Community health, safety and support services will adequately meet changing community needs


1.1.1 Support and encourage health and wellbeing programs and services to improve resident lifestyles



Executive Summary

This report reviews a Partnership Proposal submitted to Council from the Northern Inland Academy of Sport (“NIAS”). The proposal outlines a request for a monetary contribution from Council in the amount of $2,000, which will result in a commitment from NIAS to the following:

·    Hold three (3) NIAS camps in Narrabri, including Rugby Union trials, tennis and netball training.

·    One (1) community engagement day between NIAS squad and Narrabri Shire Community.

·    Growth in Narrabri Shire athlete numbers compare to 2020 numbers.

·    Council advertising being placed across a range of media in conjunction with NIAS advertising and reports.

·    Complimentary event tickets.



1.   That Council agree to the proposal from Northern Inland Academy of Sport (NIAS) and funding the $2,000.00 from the 2020/21 Community Grants Fund.



Research shows that the Northern Inland Academy of Sport (“NIAS”) is an incorporated, community-based entity established in 1992.  The aim of NIAS is to identify and prepare talented sportspeople in the Northern Inland region assisting them to reach maximum potential both on and off the field.

NIAS provides opportunities for accessing skill development, athlete and coach support services. The aim of NIAS is to develop individual potential, and support those identified as talented sportspeople in making the transition to higher levels of competition and performance. Through their programmes, NIAS has/will offer the following:

·    Provision of 4,300 scholarships to athletes since 1992.

·    Provision of 400 scholarships to coaches since 1992.

·    Skill development across 12 sports programmes.

·    Sport science testing analysis and support services at a regional and individual level.

·    Life skills education program.

·    Annual sporting events.

Current Situation

A partnership request has been made by Northern Inland Academy of Sport. The return on this investment is a variety of advertising opportunities for Council across a range of media, a commitment to a range of sporting opportunities for Narrabri Shire and a number of complementary event tickets. Council has a Community Grants Fund that may be utilised to allocate funds for partnership purposes. Council has partnered with NIAS since the 2018/2019 financial year.

The NIAS organisation has developed a partnership proposal which affords Council the opportunity, at a cost of $2,000.00 plus GST, to be promoted as a NIAS Partner. This results in the following benefits for Council:

·    Council name and logo in the monthly NIAS newsletter.

·    Opportunity to advertise in the newsletter free of charge.

·    Council logo in the NIAS Awards booklet (300 copies distributed).

·    Opportunity to advertise in the Awards Booklet free of charge.

·    Council will be known as an Associate Partner of the Academy.

·    Council signs can be used at NIAS events.

·    Council logo on NIAS website with Council overview on partner page.

·    Link from NIAS website to Council website.

·    Opportunity for Council advertising on NIAS home page with direct link to Council website.

·    Opportunity to place specific advertising on NIAS home page with link direct back to Council website.

·    Community Engagement – Association with an organisation focussed on personal growth and development of young athletes.

·    Access to all squad members and coaches (where possible) for promotional purposes, in particular, Narrabri Shire Council events.

·    Opportunity to direct market promotions and specials to NIAS athletes and their parents via NIAS.

·    Invitation to exclusive annual sponsor/partner events – two (2) complimentary tickets per function.

·    Invitation to annual Academy Awards – two (2) complimentary tickets.

·    Three (3) NIAS camps held in Narrabri including Rugby Union trials, tennis and netball training

·    Commitment to growth In Narrabri Shire NIAS athlete numbers from 2020

·    One (1) community engagement day between NIAS squad and Narrabri community.

Financial Implications

In order to participate in the proposed partnership in the current financial year, Council could allocate funds from the 2020/2021 Community Grants Fund, which has sufficient funds to cover the $2,000.00 contribution.

Statutory and Policy Implications



External Consultation

·    Northern Inland Academy of Sport (NIAS).

Internal Consultation



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                 23 February 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                 23 February 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

10         Our Environment



By 2027, we will maintain a healthy balance between our natural and built environments.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several environmental priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Waste management and recycling

§  Environmental planning

§  Planning and development

§  Parks and open spaces

§  Noxious weeds control

§  Floodplain management

§  Water and sewer management

§  Stormwater management


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following environmental strategic outcomes:

§  Improved air, water and soil quality

§  Reduction in domestic and industry waste

§  Management of potential impacts from extractive industries

§  Improved emergency service provision and resources

§  Maintenance of heritage sites for future generation



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

10.1       Boggabri Flood Study

Responsible Officer:    Andrew Brown, Executive Manager Corporate Planning & Workforce

Author:                         Cara Stoltenberg, Strategic & Major Projects Planner

Attachments:               1.       Boggabri Flood Study Report Final (under separate cover)  

2.       Boggabri Flood Study Appendix A (under separate cover)  

3.       Boggabri Flood Study Appendix B (under separate cover)  

4.       Boggabri Flood Study Appendix C (under separate cover)  

5.       Boggabri Flood Study Appendix D (under separate cover)  

6.       Boggabri Flood Study Appendix E (under separate cover)   


Delivery Program Alignment

2 Environment


2.2  We will protect our environment through sustainable planning and well-resourced emergency services


2.2.1 Community emergency service providers are well resourced to adequately prepare and respond to natural disasters and emergencies



Executive Summary

Council’s appointed consultants WRM Water and Environment have recently completed a draft Flood Study for Boggabri. The draft Boggabri Flood Study was considered by the Narrabri Shire Floodplain Risk Management Committee (“the Flood Committee”) on 17 November 2020, who recommended it be placed on public exhibition.

On 15 December 2020, Council resolved that the draft Boggabri Flood Study be placed on public exhibition for a period of twenty-eight (28) days, excluding between 20 December and 10 January (inclusive), in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 and that Council invite submissions from the community during this period.

The period of public exhibition has now closed. No submissions were received. It is recommended that Council now adopt the Boggabri Flood Study.



1.   That Council adopt the Boggabri Flood Study 2021, as attached to this report.



The NSW Government’s Flood Policy is directed at providing solutions to existing flooding problems in developed areas and ensuring that new developments are compatible with the flood hazard and do not create additional flooding problems in other areas. Under the Policy, the management of flood prone land remains the responsibility of local government. To facilitate this, the NSW Government has published the “Floodplain Development Manual: The Management of Flood Liable Land” April 2005 (“the Manual”), which includes best practice guidance on (amongst other things) the floodplain management process (Figure 1).

In relation to Boggabri, Council have engaged consultants WRM Water and Environment to complete the Data Collection and Flood Study stages, which represent stages 1 and 2 of the NSW floodplain management process. WRM Water and Environment have recently provided Council with the draft Boggabri Flood Study.


1.   Data Collection

Compiles and reviews all available information and data.

2.   Flood Study

Determines the nature and extent of the flood problem for the full range of flood events.

3.   Floodplain Risk Management Study

Evaluates management options for the floodplain with respect to both existing and future development.

4.   Floodplain Risk Management Plan

Involves formal adoption by Council of a plan of management for the floodplain.

5.   Implementation of the Plan

·    Involves construction of flood mitigation works, where viable, to protect existing development.

·    Uses planning controls to ensure that future development is compatible with flood hazards.

6.   Review of Plan

Review of plan to ensure it remains current and appropriate. A review is normally carried out after 10 years.

Figure 1. The Floodplain Management Process.


The draft Boggabri Flood Study documents the flood behaviour in the vicinity of the township of Boggabri. It provides information on design flood discharges, flood levels, depths as well as provisional flood hazard categories for a full range of design flood events. The primary objective of the draft Boggabri Flood Study was to improve understanding of flood behaviour and impacts, and better inform management of flood risk in the study area in consideration of the available information. The hydrological and hydraulic models were calibrated to the recorded rainfall and stream flow data for the 1997, 1998 and 2000 floods, as well as the major historic floods in 1971 and 1955. With respect to the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood the draft Boggabri Flood Study concluded the following;

·    There would be 54 flood affected properties.

·    There would be 14 residential buildings inundated above floor level;

·    There would be 9 non-residential buildings inundated above floor level; and

·    the total flood damage costs would be in the order of $275,000 (excluding road, bridge and agricultural flood damages).

Current Situation

The draft Boggabri Flood Study was considered by the Narrabri Shire Floodplain Risk Management Committee (“the Flood Committee”) on 17 November 2020, who recommended, it be placed on public exhibition.

On 15 December 2020, Council resolved that the draft Boggabri Flood Study be placed on public exhibition for a period of twenty-eight (28) days, excluding between 20 December and 10 January (inclusive), in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 and that Council invite submissions from the community during this period.

The period of public exhibition has now closed. No submissions were received. It is recommended that Council now adopt the Boggabri Flood Study 2021.

Financial Implications

The current total project cost is $125,690.00 (ex GST). Council was successful in receiving a Floodplain Management Grant from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment for a total amount of $128,571.43 (ex GST) at a funding ratio of 6:1. As the total funding amount exceeds the current total project cost, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment will contribute $107,734.00 (ex GST) to the project which represents 6:1 of the total project cost. Therefore, Council’s financial contribution to this project is $17,955.71 (ex GST), which has been funded by the Planning and Environment budget.

Statutory and Policy Implications

The Manual stipulates the requirements for the management of flood liable land across NSW. In accordance with the Manual, Council is currently undertaking the Data Collection and Flood Study stages of the NSW Flood Planning Framework for Boggabri. The draft Boggabri Flood Study must be placed on public exhibition for a minimum of twenty-eight (28) days, excluding between 20 December and 10 January (inclusive), in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.


The draft Boggabri Flood Study was publicly exhibited for a period of twenty-eight (28) days from 5 January 2021 until 1 February 2021. No submissions were received during this period.

External Consultation

·    WRM Water + Environment.

·    Narrabri Shire Floodplain Risk Management Committee.

·    NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.

Internal Consultation


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

11         Our Economy



By 2027, we will have developed a strong, diverse economy that attracts, retains and inspires business, industry and tourism growth.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several economic priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Economic development

§  Planning and development

§  Entertainment and conferences

§  Local and regional tourism and events

§  Saleyards

§  Airport


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following economic strategic outcomes:

§  Increased community events, conferences and entertainment

§  Increased employment through industry innovation, investment and value adding

§  Established freight hub for the Norther Inland Region

§  Increased housing availability and affordability

§  Broadened economic base



Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                     27 January 2021



·         NIL REPORTS.

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12         Our Civic Leadership



By 2027, we will proactively together to achieve our shared vision with strong strategic direction.


Through extensive community engagement, the Narrabri Shire community identified several civic leadership priority areas to be actioned over the 2017 - 2018 financial year.


Current services provided within the Narrabri Shire community include:

§  Integrated strategic planning and reporting

§  Community engagement and consultation

§  Representation and governance

§  Human resource management

§  Customer services

§  Information services

§  Financial services

§  Risk management

§  Compliance and regulation


In partnership with the community, government and non-government agencies, the Operational Plan will work towards achieving the following civic leadership strategic outcomes:

§  Improved community engagement and decision-making processes

§  Well established community, industry, government and non-government partnerships

§  Well maintained core infrastructure and service provision that delivers public value

§  Transparent and accountable planning and reporting

§  Financial efficiency and sustainability



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.1       Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee Annual Report

Responsible Officer:    Andrew Brown, Executive Manager Corporate Planning & Workforce

Author:                         Kristy Faris, Corporate Planning and Audit Officer

Attachments:               1.       Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee Annual Report 2020  


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.4  Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice



Executive Summary

The Narrabri Shire Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee (“Committee”) has prepared an annual report which assesses the Committee’s performance against its Terms of Reference and is providing this to Council as required under Section 5 of the Committee’s Terms of Reference.



1.   That Council note the Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee Annual Report presented by the Chair of the Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee.




The objectives of the Committee is to provide independent assurance and assistance to Council on risk management, control, governance and external accountability responsibilities.

Section 5 of the Committee Terms of Reference requires that the Committee should prepare an annual report which assesses the Committee’s performance against its Terms of Reference and provide this to Council.

Current Situation

The attached Committee Annual Report has been presented by the Chair at the December Committee meeting.

The report was endorsed by the Committee and is being presented by the Chair at this Ordinary Council Meeting.

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

Section 5 of the Committee Terms of Reference requires that the Committee prepare an annual report of the performance of Internal Audit for the financial year and the works completed and the current status of each audit.


External Consultation

·    Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.

Internal Consultation




Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                 23 February 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.2       Delegates Report - Narrabri Mine Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 16 December 2020

Responsible Officer:    Catherine Redding, Councillor

Author:                         Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to Mayor & General Manager

Attachments:               1.       Minutes - Narrabri Mine Community Consultative Committee Meeting - 16 December 2020  


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.4  Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice





That Council note Cr Redding’s Delegates Report from the Narrabri Mine Community Consultative Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 16 December 2020.



The Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee held a Meeting on Wednesday 16 December 2020.

The Minutes from the meeting are attached.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                 23 February 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.3       Delegates Report - Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee - 8 December 2020

Responsible Officer:    Robert Kneale, Councillor

Author:                         Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to Mayor & General Manager

Attachments:               1.       Minutes - Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee Meeting - Tuesday 8 December 2020  


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.1  We will proactively engage and partner with the community and government to achieve our strategic goals


4.1.2 Ensure the community is informed and involved in Council activities through implementing quality consultation





That Council note Cr Kneale’s Delegates Report from the Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 8 December 2020.


Delegates REPORT

The Narrabri Gas Project Community Consultative Committee held a Meeting on Tuesday 8 December 2020.

The Minutes from the meeting are attached.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                                23 February 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.4       Delegates Report - Medical Professionals Housing Committee Meeting, Wee Waa - January 2021

Responsible Officer:    Maxine Booby, Councillor

Author:                         Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to Mayor & General Manager

Attachments:               1.       Medical Professional Housing Committee Meeting Minutes - 28 January 2021  


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.1  We will proactively engage and partner with the community and government to achieve our strategic goals


4.1.2 Ensure the community is informed and involved in Council activities through implementing quality consultation





1.   That Council note Cr Booby’s Delegates Report from the Medical Professionals Housing Committee Meeting held on 28 January 2021.



Delegates REPORT

The Medical Professionals Housing Committee held a Meeting on Thursday 28 January 2021.

The Minutes from the meeting are attached.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                 23 February 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.5       Investment Report - December 2020

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate and Community Services

Author:                         Tim McClellan, Manager Financial Services

Attachments:               Nil



Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.4  Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.3 Report in a clear, concise manner that is easily understood



Executive Summary

Council is required to consider a report on its investments in accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

During the month:

·    Three (3) investments matured, totalling $9 million.

·    Four (4) new investments were placed, totalling $9 million.

Council’s Responsible Accounting Officer has certified that Council’s investments are in accordance with requirements.



1.   That Council note the Investment Report for December 2020.



Council is required to consider a report on its investments in accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

Current Situation

The following is a summary of investment movements for December 2020.

Investments maturing during the month:

·    02/12/2020        NAB                                       $4,000,000      364 days @ 1.40%

·    09/12/2020        Auswide Bank                       $2,000,000      336 days @ 1.55%

·    14/12/2020        ME Bank                               $3,000,000      201 days @ 1.23%






New investments secured during the month:

·    02/12/2020        NAB                                       $4,000,000        91 days @ 0.45%

·    02/12/2020        NAB                                       $1,000,000      154 days @ 0.45%

·    02/12/2020        AMP                                      $1,000,000      154 days @ 0.60%

·    14/12/2020        ME Bank                               $3,000,000      240 days @ 0.45%






Investment Rate Summary for December 2020

Average Interest Rate on Investments:                                                           0.94%

Weighted Average Interest Rate on Investments                                           0.84%

Council’s Benchmarks

Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSW) 90-day index (31/12/2020)[1]                              0.02%

Average 11am Cash Rate                                                                                0.10%

Financial Implications

Interest income for the month was $26,500.27, bringing the income earnt for the year to $203,902.

Statutory and Policy Implications

Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 requires Council’s Responsible Accounting Officer to provide a monthly report setting out the details of all money that the Council has invested under section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993.

It is certified that Council’s investments have been made in accordance with:

·    Local Government Act 1993.

·    Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

·    Ministerial Investment Order dated 12 January 2011.

·    Council’s Investment Policy dated 15 August 2017.


External Consultation


Internal Consultation

·    Responsible Accounting Officer.

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.6       Investment Report - January 2021

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate and Community Services

Author:                         Tim McClellan, Manager Financial Services

Attachments:               Nil



Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.4  Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.3 Report in a clear, concise manner that is easily understood



Executive Summary

Council is required to consider a report on its investments in accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

During the month:

·    One (1) investment matured, totalling $2 million.

·    Zero (0) new investments were placed.

Council’s Responsible Accounting Officer has certified that Council’s investments are in accordance with requirements.



1.   That Council note the Investment Report for January 2021.



Council is required to consider a report on its investments in accordance with clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

Current Situation

The following is a summary of investment movements for January 2021.

Investments maturing during the month:

·    13/01/2021        Macquarie Bank                   $2,000,000      287 days @ 1.70%


No new investments secured during the month.






Investment Rate Summary for January 2021

Average Interest Rate on Investments:                                                           0.87%

Weighted Average Interest Rate on Investments                                           0.79%

Council’s Benchmarks

Bank Bill Swap Rate (BBSW) 90-day index (01/02/2021)[2]                              0.01%

Average 11am Cash Rate                                                                                0.10%

Financial Implications

Interest income for the month was $22,912, bringing the income earnt for the year to $226,814.

Statutory and Policy Implications

Clause 212 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 requires Council’s Responsible Accounting Officer to provide a monthly report setting out the details of all money that the Council has invested under section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993.

It is certified that Council’s investments have been made in accordance with:

·    Local Government Act 1993.

·    Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.

·    Ministerial Investment Order dated 12 January 2011.

·    Council’s Investment Policy dated 15 August 2017.


External Consultation


Internal Consultation

·    Responsible Accounting Officer.

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.7       Acceptance of Tenders Under Delegation - December 2020

Responsible Officer:    Shane Burns, Director Infrastructure Delivery

Author:                         Eloise Chaplain, Manager Projects and Assets

Attachments:               Nil


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.4  Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice



Executive Summary

Council has conditionally delegated to the General Manager the ability to determine tenders.

One of the conditions was that a cyclic quarterly report be provided to Council outlining the tenders that have been determined under the delegation.

For this reporting period one tender has been determined under delegation.



1.   That Council note the determination of tenders under delegation for the period to December 2020.



Local Government Amendment (Governance and Planning) Act 2016

Section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993 (“the LG Act”) provides for a council to delegate functions to the general manager. Prior to the Local Government Amendment (Governance and Planning) Act 2016; acceptance of tenders was a function that a council could not delegate.

The LG Act now enables a council to delegate the determination of tenders as long as the tender does not provide services currently provided by members of staff of a council.

Current Situation

Council has delegated to the General Manager the ability to determine tenders, under the following conditions:

1.   That the tender not be in excess of a total of $1,500,000 (ex GST); and

2.   That a cyclic report be submitted to Council on a three (3) monthly basis with information relating to tenders determined under the delegation.

The table below outlines the details of the tender that has been determined during the reporting period.

Tender/Contract Description

Successful Tenderer

No. of Tenders

(Local Tenders)



ex GST


Contract 2020-21/09 – Wee Waa Levee Feasibility Study

Cardno (NSW/ACT) Pty Ltd

7 (0)



Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

Council previously conditionally delegated to the General Manager the ability to determine tenders. The conditions placed on the delegation were:

1.   The authority to determine tenders involving a total of receipts or expenditures not in excess of a total of $1,500,000 (ex GST) and in accordance with the Local Government Act, as amended; and

2.   That a cyclic report be submitted to Council on a three (3) monthly basis with information relating to these tenders.

This report fulfils the second condition of the delegation.


External Consultation


Internal Consultation

·    Tender Panel.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.8       2021 National General Assembly of Local Government - Canberra 20-23 June 2021

Responsible Officer:    Stewart Todd, General Manager

Author:                         Delece Hartnett, Personal Assistant to Mayor & General Manager

Attachments:               1.       NGA - ALGA Disscussion Paper 2021  


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.1  We will proactively engage and partner with the community and government to achieve our strategic goals


4.1.3 Develop and build strong, productive partnerships with State and Federal Governments



Executive Summary

The 2021 National General Assembly (“NGA”) of Local Government will be held at the National Convention Centre in Canberra on 20 - 23 June 2021. The NGA also provides an opportunity for Local Government to identify and discuss issues, which it believes, should be addressed by the new Federal Government. The Mayor has attended the NGA on a yearly basis since 2009, with the exception of last year, when it was cancelled due to COVID-19.

Attendance to the NGA will cost approximately $2,600 (ex GST) – including NGA registration fee, accommodation for 4 nights and travel costs included.



1.   That Council approve the Mayor to attend the National General Assembly in Canberra on 20 – 23 June 2021.

2.   That Council consider putting any motion(s) to the National General Assembly in accordance with the Discussion Paper Criteria (which close on 26 March 2021).

3.   That Council authorise the Mayor to lodge motion(s) to the National General Assembly in accordance with the Discussion Paper Criteria.



The 2021 National General Assembly (“NGA”) of Local Government will be held at the National Convention Centre in Canberra on 20 - 23 June 2021.

The NGA of Local Government is convened by the Australian Local Government Association (“ALGA”) for local councils across Australia to develop and express a united voice on the core issues affecting Local Government and their communities.  The NGA also provides an opportunity for Local Government to identify and discuss issues which it believes should be addressed by the new Federal Government.

The Mayor has attended the NGA on a yearly basis since 2009; with the exception of 2020 which was cancelled due to COVID-19.

Current Situation

The theme for the 2021 NGA is “Working Together For Our Communities” (which was the theme for the 2020 Conference, however, due the worldwide pandemic, the 2020 Conference was cancelled and the theme will now carry over to 2021). This theme is now more pertinent than ever, which acknowledges that we cannot tackle major challenges which face our communities by acting alone. We need to work together as a sector, with other levels of government and with nongovernment partners.


We’ve seen the truth of that in the 2019/2020 bush fires that have ravaged so much of Australia and definitive ways in which Council’s have had to react to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Councils have stepped up to lead and offer help in so many ways, showing the power of working together. Councils have also shown great resilience during the bushfire crisis, drought conditions and pandemic actions. Community resilience is one of the topics we’ll be exploring at length during our NGA. Professionals and council elected members will be on hand to detail the ways they’re developing and strengthening resilience in their communities, and how their insights can be applied in your council. Leading practitioners who will be attending the conference will share their expertise about a range of topics encompassing community engagement and crowd-powered communities.


The 2021 NGA is a premier gathering of Local Government representatives in Australia, being a unique event that brings together councils, staff and industry to advocate, network, celebrate, learn and build strategic relationships that will position participants at the forefront of local governance.

Financial Implications

Conference early bird registration is $989 (inc GST); accommodation costs for the four (4) nights will approximately be $1,000 (inc GST), total $1,989 (inc GST) plus travel costs. It is estimated that flights costs will be approximately $600 return.

There is a budget available to fund attendance to the NGA.

Statutory and Policy Implications

Reporting Requirements of the Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to Councillors Policy

Councillors will report, in writing, in an open session of a Council Meeting on the outcome of the conference, seminar or similar function attended. The report will be submitted to the General Manager (or their delegate) within one (1) month of the Councillor's attendance at the conference, seminar or similar function.

If a number of Councillors attend the same function, a single report may be submitted on behalf of all Councillors that attended, however the report must be signed by all Councillors that were in attendance.

The report to Council will be in writing and include the following:

·    The purpose/subject matter of the conference, including the reason for the attendance of the delegate(s).

·    The agenda of the conference.

·    Any items of interest to Council discussed at the conference.

·    Recommendations for further areas of action or investigation (if applicable).

A Councillor(s) who attend the annual conference of Local Government NSW (LGNSW) do not need to provide a written report to Council.


External Consultation


Internal Consultation

·    Mayor


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                 23 February 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.9       Minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee

Responsible Officer:    Andrew Brown, Executive Manager Corporate Planning & Workforce

Author:                         Kristy Faris, Corporate Planning and Audit Officer

Attachments:               1.       Minutes of the Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee Meeting - 16 December 2020  


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.4  Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.2 Ensure effective and sound local governance practice



Executive Summary

A meeting of the audit, risk and improvement committee was held on Wednesday, 16 December 2020.



1.   That Council note the Minutes of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee meeting held on 16 December 2020.

2.   That Council accept the resignation from Mr Conrad Bolton and formally thank him for his service to Council as a member of the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.

3.   That Council not fill the vacancy on the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee, due to the current membership satisfying its Terms of Reference.



The objective of the Narrabri Shire Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (“Committee”) is to provide independent assurance and assistance to Council on risk management, control, governance and external accountability responsibilities.

Current Situation

The minutes of the Committee meeting held on Wednesday 16 December 2020 are an attachment to this report.

Whilst the minutes contain no recommendations requiring Council consideration. The resignation of a member of the Committee has been bought forward for Council consideration.

The minutes are provided for information.

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications



External Consultation

·    Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.

Internal Consultation




Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                 23 February 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.10     Narra-BRIGHT Event - Request for Suspension of Alcohol Free Zone

Responsible Officer:    Shane Burns, Director Infrastructure Delivery

Author:                         Anthony Smetanin, Manager Design Services

Attachments:               1.       Request for Suspension of Alcohol Free Zones application form  


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.4  Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.3 Report in a clear, concise manner that is easily understood



Executive Summary

Narrabri Shire Council intends to host a pilot activation project for Narrabri’s Central Business District (CBD) as part of the NSW Government Summer Fund initiative to bring life to local public spaces. The purpose of the Summer Fund is to host events or activation that increase foot traffic and dwell time in the CBD (main retail centres) in communities, to encourage patrons back after COVID-19 and create local economic stimulus. 

The pilot activation project (named Narra-BRIGHT) will commence with a late-night trading evening, featuring the switching on of LED Light installations throughout the Narrabri CBD along Maitland Street on Friday 19 March 2021.

A request to suspend the Alcohol Free Zone in Maitland Street, Narrabri from 5:00PM Friday 19 March 2021 to 12:00AM Sunday 21 March 2021 has been made to encourage businesses to offer alfresco dining within the CBD during this period.



1.   That Council suspend the Alcohol Free Zone along Maitland Street, Narrabri (between Lloyd Street and Bowen Street) from 5:00PM Friday 19 March 2021 to 12:00AM Sunday 21 March 2021, for the purposes of encouraging businesses to offer outdoor dining during the Narra-BRIGHT CBD Activation event.



Council has received a Request for Suspension of Alcohol Free Zones application from Council’s Small Business Liaison Officer on 25 January 2021.

Current Situation

The suspension of the Alcohol Free Zone has been requested along Maitland Street, Narrabri (between Lloyd Street and Bowen Street) from 5:00PM Friday 19 March 2021 to 12:00AM Sunday 21 March 2021, for the purposes of encouraging businesses to offer outdoor dining during the Narra-BRIGHT CBD Activation event.

This is the first time this event has been held and is expected to attract approximately 500 people. The purpose of the Narra-BRIGHT CBD Activation event is to encourage patronage and economic stimulus within the CBD. The event will trial a suspension of the Alcohol Free Zone for the purposes of encouraging businesses to offer outdoor dining.

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

This proposal is in accordance with Councils Alcohol Free Public Spaces Policy.

Maitland Street is a public road and Narrabri Shire Council has a duty of care obligation to maintain the safety of the general public.


External Consultation

·    Local business community.

·    NSW Police.

Internal Consultation

·    Manager Tourism and Community Development.

·    Small Business Liaison Officer.


Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                 23 February 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.11     Right of Carriage Way - Lot 3 DP1154624

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate and Community Services

Author:                         Wendy Stratton, Manager Property Services

Attachments:               1.       Right of Carriage Way Plan  


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.2  Decision making will ensure Council remains financially sustainable


4.2.1 Maintain and improve Council's financial sustainability with a focus on core business



Executive Summary

The granting of an easement for Right of Carriage Way within Lot 3 in DP1154624 (Lot 3), known as 39 Williams Street, Narrabri is required to enable access to Lot 4 in DP1154624 (Lot 4).  Lot 3 is currently being negotiated for sale as part of the Surplus Land Disposal Program and is subject to the Right of Carriage Way.



1.   That Council grant an easement for Right of Carriage Way 3.5 metre burdening Lot 3 DP1154624 and benefitting Lot 4 DP1154624.

2.   That Council authorise the General Manager to sign all necessary documents to give effect to the transaction.



In October 2019 Council resolved to offer 39 Williams Street, Narrabri for Sale by Private Treaty as one of five properties that had been identified under Council Surplus Land Disposal Program.  Upon investigation it has been determined that the sale of this land will prevent access to an adjacent Council owned land parcel, in order to continue with the proposed sale, a Right of Carriage Way is required.

Current Situation

Currently Council is in negotiations with a potential purchaser for Lot 3, should this sale be finalised it will prevent access to the adjacent Council owned Lot 4. Therefore, it is necessary to register a Right of Carriage Way burdening Lot 3 and benefitting Lot 4.

The Right of Carriage Way is further identified as being over Lot 3 DP 1154624 and extends from Williams Drive to Lot 4 in DP1154624. It has been made 3.5 metres wide and is adjacent to the southern boundary of Lot 3 and will allow access to Lot 4 from Williams Drive, as indicated in red on Attachment 1 – Right of Carriage Way Plan.


A Right of Carriage Way under the Conveyancing Act 1919 (section 181A and Schedule 8) means the following:

Part 1 Right of carriage way

Full and free right for every person who is at any time entitled to an estate or interest in possession in the land herein indicated as the dominant tenement or any part thereof with which the right shall be capable of enjoyment, and every person authorised by that person, to go, pass and repass at all times and for all purposes with or without animals or vehicles or both to and from the said dominant tenement or any such part thereof.


Should Council not grant the Right of Carriage Way and Lot 3 is disposed then there will be no legal access to Lot 4.

Financial Implications

Net income generated by the sale of Lot 3 is to be reserved in Council’s Restricted Assets for future improvements and/or development of Council’s properties. Should the Right of Carriage Way not be granted then it would not be considered responsible to continue with the sale of Lot 3.

Statutory and Policy Implications

Requires delegation under s377(1)(h) of Local Government Act 1993, hence requires resolution of Council to register the Right of Carriage Way.


External Consultation

·    Local Government Legal.

Internal Consultation



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                 23 February 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.12     Code of Meeting Practice - Recognition and Acknowledgement of Service Men and Women

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate and Community Services

Author:                         Zoe Saunders, Manager Community Relations

Attachments:               1.       Submission - Draft Code of Meeting Practice  


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.1  We will proactively engage and partner with the community and government to achieve our strategic goals


4.1.2 Ensure the community is informed and involved in Council activities through implementing quality consultation



Executive Summary

At the Council Meeting on 15 December 2021, Council resolved a proposed amendment to the Council’s Code of Meeting Practice which would recognise and acknowledge Australian service men and woman.  The proposed amendment to be included was “Council acknowledges the sacrifice made by Australian service men and women, in particular those who gave their lives in defence of the freedom we enjoy today.”

The amended Code of Meeting Practice was on public exhibition from 24 December 2020 until 5.00pm Monday 25 January 2021 and one (1) submission was received.



1.   That Council adopt the Code of Meeting Practice to include the recognition of Australian service men and women.



Council resolved at it Council Meeting on 15 December 2020; “That Council at all future meetings where God and Indigenous First Nations people are recognised at the commencement of meetings, Council also show recognition for our Service men and women for the freedoms that Australian citizens enjoys today.”

This resolution proposed an amendment to Council’s adopted Code of Meeting Practice and a period of public exhibition was required.

The draft amended Code of Meeting Practice was on placed public exhibition from 24 December 2020 until 5.00pm Monday 25 January 2021 and one (1) submission was received.

Current Situation

Public exhibition period was completed and one (1) submission received. The submission received was against acknowledging Australian service men and women at each Council Meeting as the individual believed it would lose its importance over time.

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

Should Council resolve to adopt the proposed amendment, a new Code of Practice would be created.


External Consultation

The draft amended Code of Meeting Practice was on placed public exhibition from 24 December 2020 until 5.00pm Monday 25 January 2021 and one (1) submission was received.

The submission received was against acknowledging Australian service men and women at each Council Meeting as the individual believed it would lose its importance over time.

Internal Consultation




Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                 23 February 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.13     Quarterly Budget Review Statement - December 2020

Responsible Officer:    Lindsay Mason, Director Corporate and Community Services

Author:                         Tim McClellan, Manager Financial Services

Attachments:               1.       QBRS December 2020  


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.2  Decision making will ensure Council remains financially sustainable


4.2.1 Maintain and improve Council's financial sustainability with a focus on core business



  Executive Summary

This report is presented to Council quarterly to revise estimates of income and expenditure in accordance with clause 203 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.



1.   That Council adopt the Quarterly Budget Review Statement for the period ended 31 December 2020 as the revised Budget estimates for the year ended 30 June 2021 and the Operational Plan and Capital Works Plan be amended accordingly.



The budget review statement is provided in two (2) formats. The first being by type and reflective of how the end of year Income Statement is reported. The second being by activity as per Note 2a of the Annual Financial Statements.

Council’s Note 2a reflects the individual service plans that have been established as an additional reporting layer to the community.  Pages 3 to 6 of the attachment provides the additional level of the information from the summary that appears on page 2.

A capital budget review is included on page 7 of the Quarterly Budget Review Statement attached, also reflecting individual service plan capital expenditures.

Current Situation

This review is for the quarter ending 31 December 2020 and is attached for Council consideration.

In September, the projected Operating Result (excluding Capital Income) was a deficit of $6,275,000. The December Quarterly Budget Review, as presented, reflects a decline of $92,000, resulting in a budgeted deficit forecast of $6,367,000.

This forecast includes only half of Council’s normal Financial Assistance Grant, the other half being paid in advance last year. Based on information provided, the original estimate less the revised grant leaves a shortfall of $3,975,000.

Variations to the projected year end result as listed in the ‘Variations for this Dec Qtr.’ column on page 2 of the attached Quarterly Budget Review Statement are summarised by Directorate below:




Budget Implication


Strategic Management


Increase in Operating Income

Corporate & Community Services


Decrease in Operating Income

Infrastructure Delivery


Decrease in Operating Income


Strategic Management


Decrease in Expenditure

Corporate & Community Services


Decrease in Expenditure

Infrastructure Delivery


Decrease in Expenditure


Result Variation (incl. Capital Income)



Result Variation (excl. Capital Income)


Reduced Net Operating Result


The capital budget on page 7 of Quarterly Budget Review Statement shows a net increase in the expected cost of Capital Works of $2,132,000. This includes the movements by asset category and by service.

All adjustments made to capital works are listed in individual Service Plan reviews, with updated commentary, included in the Operational Plan Review (the subject of a separate report in this business paper).

Financial Implications

The major variations (greater than $50,000) are detailed below:

General Purpose Revenue (no net change)

·    Pensioner Rebates received from the State Government ($84,000) were previously considered General Purpose (untied) Grants.  They are now reported in Rates and Charges as an offset to the value of pensioner rebates abandoned.  The net effect of this movement is nil.

·    As mentioned previously, part of Council’s Financial Assistance Grant (FAG) for 2020/2021 was paid in advance last financial year. The resulting shortfall is $3,975,000. While this payment in advance has been reoccurring for the past couple of years, the expectation is that Council will be not be paid half of its 2021/2022 grant in advance late in the financial year, but there is the possibility that this will occur. At some stage, councils will be faced with a financial year where only half of its annual FAG will be recognised as income, as occurred in 2013/2014.

Strategic Management Revenue (net increase in operating income of $12,000)

Strategic Management Expenditure (net decrease in expenditure of $168,000)

Economic Development

·    $195,000 was transferred to the capital budget to fund deposits for the impending purchase of land for the Northern NSW Inland Port.

Planning & Environment

·    There were minor budget adjustments across this service.

Corporate & Community Services Revenue (net decrease in operating income of $156,000)



Cultural Facilities

·    Income from various sales categories at the Crossing Theatre have been reduced in total by $194,000 due to COVID-19 restrictions.


·    There have been only minor adjustments across other Corporate & Community services income budgets.

Corporate & Community Services Expenditure (net decrease in expenditure of $277,000)

Cultural Facilities

·    Expense budgets at the Crossing Theatre have been reduced in total by $196,000 due to the reduction in income discussed above.


·    There have been only minor adjustments across other Corporate & Community services expenditure budgets.

Infrastructure Delivery Income (net decrease in income of $487,000)

Roads & Ancillary Services

·    Quarry income of $475,000 was original listed as income from external sales, when it should have been internal income.  Internal income is netted off against expenditure, therefore the corresponding expenditure item has also been adjusted.

Infrastructure Delivery Expenditure (net decrease in expenditure of $94,000)

Fleet Management

·    Additional depreciation of $339,000 has been recognised following an internal review of the fleet’s condition, retention, expected residual values and useful lives. 

Roads & Ancillary Services

·    Depreciation expense of $598,000 was moved from kerb and guttering to roads management to reflect where the depreciation is being costed.

·    See comment regarding quarry income above, reducing expenditure by $475,000.

Statutory and Policy Implications

A quarterly budget review is required under the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, clause 203.


External Consultation

·    Nil.

Internal Consultation

·    Executive and senior management.

Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                                 23 February 2021

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Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.14     Operational and Service Plan Quarterly Report - December 2020

Responsible Officer:    Andrew Brown, Executive Manager Corporate Planning & Workforce

Author:                         Kristy Faris, Corporate Planning and Audit Officer

Attachments:               1.       Operational and Service Plan Quarterly Report - December 2020 (under separate cover)   


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.4  Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.3 Report in a clear, concise manner that is easily understood



Executive Summary

Council’s Quarterly Operational and Service Plan Report provides the community with an update on Council’s progress in achieving its strategic objectives through specific actions, key performance measures and capital works projects. Quarterly Operational and Service Plan Reporting lets the community track each service of Council in regard to what that service is providing, at what cost and where works are occurring throughout the year. As at 31st December  2020, 89 % of Council’s Operational Plan Actions were either Complete or On Track to be achieved by the 30 June 2021.



1.   That Council adopt the December 2020 Quarterly Operational and Service Plan Report, as attached, detailing Council’s progress in meeting its actions, capital works and key performance measures.



In 2009, the NSW Government introduced the new Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework. The IP&R framework recognises that most communities share similar aspirations: a safe, healthy and pleasant place to live, a sustainable environment, opportunities for social interaction, opportunities for education and employment, and reliable infrastructure. This framework allows NSW councils to draw their various plans together, understand how they interact and get the maximum leverage from their efforts by planning holistically and sustainably for the future.

Current Situation

This report presents the Council’s quarterly progress report against its Actions, Capital Works Program and Key Performance Measures for each of its service areas, as established in the Council’s Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) documents and related Service Plans.  Council’s Service Plans provide an in-depth strategic focus for all services of Council, defining exactly what each service is, what it provides, at what cost and where works are occurring. The community can analyse any of the individual Service Plans and ascertain what is being provided to the local community.


These Service Plans provide the community with key performance measures and a capital works program for each service area, that are measured in this report in terms of progress.

The attached December Quarterly Operational and Service Plan Report is Council’s progress for the second quarter of the 2020/2021 financial year. From the December Quarterly Service Plan Report you will see that significant progress has been made towards achieving Council’s 2020/2021 activities; however, the impacts of COVID-19 have seen a number of Actions move to On Hold at no fault of Council’s but because of government imposed restrictions impacting some areas of Council.

Top 5 Highlights

Actions      Lobby State & Commonwealth Governments for infrastructure development funding to establish a regional intermodal facility

·     Council has received a total of $24.6 million in funding for the Northern NSW Inland Port (N2IP).      Establish and have adopted a Sporting Wall of Fame Policy.

·     Policy adopted by Council.      Develop and facilitate annual Small Business Summit.

·     Council undertook a very successful Small Business Summit.      Complete an Aboriginal Heritage Study to identify sites for inclusion in the Narrabri LEP.

·     Aboriginal Heritage Study was adopted at the December Ordinary Council meeting and is now available on website.      In conjunction with the Aboriginal community successfully organise and run NAIDOC Week.

·     NAIDOC Week celebrations were held from 08 to 15 November 2020. A special touch to the celebrations was that a Council representative provided an Acknowledgement of Country in language with permission and support from CEO of the Narrabri Land Council. Council has arranged the purchase of books for each Shire pre-school, primary and High School. During 2021 an Indigenous Banner project will occur across the Shire with youth from the schools. It is intended during NAIDOC week 2021 to hold a ceremony to display all the banners.

Key Performance Measures

Maintain or increase Gross Regional Product amount after the construction phase of local resource companies and throughout drought conditions.

·    Target: > $1,250,000,000; YTD $1,823,000,000.

Average processing times for applications from receipt of all information less than 30 days for Development applications.

·    Target: < 30 Days; YTD: 14 Days.

Increase Cafe Patronage by 5%

·    Target: > 6,695; YTD: 6,442


Value of Council and Community Grants submitted that are successful ($).

·    Target: $6,000,000; YTD: $42,771,641.

Number of written complaints regarding maintenance of Cemeteries

·    Target: 0; YTD: 0

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications



External Consultation


Internal Consultation

·    Executive Management.

·    Senior Management.



Ordinary Council Meeting Agenda                                                               23 February 2021

12.15     Delivery Program 6 Monthly Progress Report - December 2020

Responsible Officer:    Andrew Brown, Executive Manager Corporate Planning & Workforce

Author:                         Kristy Faris, Corporate Planning and Audit Officer

Attachments:               1.       Delivery Program Progress Report December 2020 (under separate cover)   


Delivery Program Alignment

4 Leadership


4.4  Our strategic goals will be achieved through transparent and accountable planning and reporting


4.4.3 Report in a clear, concise manner that is easily understood



Executive Summary

Council’s Delivery Program 6 Monthly Progress Report provides Councillors and the community with an update on the organisation’s progress in achieving its objectives and strategies identified in the Community Strategic Plan. This is the sixth time such a report has been provided to Council and the Community. There are 106 Measures in total that demonstrate how Council is progressing.

The Community Satisfaction Survey, undertaken in September 2019, has provided a basis for measurement of community satisfaction and participation in key activities. It should be noted that where the data source is the Community Survey, the reported results will not change until the next scheduled Community Satisfaction Survey in 2021.

The attached report shows most measures are well underway towards reaching the estimated target or have achieved the target already, and the desired result is to maintain Council’s position.



1.   That Council adopt the Delivery Program 6 Monthly Progress Report, as attached, detailing Council’s progress in meeting its objectives, strategies and measures up to the December 2020 period.



In 2009, the NSW Government introduced the new Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework. The IP&R framework recognises that most communities share similar aspirations: a safe, healthy and pleasant place to live, a sustainable environment, opportunities for social interaction, opportunities for education and employment, and reliable infrastructure. This framework allows NSW councils to draw their various plans together, understand how they interact and get the maximum leverage from their efforts by planning holistically and sustainably for the future.

Current Situation

This report is the Council’s seventh progress report against its four-year 2017-2021 Delivery Program, covering progress from 1 July 2016 – 30 June 2020. Progress will be reported on a six-monthly basis, eight times over the duration of the Delivery Program up to 30 June 2021.

In the attached report, progress has been graphed for each measure, showing movement from the first July – December 2017 time period, the second January – June 2018 time period, the third July – December 2018 time period, the fourth January – June 2019 time period, the fifth July – December 2019, the sixth January 2020 – June 2020 and the seventh July 2020 – December 2020. This trend data is mapped against the estimated target, to show progress towards reaching the target progressively.

Top 5 Highlights

SO35 - Research Program Participation: Increased participation in STEM programs.

·    Up from 164 to 1,174 participants.

EN03 - Aboriginal Heritage Signage: Total number of Aboriginal heritage sites with information signs installed increased.

·    Up from 6 to 12 Aboriginal heritage sites.

EN05 - Public Accessibility: Level of satisfaction with access to walkways and cycleways.

·    Up from 57% to 83% satisfaction.

EC06 - CBD Shop Usage: Number of vacant shops decreased from June 2017 level. Shops facing Maitland Street, Narrabri.

·    13 vacant shops have fluctuated but currently down to 9 vacant.

CL05 - Social Media Usage: Number of people following the Narrabri Shire Council Facebook page and other platforms.

·    Up from 3,376 to 5,042.

All the above are highlights are shown reflective of the duration of the current Delivery Program.

Financial Implications


Statutory and Policy Implications

This report satisfies the requirements of section 404 of the Local Government Act 1993 (“the LG Act”).

Section 404(5) of the LG Act outlines that the general manager must ensure that regular progress reports are provided to the council reporting as to its progress with respect to the principal activities detailed in its delivery program. Progress reports must be provided at least every 6 months.

As outlined within the report this is the seventh 6 monthly update report on the progress of the Council’s 2017-2021 Delivery Program.


External Consultation

Data utilised in measuring progress on achieving strategies is sourced from numerous external agencies including but not limited to:

·    The Australian Bureau of Statistics.

·    The Office of Local Government.

·    Roads and Maritime Services.

·    The Environmental Protection Agency.

·    National Parks and Wildlife Service.

·    Australian Early Development Census.

·    Tourism Research Australia.

Internal Consultation

·    Executive Management.

·    Senior Management.



Extraordinary Council Meeting Minutes                                                     27 January 2021

13         Confidential (Closed Council) Meeting  


That Council move into Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting of Council and that the press and members of the public be asked to leave the room whilst Council considers the following items:

13.1       Provision Of New Doctors Residence in Boggabri

This matter is considered to be confidential under Section 10A(2) - (f) of the Local Government Act, and the Council is satisfied that discussion of this matter in an open meeting would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest as it deals with details of systems and/or arrangements that have been implemented to protect council, councillors, staff and Council property.




That Council move out of Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting and that the resolutions from the Closed (Public Excluded) Meeting be read out to those present by the General Manager or their nominee.



14         Meeting Closed

[1] Source: www.asx.com.au

[2] Source: www.asx.com.au